I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 868 Wiretap


"Hey, the little Highness treats me the best." Qin Yu, who was eating pure and delicious wild mutton, said this sincerely, mainly because he didn't expect this little man to value him so much.

The Thirteenth Xiaowang squatted beside her to watch her eat and drink. He had a happy face, but when he saw her say that, he immediately turned indifferent and sneered: "This Xiaowang is just looking at you for pity."

Qin Yu: "Oh, no wonder."

No wonder? Then you are not moved?

The thirteenth little king was a little unhappy, and said awkwardly: "Actually, it's because you are pleasing to the eye..."

"Really?" Qin Yu asked with a smile

He was probably still young, and after being trapped by Qin Yu's few words, he couldn't hide it anymore. He put his face in his hands and said quietly: "I used to have a nanny next to me who was very nice, chubby, and very kind. Very nice to me."

According to this rhythm, Yue Mo is dead.

Qin Yu didn't ask, Thirteenth Xiaowang said to himself: "She disappeared later, they said she left, but I know she was beaten to death."

was killed? What are you doing?

Qin Yu still didn't ask, Thirteenth Little Wang said to himself, "I heard it's an affair."

Qin Yu: "..."

The thirteenth little king frowned, and bit his red lips lightly: "Follow an eunuch."

This melon is not a bit big, but when I ate it, I found that it was made of plastic.

The nanny next to the spoiled little prince, her mind was squeezed before she went to have an affair with an eunuch, probably she was wronged.

Maybe I saw something that shouldn't be seen, and I was killed directly.

Qin Yu didn't care, and gave him a piece of mutton.

"Don't cry, eat something."

"I don't cry! You don't need to eat to divert your attention, and you don't need to comfort me!"

"No, I'm full, I can't eat anymore."


The thirteenth little king still had tears in his eyeballs, he turned his face and wiped it angrily, and turned his head with a face full of arrogance, "Just eat this? You are really the most useless fat man I have ever seen gone."

Then I also ate mutton, and my appetite was obviously better than when I was inside.

One, one, one, one, one, one, three, two, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, two, two were eating meat, their faces were full of greasy food, and occasionally they looked up at the sky, chatting about gossip, and they looked very harmonious. Anyway, when Shang Wenlingyun came out, he saw such a harmonious scene.

To tell you the truth, she felt a little nervous—as if the corner of the wall had been pried by a little dwarf.

After being silent for a while, Shangwen Lingyun turned around and left, but just when she saw Concubine Ling come out, her eyes met, Shangwen Lingyun saluted her slightly, the latter nodded, turned and left.

Shangwen Lingyun looked at the direction she was going, thoughtfully, it didn't seem to be the direction to her big tent, but the queen's side.


After eating, Qin Yu bid farewell to the thirteenth little king, and was about to go back, but thought that he hadn't washed his hands yet, so he turned to the stream to wash, and was washing his little hands with a clatter, when he suddenly heard a lot of "whispers".

For example, the wife of a certain high-ranking official is flirting with the high-ranking official's younger brother.

For example, Mrs. So-and-so's legitimate son knew that his fiancée was also in the autumn hunt, but he still exchanged heart and soul with his wife's cheap little cousin from afar.

Another example. . . Hey, anyway, seeing all kinds of hidden content on Monday, Qin Yu thought it was gossip, but when she listened, she suddenly felt something was wrong, because there was a wave in the voice just now when some people saw a concubine bowing to her.

It seems to be the concubine Ling.

Qin Yu had met this person twice, and was still amazed by her pure spirit at the beginning. He secretly felt that Emperor Yue was blessed with beauty, both the queen was enchanting and beautiful, and the concubine was as pure as a fairy.

But where are you going this late at night? Could it be that you are going to sleep?

Qin Yu was gossiping in his mind, but suddenly found that the voice had disappeared.

Concubine Ling's movement suddenly disappeared.

Either she walked far away, out of Qin Yu's detection range, but this is impossible.

Either she just stood there motionless and didn't speak.

But soon, Qin Yu heard another cold sentence from the concubine Ling.

"The concubine sees the empress."

Her voice is ethereal and mellow, while Queen Lorther's voice is charming and seductive, no matter in content or tone.

"Get up."


There was a pause for a moment, and then the queen smiled lightly.

"I heard that it was the emperor who lingered in your gentle hometown last night?"

"The concubine doesn't know what the empress thinks, and it seems that only the emperor can linger on the concubine's bed. Is there anyone else?"

Qin Yu muttered when he heard this, is this the wife who came to repair the concubine?

Let you sleep with my husband, let you sleep with my husband! You vixen, Bai Lianhua, I will beat you to death!

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows when he thought that Lorother would be in such a state.

But this concubine Ling looked weak and soft, but she didn't expect that she was also sharp. Is this jealous, trying to piss off the demon queen?

However, Qin Yu heard the Queen's sneer provocatively in the next second. . .

"What about this palace?"

"Can I get into the palace?"

Then Concubine Ling let out a soft cry.

"what you do!"

Then came the rustling of robes.

Oh shit! Never thought of it!

Tianling Gai followed the startled Qin Yu and almost slipped into the stream.

This Loser is too much, men and women take it all? No wonder he touched her last time!

Husband's concubines are molested.

Damn it, scumbag! Color embryo!

As expected of a queen, she really has everything.

Qin Yu was simply amazed. Just as he was about to eavesdrop with a high multiple, he suddenly disappeared.

It's like the space is blocked.

Has a martial arts master blocked it with internal force? Could this Loser be a master too? Or is there a master among the palace people around her?

Qin Yu frowned, suddenly thought of something, but didn't catch it for a while, just as he was thinking about it.

There was a sudden plop in the river, and a river fish rushed up and bumped into Qin Yu's ankle. Qin Yu was startled and made a noise. At this moment, a sound suddenly came from the queen's tent.


not good!

Qin Yu's thoughts were agitated, but she reacted suddenly—she shouldn't have any reaction now, because a real ordinary person shouldn't know the movement, so she deliberately slipped her foot, half of her leg slipped into the water, her body One crooked, very embarrassed.

"Damn it, this little broken fish!" Qin Yu suppressed his voice and cursed, splashed the water with his big hand, and threw even the octopus onto the grass.

Then go up and catch fish.

When she was catching fish, she also noticed that there was a light kung fu master looting in the dark nearby. It should be a palace man who knows martial arts. He hid in the shadows to observe, and then saw Qin Yu, who was obviously in size and not small in size.

He didn't say anything when he saw the rude way she was fishing, and continued to observe, as if he had to watch carefully before he dared to go back and report.

After a while, she really left.

But Qin Yu did all the acting, and didn't dare to have any flaws, not because she was afraid that the other party would leave and come back on purpose, but because she noticed that besides this palace man, there was a very terrifying master peeping nearby.

What a terrible scheming, watching from one left and one right together.

Qin Yu was impeccable, but the master still refused to leave, as if he was sure that she was tricky, which made Qin Yu think of the fat nanny of the Thirteenth Little King, so he regretted washing his hands.

But Qin Yu still grabbed the fish and wanted to take advantage of the trend to leave. . . . The master seemed to move, and the opponent's finger twisted a stone.

He probably wanted to shoot Qin Yu.

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