I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 882 Fight again! (The fourth update, Fatty Hong, who is hardworking, begs for praise~~)


If Qin Yu was serious about attacking, she would always be vicious, but she did it on purpose - in order to get that He Yueling to attack.

Sure enough, He Yueling was also taken aback, especially when he saw Qin Yujian hitting Qingfengjian.

Bang! There was a snap.

Trembling, echoing, the force and spirit of sword and sword clash.

Qi Shu only felt his arms tremble, as if he felt the fear of the sword in his hand, his sword was not as good as the opponent's sword.

"Good sword!" There were many martial arts practitioners in the imperial guards, their eyes glowed when they saw a general, not to mention Lin Kun, but this sword is powerful, he already knew it.

It's just that he didn't know that Young Master Yu, who was really the main attacker, was so powerful.

This is not like the murderous look of a flower picker.

However, the core disciples of Tiance Pavilion are very good at martial arts, and these two brothers and sisters come from the same master. Since childhood, they have cooperated in swordsmanship and know how to attack together. They are very difficult to deal with, so this young master Yu. . .

Just as Lin Kun thought this way, he suddenly heard the sound of the wind blowing and the sword fluttering at dawn. He looked up and was startled.

The sword fluttered like the wind, so it was naturally Qi Shu and He Yueling who started to attack together. This combined fencing skill was really powerful. The figures of the two floated like a breeze in the forest, their shapes and shadows were erratic, and the sound of the swords bounced and phantom chained, forming a chain of strikes.


Everyone was startled, and their eyes were opened. For example, this is the Central Court Square, and most of the people living nearby are the royal family and officials. It is noon now, and most of them just came out of the restaurant next door. Hearing the guards shouting, he thought there were assassins again, so he dared not run around, so they were all in the corridor at this time, including Emperor Yue who was reminded by Eunuch Wen Yun.

He arrived just now, and was a little surprised to see Qin Yu fighting with the people from Tiance Pavilion. Fortunately, there was a palace man around him who knew the news and talked about the wall painting.

"Is there such a thing?" Emperor Yue looked thoughtfully, and his eyes deepened a little bit when he looked at Qin Yu who was trapped in the shadow of the sword.

Eunuch Yun saw it too, was a little surprised, and said softly, "Your Majesty, this man... is a talent."

"You can tell that this is a talent before the victory or defeat is decided? Could it be that you mean—this little Yugong can still win?" Emperor Yue said softly, and before he could say more, he heard a sharp crackling sound.

The shadow of the joint fencing sword was seen through, and Qin Yu stabbed the real sword in the shadow of the sword with one sword—the sword of He Yueling was stabbed, her sword was thin and ethereal, but she did not resist, Qin Yu went out with a sword That sword is magnificent.

After the sword trembled, He Yueling couldn't help but took two steps back, but Qi Shu raised his hand to support his back, and the two moved forward together.

Two swords come.

With a twist of Qin Yu's wrist, the general spread sword energy, and two sword shadows, one on the left and the other on the right, were sharp and sharp, with mountains overlapping.

The two of them only felt that the majestic momentum was approaching in front of them, and the sword shadow could not be seen clearly. When they realized it, their wrists were in severe pain and the two swords flew off.

Keng Keng!

The two swords flew to the pillars on both sides.

It was also at this time that a group of people came in from the middle court, and when two swords flew towards them, the people from the middle court were startled, and a slender figure flashed out of them, drawing their swords in front of them.

His sword is red and eye-catching, generous and domineering.

Chishan Sword.

It was also Jiang Muchen, and behind him was Shangwen Lingyun. Although the latter was a little tired, her brows and eyes were wider than yesterday, probably because she was surrounded by Shangwen Yunke who was injured but not dead.

Their team probably set off yesterday to find Wen Yunke, God is sorry, the latter really didn't die.

Shangwen Lingyun felt slightly relieved, but was also surprised by the situation in front of her.

Did you use your weapon? One look at the two sides in the fierce fight and it will be clear, the grievances and grievances of the painted wall? . . It's just that he didn't expect the winner to be that little fish boy.

How did this person's strength improve by leaps and bounds?

But because of this change, Shangwen Lingyun and the others were silent, but Jiang Muchen blurted out, "Brother Xiaoyu?"

Qin Yu raised his eyelids, glanced behind him, and before he could speak, Qi Shu and the two felt ashamed, resentful and resentful, and they knelt down to complain to Emperor Yue.

The implication is - the thief is too bad and too powerful, he must have learned good skills from our sect and stole the treasure, and now he has defeated us, we feel so ashamed and innocent, please His Majesty express his position and punish this person.

On one side was the rescuer, and on the other side was Tiance Pavilion. Emperor Yue showed a very embarrassed gesture, and looked to the other side.

It turns out that at some point, Lin Heng came.

Mr. Xiao Yu is his man, so there is no reason to embarrass him alone. Emperor Yue threw away the burden, but Lin Heng was indifferent, and said indifferently: "The affairs of the rivers and lakes, private grievances, private handling, jade banquet, what do you think?"

Is the Jade Banquet here? With a glance of everyone's eyes, it was easy to see this outstanding chief disciple. Qi Shu hated Yu Yanzhi in his heart, but he also wanted to use him to regain his position, so he said: "Eldest brother, this person hurt me. Pavilion face, don't you want to make a move?"

The two spoke back and forth, with a sense of persecution.

Yu Yanzhi glanced at the two of them, thoughtfully, "It's embarrassing for you two to fight together and lose one of them."

Two people: "..."

Yu Yanzhi: "It's a disgrace to the swordsman that even the sword flew away."

Two people: "..."

Yu Yanzhi: "The most important thing is, I don't think she has done her best yet."

Well, the blood tank was emptied, and the faces of these two young talents who were still somewhat famous in the world were as ugly as if they had eaten shit.

Qin Yu wondered if this handsome man recognized him as Mama Huang, it was so embarrassing!

However, one of the jade banquets finished beating up his juniors in a serious manner, and then turned to look at Qin Yu.

"The sword is a good sword, but the sword technique is even more powerful."

"If I'm not mistaken, this is "Zhou Shan Sword"."

"Since it is the rumored "Zhou Shan Sword" that has been lost, and your excellency has defeated my ineffective junior and younger siblings in a row, then I will just say it if I don't make a move."

Qin Yu glanced at him, and said quietly: "The main reason is that you want to see "Zhou Shanjian"."

This kid's heart is pure and upright, but he's not stupid. The matter of painting the wall, Tiance Pavilion can only handle it behind closed doors, like the two idiots in front of him not only yelled but also lost the fight, no wonder Yuyan was angry.

Yu Yanzhi didn't deny it, and holding the long sword on his waist, he said softly: "You can refuse, or you can add someone to help, for example..."

Jiang Muchen took the initiative to jump out: "I can!"

Don't talk about being proactive, just call the teacher in charge to organize a spring outing and ask who is going, and the scumbag will be the first to jump out - me, me, me! !

He knew that Qin Yu was definitely not Yu Yanzhi's opponent, because the opponent was already a master, but two people were better than one.

Yu Yanzhi nodded, "Yes."

Qin Yu was actually reluctant, and said to Jiang Muchen: "Are you stupid, losing alone is much more embarrassing than losing together!"

Jiang Muchen: "I'm not afraid of losing face!"

Qin Yu: "I don't care if you're afraid or not, I'm afraid anyway."

Jiang Muchen was afraid of her, and he heard that his chest felt tight, but it hadn't been a day or two since he was bullied, so he could only stand there resentfully and obediently.

However, the two brothers and sisters who lost together before: the knee hurts.

Qin Yu didn't want to fight Yu Yanzhi, so he looked at Lin Heng.

"Master Xiang, what do you think?"

Lin Heng: "I really want to see you lose face."

Qin Yu: "..."

Can you have a bit of a heart to be a boss?

With a glance, he saw Shangwen Lingyun's indifferent eyes.

It seems to be saying - don't win, play harder, so that I can be happy.

Qin Yu understood in seconds—these two dark-hearted people wanted to use Yumeinan to test her true strength.

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