I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 874 First Aid!


The thirteenth little king's face is pale with fright now, but he is still safe for the time being, because when the assassination broke out, the people around him happened to be smart enough to sense the danger and wanted to take him away, but on the way, they met Shang Wen. Yun Ke, the latter's expression changed drastically when he saw the official road they ran, and he took him to a hidden place in the mountain.

"Your Highness, you should not be their main target. You can just hide and wait for the danger to pass, but you must not go out to attract the attention of the enemy, and the official road should not be approached."

Wen Yunke told him to leave on January 2, the thirteenth little king believed him, and panicked when he saw that he was leaving, "Where are you going, you hide together, there are many assassins outside!"

Shangwen Yunke was helpless but determined, "The assassin's target should be the king, and most of them went to the north where the king is. As a subject, the most important thing is to protect your majesty. I still have some people here, who can be useful in the past , and I sent someone to lurk down the mountain to send a message, my sister must know that I am in danger, and will come to me when the time comes...Where I am, Your Majesty will be there, which is conducive to rescue."

After all, the thirteenth little king is smart, and he understood clearly, "Then take care of yourself and don't die."

Shangwen Yunke nodded, and was about to take people out when suddenly his expression turned serious.

There are assassins coming!

How did they find it here? impossible!

The assassin below was fighting with his guards, Shang Wen Yunke turned around and was about to hug the thirteenth little king and escape, but at this moment. . . .

The little eunuch next to the Thirteenth Little King suddenly pulled out his sharp blade and stabbed directly at Wen Yunke's chest!

However, Shangwen Yunke dodged and shouted angrily: "Sure enough, you sent the letter to the assassin!"

The thirteenth little king was dumbfounded.

How could it be, the people around him? Didn't he sense the danger and take him away? No, it was because the other party was an assassin, so he knew that there was an assassination, and deliberately ran away with himself. . I'm afraid he wants to kidnap himself, and the assassins below are the ones he secretly released a letter to respond to.

The thirteenth little king was startled and angry, and was about to scold him, but saw the little eunuch come up to him with a sharp knife in his hand.

Shangwen Yunke has practiced martial arts, but it is only for physical fitness, not even a third-rate in the world, not an opponent of a little eunuch, not to mention he has to protect the thirteen little kings, who is about to be assassinated. . .

Whoosh! An arrow came through the air, piercing the young eunuch's eyebrows, and then a group of people came up from below and killed the assassins together.

Shangwen Yunke saw at a glance that this was his own guard, and when he took a closer look, he was overjoyed.

He saw the white eagle!

Two white eagles meet in the sky, but they see their sister on the ground.

Shangwen Lingyun breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Shangwen Yunke Anhao, and just stepped forward to greet her, suddenly she felt a creepy feeling.

Turning around, she saw a group of people standing in the forest behind her.

Strong black clothes, tulle hats, and black scimitars.

The leader's eyes were fixed on them.


Shangwen Yunke also saw it, without saying a word, he threw the thirteen little kings to Shangwen Lingyun, asked two guards to escort them away, and took his own to kill the queen.

"Yun Ke!"

"Shut up!"

It was the first time for the younger brother to refute his sister, but Shangwen Lingyun took a look at the fierceness of those people, and then looked at the terrified Thirteenth Xiaowang, gritted her teeth, and pulled the reins!



It has been discovered, there is no difference between the official road and the trail, but the official road is easy to walk and the distance is short. Shangwen Lingyun led the thirteen little kings on horseback and galloped on the official road, but there was also the sound of chasing and crying behind him. Yun turned his head and saw that there were also four horses chasing up from behind, and the four assassins were waving scimitars. The handle of the scimitar looked like a lock, and the scimitar was thrown out after spinning in their hands. It was like a dart flying around from behind, around the necks of the two guards, and slashing past. After blood spurted from the throat, the scimitar circled back into their hands.

The method of killing is frightening, if you can kill two guards like this, you can kill her and the thirteenth little king, but the other party doesn't have one, obviously wants to capture alive, yes, no matter if it's her or the thirteenth little king, they can threaten the Grand Master's Mansion and the court , so the opponent wants to capture him alive.

Shangwen Lingyun gritted her teeth lightly, she could only hope that her horse was faster than the opponent's.

In fact, she still has an advantage, because she and the thirteen little kings combined are lighter than those assassins, and the horse she rides has extremely toe feet. Su Zi will not be caught up by them, but he is afraid. . .

Shangwen Lingyun suddenly heard the crowing of the white eagle above, her face changed, she pulled the reins and sprinted to the side path, and at that moment, two assassins rushed out from the corner of the official road.

"There are so many of them! Both front and back." The Thirteenth Little Wang's face was pale, and he also felt that Shangwen Lingyun's hand holding his waist was a little tighter.

Even though he was young, the thirteenth little king knew that the two of them were in a very dangerous situation.

"Sister Lingyun, if they really want to catch up later, you throw me over! You run!"

After thinking about it, he came to such a decision. Shangwen Lingyun was a little surprised, but facing the strong cold wind as he walked through the path, he said in a deep voice: "At that time, I will commit suicide first."

The thirteenth little king was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood.

She is unwilling to become a bargaining chip for the other party to gain benefits, and as a prisoner, if the threat is unsuccessful, they will have to suffer life and death. If the threat is successful, they will become sinners of the family and the court.

Shangwen Lingyun didn't want to become such a person, but she didn't care about the Thirteenth Little King.

"Then I will commit suicide too!"

Thirteen Little Prince's childish voice was full of determination.

Shangwen Lingyun couldn't bear it, so she could only try her best to control the horse's gallop. She hoped that she wouldn't go to that point.

Hope not.

However, just as the horse was shuttling through the green forest and finally rushed out of the path, Shangwen Lingyun heard the sound of horseshoes coming from behind and the official road below, and the front. . . Only straight cliffs.

"Don't run away, you have no way out."

When the cold voice came, Shangwen Lingyun turned her head to look, only to see the leader of the cold-faced assassin, who was a master.

Thirteen Little Wang's breathing tightened.

It's over, it's the way to die.

Shangwen Lingyun gritted her teeth and pulled out her dagger.

The assassin leader's eyes were sharp, and when he saw Wen Lingyun's movements, he gave a cold snort, and shot over, reaching out like an eagle.

Just at that moment.

"Watch me fly into the forest!"

A sound came out, a hidden weapon, a large hidden weapon flew through the air, and smashed fiercely at the assassin leader.

The assassin leader in mid-air noticed it, but he didn't know what the hidden weapon looked like, so he could only cut it with a machete, like cloth? It also seemed to be a rubber sole. After being split with a knife, the hidden weapon split open.

Oh, it's a shoe.

After the shoe was broken, the powder contained in the shoe was scattered.

Not good, poison powder! The assassin's leader's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly waved his sleeves and shot backwards.

It was also at this time that they heard the sound of a carriage.

A horse, a car, galloped up from the official road, the driver was huge, and he appeared to be a showman. Many assassins were frightened, and they gathered around one after another. The horses under him were all frightened, they swung their bodies and got up, and the carriage went on a rampage, the assassins could only fly off their horses, and were about to attack this fat man.

Sigh, the arrow flew through the air, and there was someone behind the carriage!

"No, it's the guard!"

How did they come so fast!

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