Mona, hey, Mona

Qin, who was caught between these two people, had no idea what happened to them, but still subconsciously felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere between these two people.

It always feels like the situation between them is not to the extent that she can intervene casually.

Ms. Qin, acting head of the always capable Zephyr Knights, it is rare to be at a loss at this time, and don’t understand what happened.

“I’m glad to see you too, this one, Miss Lisa.” Hibiscus with a polite smile on his face took the lead to take back his hand.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but Hibiscus always feels as if she smells the fragrance of roses on the other person’s body, as if even her own palms are tainted with this fragrance.

Hibiscus, who realized something was wrong, withdrew her hand and became a little vigilant towards Lisa. She always felt that the other party seemed to be more abnormal than when she was using the Kiana character card…

This increase in favorability is a bit outrageous.

Pretending that she didn’t see anything, Mu Jin turned her head and said to the bewildered Qin, “Then, Miss Qin, if there is nothing else, I will take my leave first.”

“Well, well, by the way, Keli likes you very much. If Miss Alponia has time, she can come here to spend more time with the child. After all, the Knights are not full of manpower, so Keli often wants to run out. Play.”

Why does the more I listen to it, the more I feel that Qin is now like an old father who is busy with his career, asking himself to take care of the children more? ? ?

Although she thought so from the bottom of her heart, Mu Jin would not express her complaints from the bottom of her heart in front of the person involved.

She just nodded slightly to show that she knew: “Ah, I will. Then, Miss Qin, Miss Lisa, I’m sorry first.”

Qin and Lisa just watched Hibiscus’s figure walk out of the knight order. Lisa chuckled a few times before turning her attention to her friend.

“Qin, I didn’t expect you to take the initiative to meet such an interesting person~”

Facing the teasing from his friends, our head Qin just coughed a few times in a serious manner, pretending not to care.

“Ahem, I still have work to do, so I won’t chat for now.”

“Okay, okay, you’re a busy person, just go and deal with your work~” How could Lisa fail to see that Qin and she didn’t really want to chat about each other’s topics.

Lisa is indeed very interested in that person. After all, she really wants to know what kind of heart the other person has kept while maintaining a calm face.

It’s really curious.

In fact, ordinary Lisa would not speculate on others like this, but who knew that after she saw Alponia for the first time, such an idea suddenly popped up in her mind.

By coincidence, Lisa put the hand she just stretched out in front of her nose and sniffed it. She indeed smelled the fragrance of the other party’s body.

Unlike the scent of roses on her body, her scent is lighter.

How did I do such a thing?

After regaining her senses, Lisa put her hands aside, and realized something was wrong with her behavior just now.

I, who is always rational and calm, usually shouldn’t be like this…? But the behavior just now seems a bit like the rumored slut, right? How could I be such a character? Impossible, impossible, Lisa, you should take a break now and put all these messy things behind you.

After thinking about it for a while, Lisa decided to take a good rest for a while, maybe she won’t have these messy thoughts in the future.

Humming an unknown ditty, the place where the three of them were originally standing became quiet all of a sudden.

After Mu Jin walked out of the West Wind Knights, she came to the square under the Mond Cathedral again, found a chair at random, and sat down.

Looking at the statue of Fengshen not far away, Mu Jin had an idea of ​​what it would be like to sit on it.

But soon, she suppressed this idea of ​​making troubles forcibly, and she could only think about this kind of thing in her mind.

“Sister Alponia! You are here today! We have been waiting for you here for a long time!”

When she started thinking about messy things in a daze, several children appeared beside Mu Jin at some point, and they still wanted her to continue telling the unfinished story.

“What story do you want to hear today?”

“Sister Alponia! We want to hear the story of that cat thief! You haven’t told us what happened afterwards.”

There was a gentle smile on Mu Jin’s face, ready to continue telling the unfinished story to this group of children.

As she was talking, Mu Jin discovered that there were a few more nuns not far away from her, and they were secretly observing here.

Facing their sizing eyes, Mu Jin didn’t seem to care too much, and continued to tell those reassuring stories.

Of course, these stories are learned by Mu Jin from the books she has read, and they are all fairy tales that children can listen to.

As for the story about the cat thief, she just made it up casually, but the effect was surprisingly good, at least the children could listen to it.

“At the most critical moment, our cat Phantom Thief bravely stood up and wrestled with the so-called monster. Although his strength was insufficient, when it was about to fail, its partners all rushed to fight against it. Come here and save it.”

“At the end, Cat Phantom Thief and his friends bravely defeated the monster, and people began to cheer the names of the heroes.”

“And our cat Phantom Thief and his friends continued to protect the world after they left this country.”

“It’s really gratifying, gratifyingCongratulations. ”

After Mu Jin finished the last sentence, the children still looked like they hadn’t heard enough. Although she really wanted to tell some more stories, it was time for the children to have lunch.

“That’s the end of today’s story. Children, it’s time to go back to eat. Don’t worry your parents.” Mu Jin rubbed the little head of the little girl lying on her lap with a very concerned tone.

After watching the children leave, Mu Jin was about to get up and go for a stroll, but she saw a nun from Rosalia who appeared behind her at some point.

“It’s really a gratifying ending. It’s a story that these little devils will like.”

Rosalia stood on the stone chair behind Hibiscus, turned over, and sat directly next to her. The sitting posture was very bold, and the other party didn’t care about her posture at all.

Mu Jin seemed to be able to smell the alcohol of the person next to him, and knew where the other person spent the night without guessing.

“It’s better to drink less, miss.”

“Huh? I smell bad of alcohol?” Rosalia was a little surprised. She had taken a good bath and even changed into a nun’s attire. How could the other party smell that she had been drinking?

If the little nun smelled the alcohol on her body, she would have to repeat a lot of things.

Rosalia just didn’t want to hear that little nun rambling a lot of things in her ears, so every time she was going to the cathedral, she would take a bath and change her clothes along the way.

“Only a little bit.” Mu Jin’s calm eyes looked at Rosalia who was sitting next to her: “Miss, since you are here, is it possible that you also want to hear my story?”

Rosalia just showed a completely disinterested expression.

“Farewell then. I’m not interested in this kind of children’s play-by-play stories. I just came here to wander around the cathedral. Don’t get me wrong that I’ve been following you.”

Crossing her legs casually, Rosalia leaned back on the chair, looking much more relaxed, and even yawned incidentally.

In fact, what I said just now was not right. In fact, Rosalia found out when Hibiscus first arrived here, and kept hiding her aura, wanting to know what the other party was going to do here.

Then she noticed that this guy was sitting here, and when the group of brats saw her, they rushed over and asked him to tell some stories.

Well, she admitted that although the story this person told was a bit childish, it did make Rosalia feel a little sleepy.

There was even an unusually reassuring feeling… Rosalia, who had never experienced this kind of feeling, felt that something was wrong with this guy.

But she didn’t catch the other party’s handle, so it’s not good to just act recklessly.

Rosalia, who has always been very cautious, plans to observe for a while. If the other party is really the same, let’s just treat this person as a passerby.

But once Rosalia catches something wrong with Hibiscus, don’t blame her for being rude. Anyway, she should have been reminded before, but whether you listen or not is another matter.

“You seem to be very tired. Didn’t you take a break?” Mu Jin looked at Rosalia who yawned several times, and couldn’t help but feel a little concerned.

“Aren’t you going to leave? Why do you have time to chat with me?” Rosalia just glanced at Hibiscus, but unexpectedly saw those concerned eyes. Finally, she could only shift her gaze to other places with some discomfort. place above.

Tsk, why is it as troublesome as that little nun? Forget it, let’s pretend that we can’t see anything, or do we want to go to the city wall to see the scenery later?

Rosalia, who used her most accustomed skill of being stupefied, was just about to get up and leave this troublesome place, but she didn’t expect to hear Hibiscus speak again.

“Please, take a good rest. I hope to meet you again next time. I will prepare a different story for you.”

“Whatever you want.” Rosalia didn’t care what the other person’s story was like.

Anyway, Rosalia doesn’t plan to stay here anymore. She plans to find a leisurely place to touch fish. She doesn’t plan to take care of things like the church.

If the nuns who were transferred found her, she might be talked about again. This kind of thing is really too troublesome for her.

After watching Rosalia’s figure gradually disappear here, Mu Jin was relieved. After all, the other party appeared behind her all of a sudden just now. One thing to say, it was actually a bit scary.

Maybe it’s because I was immersed in the atmosphere of telling stories to the children, and didn’t realize the existence of the other party?

Forget it, anyway, I have gained a lot today. I have a sense of presence in front of Qin and Lisa, and I can even go to the Knights to play with Keli.

Even though she knew that someone’s favorability was not normal, Mu Jin still thought that she had no problem at all!

Don’t ask, asking is an inexplicably inflated mentality.

After arriving at the Cattail Tavern as usual, Diona looked at the nun and elder sister who had come for the second time, and carefully asked what she wanted to drink.

He didn’t have the attitude of facing other alcoholics ordering drinks at all, and became unusually well-behaved.

Perhaps the size of Hibiscus brought a great sense of oppression to this weak and helpless kitten. After all, it is a child of 1.2 meters.Facing a nun and elder sister who is 1.75 meters tall, it is no wonder that Diona is so honest.

“Hello, Diona, please bring me a glass of golden memory, thank you.”

“Okay, okay, sister Alponia…”

Even though she knew that the other party was a good person, Diona was still a little… inexplicably scared when facing Hibiscus?

Although I don’t know why, maybe this is Diona’s intuition as a cat?

Sure enough, it’s really great to drink a glass of cool fruit juice in this weather.

As for why he doesn’t drink cocktails and other drinks, the main reason is that Hibiscus doesn’t know how much Albonia can drink. If he drinks too much, it would be bad for him to be drunk.

At least Hibiscus is a little acd about her drinking capacity. If she plays a drunken madness and makes trouble here, the character card of Aponia doesn’t need to enter Mond City.

After drinking the juice, she put Mora behind the bar, Mu Jin rubbed Diona’s little head, and then walked away gracefully.

It happened that when I went out, I saw a certain figure hurriedly walking over.

ã€Ding! A new favorite character has been discovered! Abba, bah… Astologis Mona Megistus has appeared, host please come on! 】

You must have stuttered and slipped your tongue just now, right?

[As a qualified system, you will never make slips of the tongue, host, unless the thing is particularly difficult to pronounce. 】

The system will not admit its own mistakes, absolutely not, this is a symbol of the majesty of its own system, how could it be possible for the host to see that it was wrong.

Even if he had the cheek to pretend nothing happened! And I will definitely not let myself be labeled as unreliable in the host’s heart!

But what the system doesn’t know is that He has long been labeled as unreliable in Mu Jin’s heart. After all, the system at certain critical times doesn’t seem to exist at all, and it ends up slowly coming out after solving the matter by itself. .

Ignoring the system’s voice trying to defend herself, Mu Jin glanced at Mona who was leaning against the wall with her head down, not knowing what she was doing.

She took a step, and finally walked over.

“Are you OK?”

Mu Jin looked at Mona who was thinking about something with her head down, and stretched out her hand to her.

Mona, who seemed to be calling herself, was actually not eating for two days. Her stomach was already so hungry that she felt a little uncomfortable.

She could only raise her head with some difficulty, trying to see who was calling her, but she could only see a vague figure.

Gradually overlapping with the memories in my mind, but I can’t remember the face of that person…

She just wanted to say that she was fine and wanted to leave this place, but she was a little unsteady as she hadn’t eaten in the past few days.

All of a sudden, I felt as if I was lying in a soft embrace, and an inexplicable sense of peace appeared in my heart, and then I lost consciousness.

Only Hibiscus, who suddenly had an extra person in her arms, looked at Mona in her arms with a dazed expression, a little at a loss.



Picture: “Grass”, location: “Images/1659698292-100278806-109154236.jpg”

updated! !

Ask for tickets and stickers every day! !

Come more, come more! ! Autumn pear paste!

There is another update at night, but it will be later, but it will definitely not be coo!

How many people are still chasing after me? Let me tell you, there are really few posts lately…

Successfully escaped! :

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