I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 915 Pants


I was a little busy tonight, I took pains to kill a master with residual blood, and then copied his secret room, but met another master, took a random route to the water prison during the escape, and offended another master who liked SM in water prisons, Qin Yu felt a little tired.

Can this be her fault?

- Blame you for being cheap!

——and cheap mouth!

Qin Yu was tired, but fortunately, she had always had the habit of making two preparations, so on the basis of trying to please the other party and trying to ease the relationship, she was also prepared to dodge.

It was also the moment when Xu Jingchuan pinched Qin Yu's neck with his hands. Qin Yu had slipped into the water a second earlier and wanted to go back the same way, but she suddenly found that the mechanism door couldn't be opened.

No, someone shut down the main gate!

Qin Yu's expression changed, and he saw that the chains binding Xu Jingchuan's legs underwater were also breaking!

Depend on!

Qin Yu had to abandon the waterway and swim to the entrance of the dungeon instead.

Wow, Qin Yu quickly jumped out of the water and ran up the stairs. The door of this water prison is still good, just unlock it!

Qin Yu pulled out the go-getter on his waist and hacked it earlier. The material of the lock is good, but Qin Yu's go-getter was not good at it. He cut the gap with one or two strokes, and then two more. . .

The sound of water exploded behind him.

he came!

Qin Yu didn't have time to chop, but only had time to dodge it, and the wind swept across him. . . The wall with high density and hardness of stone was slapped with a palm, rubbed, and a deep palm print was cracked.

Qin Yu was frightened.

But before he had time to dodge, the other hand of the man grabbed the wrist holding the sword.

boom! Pressing against the wall with a sword, her neck could be broken in almost a second. . . But in the next second, Qin Yu suddenly said: "Someone is moving the mechanism!"

What? As soon as Xu Jingchuan stopped moving, it was at this time that there was a loud bang, and the main gate of the entire prison opened!

Someone is robbing prison!

When Xu Jingchuan was surprised, Qin Yu stretched out his free hand, and suddenly stabbed into the nail piercing wound on his left arm and shoulder.

Not only was it a severe pain, but it was also a reflexive contraction of the tendons. The arm pinching his neck suddenly loosened. Qin Yu naturally got out of his control, and even slid down to the ground and grabbed Xu Jingchuan's trousers resolutely.

Pull and pull!

That's right, she tore his trouser belt, and then got out of the opened cell door like a loach. Before she fled, she didn't forget to shake off the fabric of the trousers in her hand, and took a deep look at his lower body, Blink again.

"You idiot, come after me if you have the ability!"

"Remember, my name is Lianyin!"

"And your bird is a little small."

Qin Yu estimated that this big boss would also affect the main storyline. In order to promote these big bosses not to have sidelines and make this dungeon more and more difficult, she felt that these main characters had to be connected one by one.

Pull the hatred well, and a flower will bloom in the future.

—I think you are so wicked.

Qin Yu: "Shut up!"

She would never admit that she was not happy with that Lianne, she just left it after she finished sleeping, and let the original owner commit suicide and elope to bear it alone, and he had no loss in the end!

——The place is not small.

—In this regard, you have absolutely no right to laugh at him.

——I think you will be slapped in the face in the future.

Qin Yu: "..."

I always feel that your broken wall means something, MD, did you dig a hole for her again?

Behind him, Xu Jingchuan, who was completely naked, stood where he was, watching the fellow escape in the dark corridor with a blank expression.

After a while, he glanced down, raised his head, and punched the wall.



This is the world of martial arts, the water prison is not an independent space, Qin Yu quickly escaped from this abandoned area, and went to the prison outside, Jie, the people who robbed the prison are amazing, open all the prison doors, the escaped prisoner tossed the whole prison It was a mess, and the guards were so exhausted that they had no time to take care of the prisoner.

Qin Yu slipped out of the prison in such chaos, but she dodged to the forest just after she got out, and then the forest covered her and saw the people hurrying up below.

Come so fast? Some personnel of Tiance Pavilion should still be below, people who can come so quickly. . It's Gu Ye.

Qin Yu suddenly understood that he was the one who closed the main gate of the dungeon.

I just don't know who the person who robbed the prison is.

"Gu Ye is a man of great strength and restrained personality. Shang Guanyun and his power-oriented personality will never attract him as a confidant, let alone tell him where he is hiding, so it can only prove that the place is Gu Ye. He found out by himself, maybe he also had the intention to assassinate Shangguan Yunshen..."

Qin Yu didn't think that Gu Ye had seen through her recent plans in Tiance Pavilion. She even thought that the other party wanted to assassinate Shangguan Yunhe just like her, but she succeeded first, so he waited for her to go out. . .

So here comes the question, does Gu Ye personally want to kill Shangguan Yunhe? still. . .

"This guy is probably from Xu Jingchuan."

And Xu Jingchuan is obviously not an ordinary "prisoner".

Qin Yu thought deeply, but didn't dare to stay for long, and ran away after seeing Gu Ye in prison.

This day, another unfathomable Xu Jingchuan appeared in the water depth of Tiance Pavilion, and she had to leave quickly.


In the prison, the situation was quickly brought under control, because Gu Ye came, and also because the rest of the Tiance Pavilion masters also came behind.

More than a dozen elders and several masters beat and wept the rioting prisoners every minute, but Gu didn't stop and went straight to the deepest part. . .

When he saw Xu Jingchuan standing in the water, he knelt down.

"Meet the Pavilion Master!"

He was a little surprised, because the chains were all broken and the door was opened. It didn't seem like the pavilion master took the initiative, but rather someone came.

But he is also a little happy, because the Pavilion Master is finally willing to leave the customs.

"The pavilion master's martial arts has improved, and his subordinates are very happy to be able to leave the customs. Today, Ce Pavilion also needs the pavilion master to come forward to manage it."

Gu Ye has always been reticent, and he only has emotions in front of the "boss" he recognizes.

But his "boss" was even more indifferent, and didn't respond when he heard the words. He only said a word in silence for a moment.

"Go find me some pants."

Gu Ye: "..."


Qiwang Mountain is actually very dangerous now, because there are too many people, more than half of the masters of Tiance Pavilion have come out, half of the mountain is bright with torches, Qin Yu chose the north to go down the mountain.

"I don't know who robbed the prison. Fortunately, this happened, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to escape."

Qin Yu didn't expect that he would memorize this for tonight, one crop after another, but luckily the goal was almost accomplished, and he got a lot of good things.

"By the way, the task is finished, where is my Jiaojiao?!"

When Qin Yu ran down the mountain, he didn't forget to ask for a reward from the golden wall.

Jiao, her Jiao!

——Your Jiao is studying and studying, because he has to take the exam in advance in order to accompany you to participate in this dungeon.

Qin Yu was taken aback, "What exam? Do you still need an exam in Heaven?"

——Your family didn’t have the high school and college entrance examinations. As the son of a god, he failed almost all subjects back then.

——Now there is a make-up exam, at least 20 subjects, magic spells, fighting skills and the ability to handle affairs as a child of God.

——How much self-willed, arrogant, and domineering people died in the past, and now they have to cry and kneel to make up for it one by one.

——From this aspect, he has made the most vicious determination in the world for you.

Qin Yu: "..."

In reality, she already belongs to the world's top academic master, and she feels so ashamed.

No wonder the fat man never mentioned what he learned from heaven in hell.

It turned out that I went to make up lessons and make up exams.

But I'm also a little moved, hey, it's such a complicated feeling.

"Then how long does it take?"

——It should be soon, the exam was already taking place three days ago, I guess. . .

Qin Yu suddenly didn't have time to read Huang Jinbi's answer, because she saw someone in front of her.

A man hung upside down from a tree and stripped naked except for a pair of red underpants.

By the way, this is still an acquaintance.

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