I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 891 Morning Light (The second update is very late, don't wait, add an update tomorrow)


The moon is dark and the wind is high and the night is murderous. At dawn, the sun shows red blood.

The sun came out of the east, and the sunlight fell on the earth inch by inch. Blood coagulation is a complicated chemical reaction process, but to the naked eye, it seems that the brilliance of the sun and justice coagulate the crime and blood.

The blood kept staying, people kept dying, and some people were running away—when the masked little Yugong cooperated with Lin Heng's master leader, Ke Dong, to kill the other two leaders.

People's heads fell to the ground, and people's lives died.

People's hearts are also terrified.

This person is too strong, withdraw!

The remaining seven or eight people fled when they saw this, not because they didn't have the demeanor of a dead soldier, but because of the rules, one of which is-if you know that you must die, you must leave the remnant soldiers to go back and return to their orders. If they are all dead, It was difficult to investigate the situation at that time, and it was even more difficult to track down, so the dead soldiers led by the real think tank were not keen on fighting to the death, unless they committed suicide after being captured because they were afraid of being forced to ask for information.

Apparently, it was sensible to hear that the people behind the Grand Master's Mansion and Emperor Yue's secret door were sensible, and they ran away when they saw that they were not their opponents and would be killed in battle.

But when they run, there are others chasing them.

They ran away, but when they looked back, Ke Dong and the two remaining subordinates happened to see Jing Linhou rushing towards the mountain trail with the package in his arms.

"Master Xiao Yu, I'm sorry to trouble you over there, the three of us are going to chase Jing Linhou."

Qin Yu nodded, and the two groups chased him separately.


It was early morning, and although the sun had already risen, the air was still somewhat humid, and the trees, flowers, plants, branches and leaves of the roadside were still moist with dew. Seven or eight people fled in a panic, ignoring these things, and also ignoring that they were not a group of people.

They rushed down the path, but they didn't expect that there were pilgrims coming early in the morning.

They were two women, one old and one young.

The young woman has plain hair, elegant long skirt, and beautiful facial features. She walked up slowly in the early hours of the morning, but her expression was not eager to ask for a child, because her belly was actually a little pregnant, probably because she was begging for a child. The one who successfully came to pay her thanks was just the gloomy and dazed look in her eyes, not joy.

In comparison, the middle-aged and simple woman beside her is much more resolute and resolute.

"Girl, don't panic, even though the master is ruthless, we are not without solid foundation, I can still move, girl, you are dexterous and smart, you may make some money, old mother, I will look for it someday It's a job, and this day can always go on."

The young woman frowned slightly, but she didn't like to use her own sorrow to destroy other people's kindness and comfort. In pain, his eyebrows and eyes were slightly bent, and he stroked the back of Zhao's mother's hand, returning comfort and calmness, making people look at ease.

It's just that her body is weak, and with the continuous changes these days, even any ordinary woman can hardly bear it. She is a daughter of a thousand gold, and she is in such a situation now, suffering is inevitable, weak and hard to control, she looks a little paler, She was already very good looking, the more distressed she looked.

But at any rate, they were suspicious and hopeful. The young woman turned her head to look at the half-waisted temple shrouded in mist above the road, with a little anticipation in her eyes.

I hope she can live her life well, even though. . . It was that bad not long ago.

Just as she was about to lower her head and continue walking, she suddenly heard the rustling of some trees, as if there were wild animals scurrying in the forest beside the road. A black shadow sprang out from the branches and leaves of the deep forest, no, there were several in succession, all of them were fierce people in black clothes holding sharp knives, and they were all stained with blood, especially the edge of the blade was stained red with blood. After walking down the mountain steps, this scene frightened the two of them, and Mother Zhao screamed unconsciously.

This scream was especially obvious in the quiet mountain, and the echo was empty. Naturally, several assassins also saw it, and finally got rid of the person behind, not wanting the two women to expose their position. One of the assassins was so cruel that he raised a knife Looting them will kill them.

This scene was thrilling and terrifying. The young woman's pupils dilated, and she subconsciously pulled Mama Zhao behind her. She was weak and slender, but the latter was much stronger.

A sword came straight, pierced the man's throat with a poof smile, when the two women were shocked, they also saw the white shadow shot down from the forest above.

I say she is white because the brocade clothes are white, and the silver face is also white. She skimmed the branches and leaves of the forest without a sound, and she had already quietly chased these people. , Twisted the throat of the last person, kicked forward, kicked a person's calf and made him kneel, then took the knife from his hand and passed it through the throat, one knife at a time, and then threw the knife to death the other person who ran to the next mountain forest, and finally returned One, this one is also vicious and cunning, he pounced on the young woman and threatened Qin Yu by grabbing her throat, but before he could say anything, Qin Yu pulled out the first one that was caught The go-getter on the assassin's throat she shot directly threw a bird into the forest.

The go-getter flew past the back of his neck, just as deadly.

As soon as his eyes were suffocated, Qin Yu came up to him, kicked him dead into the forest, and sheathed his sword.

I glanced at the two women with shocked and terrified expressions, and was a little surprised, because they seemed to see something else in their eyes.

Especially the young woman, Qin Yu looked at her inadvertently, she was slightly surprised, this young woman was weak and timid, dared to look at her, and her eyes were a little strange.

It's just that she was running out of time and didn't delve into it. She just felt a little sorry to see them so frightened.

What's more, this woman is pregnant.

—She looks good, even if she has a big belly.

Qin Yu: "..."

I think your ideological quality on this wall is too low, and you always think of people in the worst way.

"There may be people coming up from the bottom of the mountain. It's dangerous. Don't go down the mountain. Go up. I've cleaned up the top. It's safe to go to the Buddhist temple on the left."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and kicked the people she had killed on the stairs into the woods one by one. She did this with a very ruthless appearance. Most of the kicks were not human corpses, but a few balls, because she I know it well - for some overall situations, the moral goodness of personal life and death is not absolute. The establishment of an empire requires tens of thousands of bones and blood. Can you say that it itself is not kind and immoral?

People like Emperor Yue and the old grand master, one is the lord and the other is a veteran of the country. You can say that they serve the country and the people, but you must never believe that the dead men and horses they support will be kind and benevolent-so they can just do nothing. Show mercy to the two civilian women.

All merits and demerits can be washed with blood.

Small details never get in the way of a schemer.

It's as if Qin Yu did this himself - she kicked the corpse away and cleared the way, so what's the point of not scaring the two women?

After doing this, she flashed into the forest herself.

Without looking at the reaction of the two women,

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