I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 896 Announcement


Qin Yu was making plans like this, and the fight over there was also lively.

Zhao Yun, who is nicknamed Flying Silver Spear, and Qin Dong, who is known as Fiery Spear, are both men with guns who have been famous for several years in the world. As the saying goes, colleagues are like enemies. Hostility, but the rivers and lakes are too big, and there are no planes and high-speed rails in this world, so I didn't meet them.

Fortunately, today, met.

Do you want to fight when you meet? No, the main reason was that the two princes who invited them to worship were at odds, and it happened that many martial arts masters were invited to the boat, except for one or two to compete with each other.

Qin Yu didn't even need to eavesdrop to know which court these two noble sons came from. XX Hou's Mansion and XX Hou's Mansion are both Marquis's Mansions, but they have always been at odds. There are conflicts, which accumulate over time, and conflicts are encountered on the rivers and rivers. New and old hatreds come together, and for the dignity of their own marquis, they refuse to retreat.

However, Qin Yu watched the sea banquet on the deck of the two ships, and there was a lot of food and drink on the table, which was very interesting, but he saw more people from the martial arts school. . . Strange, why are these princes of the Hou family so keen on inviting martial arts knights?

In the past, eight poles were incompatible.

The imperial court has too much contact with martial arts, which seems to be an omen.

Qin Yu was thoughtful, and suddenly heard the sharp sound of the wind, and looked up, it turned out that his own boat was approaching the two boats. Because of the closeness, Qin Dong was thrown into the air by Zhao Xi's gun, and then he was thrown into the air. As light as a swallow, he jumped onto the sail pole of Qin Yu's boat, grabbed the chess piece and turned it around. At that time, Zhao Yun also flew over, and his spear stabbed like a silver light flying shuttle, Qin Dong was also staunch , Instead of fighting fiercely on the mast, the guns flicked back and forth, which could easily cut the canvas around them and damage the mast.

The boatmen panicked. If the canvas mast was broken, it would take many days to repair it, and it would delay their return to Beijing.

So they shouted loudly, the two above did not care about them, and the two princes in the two boats next door didn't care about other people's life or death, they just wanted to divide them up and down.

The people on the shore were also shouting to watch the battle, and other nearby ships were also watching.

at this moment.

Qin Yu didn't say anything, bent down and picked up the hammer used to repair the ship's plank on the deck, straightened up and threw it out!

A hammer hit one of the fiercely fighting company, oh, it hit Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun screamed and fell down together with the hammer, but the hammer fell into Qin Yu's hands, and he was kicked by Qin Yu who dodged past.


was thrown into the river.

Qin Dong on the top was shocked, and just asked: "Who are you... ah!"

He was also hit by Qin Yu's second thrown hammer, fell down, and was also kicked into the river.

Two princes of the Marquis Mansion: "????"

Many spectators: "!!!!"

Qin Yu walked to the railing and looked at the two people flopping in the water, "Blind or deaf or want to die?"

Qin Dong's calf was in severe pain, and it was difficult for him to thump in the water. People! Dare..."

Qin Yu lifted the go-getter on his waist and tapped it three times on the railing.

The sound is neither soft nor heavy, but it has reverberation.

The rules of the rivers and lakes, if you feel it, you do it, and if you do it, it doesn't matter whether you live or die.

The martial arts people on the two ships were frightened immediately, bowed to Qin Yu one after another to apologize, and said goodbye to the two wealthy but thoughtless princes of the Hou family, and jumped off the ship without waiting for their response.

Two sons: "..."

All this fell under the eyes of some people at the pier.

The Lin faction reacted the worst.

Even though Qin Yu wasn't wearing a mask, and they hadn't seen Qin Yu's face, they were still sure that Mr. Yu was here.


"Girl, it's all right outside."

Mother Zhao has a sense of urgency, and she is terrified of the fights of these martial arts people. She just went out to check the situation, and happened to see this flower picker frightening the audience.

Her feelings were very complicated. After deliberating for a while, she said in the end, "It's always the flower pickers who show off the limelight these days."

It's so unreasonable to appear so domineering and handsome!

Ye Rou didn't see the situation outside, so she didn't think anything.

"I'm afraid the emperor is almost here."

"It's coming soon, around noon tomorrow, the girl has been to the imperial capital when she was young."

"Well... when I was very young."

As if thinking of something, Mother Zhao didn't ask any more, and Ye Rou didn't say anything either.


Qin Yu was on his way to the imperial capital. On the other side, Lin Heng also got a letter from Feige. After reading the news, he put the letter on the stove and burned it. With one order, the people under him naturally knew what to do.

"The Grand Master's Mansion should not move as fast as ours. After all, they were distracted by the hunting. The grandson was seriously injured, and the granddaughter was frightened, so they stayed behind closed doors."

A counselor said so, but Lin Heng was noncommittal, "This little thing..."

How can you scare the old man.

Even if his grandchildren almost died because of this, even if he really loves these two offspring, so what.

I am old and live an old life, and I am afraid that I have seen many more dangerous scenes.

What's more, this time it was just a false alarm, and no one died.

"However, according to our investigation, Shangwen Lingyun is no longer in the imperial capital."

Lin Heng: "I know where she went."

His eyes are deep and calm.

"The Misty Gate."


At this time, Tiance Pavilion.

The end of the Beast Pingshan incident has come to an end, those who should be killed and those who should be arrested, I heard that the imperial court has sent troops to wipe out some remnants of rebels hidden among the people.

It stands to reason that Tiance Pavilion contributed a lot to this assassination, and the imperial court gave a lot of rewards, but Tiance Pavilion's joy is only superficial.

They have two big problems.

The first one: Three people were sent out, He Yueling and Qi Shu complained that Yu Yanzhi was independent and very selfish when they came back, and they had a good relationship with the old mother who was not on the table in the grand master's mansion, so forget it, but also Show mercy to flower pickers.

In the main hall of the sect, many elders and deacons of Tiance Pavilion were present. The Deputy Pavilion Master Shangguan Yunhe listened to his apprentice's accusation, and then looked at Yu Yanzhi. gone."

Qi Shu responded, humiliated in his heart, but said: "Eldest senior brother is a genius cultivated by the sect with all its efforts, defeating her is only natural, but this person is my enemy of the Strategy Pavilion, if we don't get rid of it as soon as possible, it will be a disaster in the future, I don't know Why did the elder brother let her go."

Most of the Tiance Pavilion disciples present had murderous intentions towards Qin Yu, and upon hearing the words, they all looked at Yu Yanzhi, wanting to see what he had to say.

"She just saved the emperor, and she is still Lin Heng's person."

Yu Yanzhi looked at the two thoughtfully, "Do you want these two to be furious and kill me, or do they not kill me, but blame the sect?"

Qi Shu and the two were speechless for a while, they could only look at Shangguan Yunhe, and the other elders also had strange expressions.

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