I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 894 I'm afraid it won't work (thanks for your support, the third one will come lat

"This won't work. I'm running out of time for the main task. How can I help this pregnant woman?"

——I didn’t ask you to help, it’s okay if you don’t help, there is no mission penalty.

Oh, then no more help, no more help, Qin Yu packed up his things and prepared to leave.

——Anyway, she can always raise her stomach by eating and drinking.

——It’s just that there will be a dystocia and two deaths.

—and then the faithful old mother would kill herself.

Qin Yu stopped talking, and looked up the mountain, as if he could smell blood.

It's not about killing, it's about new life.

After a long time, Qin Yu's tone was not very good.

"Can your Golden House stop giving me such deceitful tasks all the time, assigning me some crappy characters every time, with a lot of crappy things hanging on their tails, and a bunch of pots on their heads waiting to be smashed!"

She had a deep resentment, complained about it for a long time, and Jinbi was also wronged, so she let her scold, but after a while, it reacted.

——The identity of Young Master Yu is something you insist on taking on! It was also you who chased and killed those people and ran into her. You caused the cause and effect, blame me?

Qin Yu: "..."

Sorry, I forgot.

"What's the reward?"

Huang Jinbi did not have a long speech this time, only two words.

—— Merit.

Qin Yu was startled.

This word is actually very far away from her.

Is it not a merit other than actual rewards?

Qin Yu frowned.


In the temple hut in the mountains, a basin of blood came out. After the wait was over, Mother Zhao looked at the young woman breathing steadily, wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, her expression was much relieved, tucked her in the bedding, and patted her gently.

"Girl, don't be afraid, it will get better..."

She took good care of her until noon.

"I... Am I not dead?" The young woman who woke up was supported by Zhao's mother to sit up, leaning on the pillow, drank the medicine, and tasted bitterness on her tongue, but she still drank the medicine obediently, obediently and demurely, just Seeing Mother Zhao's tired face, she immediately felt extremely guilty, but she remembered the person she had seen before.

She bit her tongue lightly, and saw that Zhao's mother mentioned that the other party was a life-saving benefactor, and her heart was complicated. After all, she still didn't trust that person very much. She was afraid that Zhao's mother would be cheated, so she took the initiative to tell her.

"Mother Zhao...that person...she probably still has a mask."

Mother Zhao was not stupid after all, she was shocked after reacting.

The two women talked a lot, calmed down their mood, and finally successfully transformed the "savior" into "that flower picker."

Suddenly someone knocked on the door.

Here comes the flower picker.

Qin Yu stood at the door and opened his mouth before he came in or waited for Mother Zhao to chase her away with a broom.

"If I have malicious intentions, it is yourselves who are ultimately dangerous if you are too hostile or agitated."

"On the other hand, if I don't, I think you should listen to my purpose."

"In the end, whether to reject or accept, the choice is yours."

Mother Zhao was still furious, she couldn't think of anything deeper, she just knew that her young lady was weak and dying, but the other party was a martial artist.

You really can't mess around.

As for the woman. . . She is obviously much smarter, even though she hates Qin Yu immensely, she is still rational, and she doesn't want to risk Mama Zhao's life, so she stops Mama Zhao, and said to Qin Yu, "The hatred between you and me is hard to get rid of, if it is malicious, You can do it, if it is kind, I don't need it, and please don't see me in the future."

Since she couldn't take revenge, she would rather swallow the bitter pill, and only hoped that she would never see this wicked man again.

Of course Qin Yu knew what it was like to be raped and expelled, but she didn't show her emotions. She just went in, closed the door, and sat down on a chair.

The two women were vigilant, but they saw that the flower picker stopped moving after sitting down.

There is a serious attitude to talk about things, as well as tone and demeanor.

"First, your body is weak, there are residual toxins in your body, and you are still pregnant. Even if you can support the fetus until you give birth, nine out of ten will die of dystocia. If you continue to have high-level people who can safely detoxify you during pregnancy, you will last for a long time. .Secondly, whether I arrange someone to take care of you, or I personally protect you, you may disdain, but from now on, the relationship between you and me is inseparable, because what I am doing in this mountain now involves this The most dangerous secret of the empire, I am leaving today, someone will find out about it in another day, start with those monks, and I will find out that I rescued you, if you don’t refuse, find out what I did to you before OK, find out your relationship with me..."

The young woman's face changed slightly, "You and I have nothing to do."

It's okay, I'm not the father of the child in your womb!

But no matter how much he slandered in his heart, Qin Yu said on the surface: "But they will know that the child in your belly is mine."

For some reason, the young woman felt that the expression on this man's face was a bit strange.

No, it should be said that this person gave her a very strange feeling, not the same as before. . .

Suddenly remembering the scene of her being raped that night, the palms holding the cup tightened, and the young woman turned her face away, not wanting to look at Qin Yu again.

Qin Yu noticed it, but continued: "Those people may arrest you and threaten me."

Mother Zhao was a little angry, "So you are afraid that you will be threatened!"

Qin Yu glanced at her, and said quietly: "So, either I will kill you now, or I will take good care of you and don't give those people a chance, what do you think?"

If she wants, it would be better to hide the two of them in the River East Territory, but her task constraints are relatively large, and she can't leave these two people alone, and she is afraid that someone will find them by chance. I am very patient.

But she knew that if she had enough time and energy, she would definitely be able to hide these two people from being found by Lin, but it's a pity that she can't do it now.

She doesn't talk about the past, she doesn't talk about sin or remorse, but she talks about the pros and cons of life and death. This is to avoid wasting time, and to avoid revealing her identity by talking about it-it really made her confess the crime of rape to the victim, She really couldn't speak, so she could only fool around.

Mother Zhao stopped talking, and looked at her daughter worriedly.

The young woman was actually thinking, and after a while, she said in a condensed voice: "We will leave the east of the river and flee far away. We will never cause you any trouble, and we will look forward to the future..."

Qin Yu: "I'm afraid not."

The young woman felt that Qin Yu was in a difficult position, so her face turned frosty, "Didn't you say to give us a choice? You really are..."

She almost believed her, this villain!

Qin Yu: "Yes, I meant to give you a choice, but I didn't say that I will accept what you choose."

When Zhao's mother was so angry that her heart ached, this fellow actually grinned.

"Actually, I'm not that bad."

Mother Zhao: "..."

The young woman didn't say anything, but Zhao's mother was thinking that this bastard would look at her girl's beauty and make her feel sick again, and she wanted a beautiful child to kill two birds with one stone!

Qin Yu didn't say much, anyway, they couldn't resist, so she came to inform them.

She doesn't have much time, and she has to leave when she's done.

Explain that it's not the Holy Mother, one is the mission and the rules of the Golden House, and the other is Qin Yu's own analysis, if she doesn't save this woman, she can't be blamed for her dying of dystocia, but the problem is that she did save her. Lin and Shangwen's follow-up people will definitely come to this mountain to investigate, through those monks, they will learn about this matter, if it is an ordinary woman, of course it is nothing, but it just so happens that she is the child of Xiao Yugongzi. Of course, these people will take advantage of them, unless Xiao Yu bothers to completely cover up the two people's tracks, or kill them, otherwise. . . You know, this is the butterfly effect, which is what the Buddhists call karma. If Qin Yu can't bear to be a ruthless person, then he can only be worthy of his own heart. In other words, leave this woman and The entanglement of Young Master Yu is simply a stranger and ordinary person, based on her experience. . . Don't you think that Qin Yu will be touched? There is sympathy, and the little fishman is not bad.

So to sum up, I am not deliberately making the heroine a virgin, but I am considering the plot from the logic, mission rules, and Qin Yu's own personality. I hope readers will not criticize too much - it is not necessary at all. What to explain, it's just that I have experienced a lot in the past, so let's celebrate the New Year with my heart, and I don't want to be criticized by others, thank you.

And thank you for so many rewards and supports, and thank you little fairy men and little fairies, (づ ̄3 ̄)づ.

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