I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 866 Autumn Hunting in Beast Bottle Mountain (the third one is later)

People are fragile when they have to lie in bed for two days and suffer from illness. What's more, Qin Yu deliberately hangs up Wen Lingyun for two days to make the latter feel a little dissatisfied with her, but after two days, he suddenly behaves extraordinary, but his mother can Gentle, no matter how scheming Lingyun was, Shangwen couldn't hold back her defenses, and she was captured in minutes.

Qin Yu, who has already seen through Wen Lingyun's inner weakness is her biological mother who died young and has collected information and learned some details about her biological mother's treatment of her, smiled: "Thank you."

The strategy direction has been found. Although Shangwen Lingyun regained consciousness after a full day's sleep, she was a little tangled and embarrassed about mistaking Qin Yu for her mother, but in the end she still looked at this fat mother who was about the same age as her own mother differently, especially every day. They were all served comfortably, and the occasional bickering gave Shangwen Lingyun a particularly novel feeling—this person is different, which gave her life another color.

Yellow color? Anyway, it's very colorful.

The favorability increased day by day, and after two days, the approval rate had reached 90%. Even the front yard knew that there was a very close fat mother beside Shangwen Lingyun, but he was still a little bit short of complete approval.

The opportunity came quickly.

Because of Qin Yu's massage skills and the extraordinary performance of the ointment, Shangwen Lingyun, who was supposed to lie down for ten and a half months, only took five days to heal and moved freely.

Of course, during these five days, I heard that you were not idle, and people exposed the secret that King Huang used the Qinlou Chu Pavilion in the imperial capital to raise beauties to win over courtiers.

This secret was exposed, although it was not clear what King Huang was going to do, but others had brains, and they naturally had imaginations, and Emperor Yue was very angry that his brother did such an immoral thing, which even harmed the courtiers. . . .

Emperor Yue was a mediocre man, but he always abided by morality. The civil servant Qingliu was very satisfied with him, and he also supported his anger. In addition, the old matriarch had a high position and power, and the only senior cabinet senior official who could overwhelm the old matriarch was Lin Heng. This time he didn't say a word, so King Huang was directly dismissed from his real power position and ordered to reflect in the government.

The old master was quick and accurate, and Qin Yu was not idle.

First, she eavesdropped on the night when Shang Wenyou got the information spied on in Huang Wang's mansion when she lost his official position. The old grand master's method had no choice but to choose to rest for a while, but being soft on the old grand master did not mean that he was unprepared. He finally sent people to contact Jing Linhou, probably with the purpose of using Jing Linhou to attract the grand master's attention. The battle between the party and the Xiangye party. For Qin Yu, King Huang's purpose is not important, nor is it important where the people he sends, what matters is what the old master will do - who and how many people he will send.

Second, because Shangwen Lingyun lives in the outer room, but the room is very big, it is actually two separate rooms. Shangwen Lingyun does not know martial arts, and Qin Yu's inner strength practice every night will not be affected. Qin Yu is just like a tiger with wings added to her body. She has been practicing for a long time, and her internal strength is much stronger than before. However, to practice swords, she can only wait for her to go shopping for Shangwen Lingyun. This is more troublesome, because Shangwen Lingyun is a bit sticky recently. she.

Third, Yu Qing made an appointment with her to meet again in five days.

It just so happens that today is the fifth day.

In an inconspicuous shop in the imperial capital, this shop buys private things for her daughter’s household. Originally, Bilu came to get the goods, but Bilu recently helped Wen Lingyun pack her things, so she let the burly and strong Qin Yu come out. get the goods.

Hey, here Wen Lingyun has a small face, but she uses a lot of things, all of which are high-end, otherwise she would not be worthy of her status.

But Qin Yu went back to get the goods, and met Yu Qing in the dark room inside.

Yu Qing cut to the chase, "Is there a result?"

Qin Yu: "Give me the antidote within three months first, because I'm too close to Wen Lingyun now, and it's hard to come out again. If the time is not right and I can't get the antidote, I will not die ?”

She thought she would have to grind her mouth a few times, and she was mentally prepared to get the antidote within a month at most, but she didn't expect Yu Qing to take out the antidote for three months.

Qin Yu was taken aback, "Master Xiang expected it again?"

Yu Qing smiled lightly, "You still can't escape the palm of Xiangye."

Ah! Blow you!

Qin Yu admits that Lin Heng is powerful, but he is not very afraid of him.

Taking the antidote, Qin Yu told the information about the people sent by the old grand master to Hedong.

"Different from rumors, Jing Linhou is actually still hiding in his hometown in Huiyuan, Hedong, but his appearance has changed. It should be the way arranged by King Huang. After all, he is also afraid of being silenced by the Prime Minister."

Yu Qing knew that Jing Linhou was still in Hedong, but he didn't expect that Qin Yu had already locked the area.

"Do you know his disguised identity?"

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows, "Don't you guys know?"

This rhetorical question is a bit sharp.

Yu Qing stabilized, "Our troops have just arrived in Hedong, but we have caught some clues."

Qin Yu didn't believe it. She guessed that there was someone from Lin Heng in Hedong who actually knew Jing Linhou. She probably found Huiyuan too, but he hasn't caught anyone yet?

Either they have already caught it, but they are sitting on the sidelines, waiting. . . Waiting for the people from Taishifu to pass.

Many thoughts flashed through Qin Yu's mind, but he didn't appear to be entangled, "No, the old grand master only knows that people are in Huiyuan, so he sent people there."

As a mole, she is already very efficient, and Yu Qing can't be critical, but he changed the topic.

"Buying so many things, it seems that Shangwen Lingyun is also planning to participate in the autumn hunting in Beast Ping Mountain."

Qin Yu knew that Shangwen Lingyun was going out, but he didn't know that it was Beast Pingshan Qiuhun.

Hearing from Yu Qing that this is a tradition of the Yue Dynasty, it is very powerful.

"From what you mean, Master Xiang has a plan for this autumn hunt?"

"Left and right have nothing to do with you, just protect your eldest lady."

Yu Qing smiled and left, leaving Qin Yu thoughtful.

Now that there is this Beast Ping Mountain Autumn Hunt, her plan has to be changed.

There are still 28 days left before the one-month deadline.


The Autumn Hunting at Beast Ping Mountain was indeed huge. Except for the empress dowager who did not come because she was old and infirm, the empress and empress were all out, as well as the underage and adult princes and many powerful family members.

The old grand master did not accompany him this time, because the emperor had to keep people. He, some cabinet ministers and some important generals did not come out. However, there were many people who came with him. The concubine of Emperor Yue alone followed seven of them. .

"Hey, including the queen, one of them is not enough for every night of the seven days of the week." In the carriage, Qin Yu gnawed on some snacks and complained secretly.

Shangwen Lingyun felt that her words were too presumptuous, so she frowned and said, "Stop talking nonsense."

Qin Yu: "Miss, just answer whether what I said makes sense."

Shangwen Lingyun: "I haven't thought about it."

Qin Yu: "Two in one night are enough. Don't stare at me. I'll bet you a cart of cucumbers. How many families and girls in this carriage are so boring. Why don't you whisper these gossips? I'm relatively Gentle and pure."

You can be pure yellow at most, pure is fine.

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