Abba Abba

“Meet you again, Miss Barbara.”

Hibiscus, who is still using the Aponia character card today, was telling stories to the children when she suddenly saw Barbara hiding aside and watching secretly.

Because the way the other party hides is really a bit like a child playing hide-and-seek, and Mu Jin can clearly feel a warm gaze looking at this side. After looking around, he suddenly found that he was hiding in a certain place Mond idol behind a stone pillar.

Anyway, there were only children around her, so Mu Jin stretched out her hand, with a smile on her face, and said hello to where Barbara was.

Realizing that Barbara had been spotted, he carefully looked around and found no fanatical fans before walking over in peace.

But she underestimated the enthusiasm of the children.

Seeing Barbara surrounded by children again, Mu Jin breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. Although Alponia is very good at taking care of children, she is not good at taking care of children at all when she is dressed in Albania skin. !

If it wasn’t necessary to use the Aponia character card to complete the tasks assigned to him by the system, Hibiscus would have thought of a way to run away.

After spending almost half a month here, Mu Jin thinks that although this place looks like a sanctuary for the elderly, there are actually many things that are wrong.

For example, why does the favorability of some favorable characters rise so quickly? After some characters are just one side, Hibiscus will hear the sound of increased favorability.

And the extreme emotions of certain characters have also become easier to rise.

During the past half month, Mujin successfully moved out of Yula’s house, and rented a small house with her own money.

After all, I’ve been eating and drinking at other people’s houses. After all, this place is not Dao’s wife, nor is it by the side of General Raiden and Yae Shenko. It seems that it is not good for me to eat soft meals at Yula’s house…

It’s just that when I left, it was a bit strange if the maids looked at me and Yula, as if they were looking at the couple who were about to separate from each other.

Maybe I misread it… How could the eyes of the maids be so strange? Obviously, everyone is not like this in normal times..

And after Yula knew that Hibiscus was planning to stay in Mond for a while, she was actually very happy in her heart.

The next second, she heard that Mu Jin was going to move out of her house. Before the happy expression appeared on her face, she was forcibly suppressed by her strong willpower.

Cough cough, no, it doesn’t matter, as long as Mu Jin is in Mond, I have plenty of time to find her…

Yula, who forced herself to comfort herself from the bottom of her heart, could only accept the fact that Mujin moved out of her house.

So, she took out a small half of Mora from her small coffers, and rented a small house in Mond City. It was not big, and she just happened to live alone. Otherwise, the rent would not be so cheap.

In order to complete the task, Hibiscus needs the character card she uses in Mond City to be Aponia most of the time, not Kiyana.

If she used the Qiyana character card to complete this task, she would still think of the ending where she was played by a bad woman to the point where she was bought and helped to count the money.

At this time, you are about to ask, where are Alicia and Leiden Mei?

Well, this is a very good question…

Hibiscus stuffed them back (in various senses)… Well, just kidding, it just turned these two into character avatars again.

Although these two people looked like they didn’t really want to go back, they still couldn’t stand Mu Jin’s coquettish offensive.

Of course, the first one who couldn’t stand it was Leiden Mei.

But in turn, Alicia, who was acting like a baby with her, joined the army instead. Mu Jin really has never seen this kind of operation.

In the end, after promising a series of unequal treaties, this guy was satisfied with letting Hibiscus cancel the character avatar card.

This series of unequal treaties includes:

1. If you call someone out next time, give lovely Alicia a good morning kiss (lips!) every day2. Don’t be fooled by the girls outside~

3. Remember to love Alicia forever~♪

There are many unequal treaties written by Alicia on a piece of paper, so I won’t go into details here.

At the bottom is the name written by Hibiscus.

Seeing that Alicia took advantage, Leiden Mei became a little bit lemony. Her calm eyes just looked at the white hair balls, as if she was silently protesting against Hibiscus.

In the end, she still couldn’t resist the pitiful look in the other party’s eyes. In the end, Mu Jin could only choose to stand on tiptoe and kiss Leiden Mei’s lips.

Hibiscus, who was about to kiss her at first, didn’t notice Leiden Mei’s triumphant gaze at all, and the other party quietly wrapped her waist around her waist to prevent her from escaping.

What happened next, only Alicia who was present knew.

“Wow, what a fun game~” Although Alicia looked a little embarrassed, this guy took out a pink camera from somewhere, and took pictures of the scene where Hibiscus was limp in Raiden Mei’s arms down.

When the time comes, I’ll show Dr. Mebius a look~

Oh, I forgot that the other party is still just a snake. I wonder if I can see the photo I specially took of her?

In fact, in this camera, Alicia took a lot of photos of Hibiscus, such as photos of sleeping with Hibiscus, and stickers with Hibiscus…etc.

Do you want to show them to Hua?

After that, there is no future.

After Mu Jin took back the character avatar card, she no longer found hickey marks on her body, and her lips were inexplicably red and swollen.

In a sense, it’s a good thing.

The next thing is that Feiyuwan and Aijiang are always by her side, more or less there is a company by her side, and she will not be bored.

Mu Jin was sitting on a chair with a straight posture. After moving to Mond City, she went to the Knights for a long time, at least letting most of the Knights know herself.

Keli’s needs have basically been fulfilled. The child just wants someone to play with her. Except for sometimes researching bombs, Keli is indeed a good child.

But what exactly is the demand for Qin? Could it be that the deputy chief has some little secret hidden in his heart waiting for her to reveal it?

For example, the seemingly serious and upright Captain Qin actually has another look in his heart?

But it seems that Qin is also very upright… Except for workaholics, she really didn’t find out what the other party needed.

Could it be an emotional problem between the sisters…?

She refocused her attention on Barbara who was surrounded by children, touched her chin, and pretended to be thinking.

If Qin’s troubles are really related to Barbara, can I use Fu Hua’s character card to test it out?

At least she has used Fu Hua’s character card and she has experienced certain things. Most of Barbara’s affection for her comes from Fu Hua.

In fact, it is not impossible to use Alponia, who can hear what other people are thinking in their hearts, to solve this problem. You can also try it out from the language, so as to know what the other person is thinking in their hearts, and then prescribe the right medicine.

In this way, my task can be easily completed.

But now the question arises, should I use the Fu Hua character card, or use the Aponia character card?

“Phew, good afternoon, Miss Alponia.” After playing around with the children for a while, Barbara finally came to Hibiscus.

And the children also realized that it was time for lunch, and after saying goodbye to their little friends one after another, the square under the Fengshen Statue was deserted after a while.

“Good afternoon.”

Mu Jin, who came back to her senses, just patted the place beside her, signaling to Barbara that she could sit down and rest for a while.

‘I was just passing by to hear what Miss Alponia was talking to the children, but was it discovered…’

Hibiscus heard what Barbara was thinking in her heart, but she never expected that she would be interested in the stories she told the children.

“Miss Alponia, have you been telling stories to the children here all this time?”

“It’s just… to accompany these children occasionally. In fact, I prefer to hang out in Mond City more time, or go to the Knights to accompany that child Ke Li.” Mu Jin chuckled a few times,

That kid Keli seems to be very worried recently, and she even discussed with herself whether she would let Captain Qin give her a vacation if she behaved better recently.

She was still saying something like the Great Demon King, so she asked herself, but Ke Li didn’t want to tell her yet.

Thinking about other things in her heart, Mu Jin gradually set her sights on the statue of the wind god Barbatos: “I don’t know why, feeling the wind here will calm my mind.”

Since you mentioned this, I won’t be sleepy anymore!

Barbara, who seemed to realize that this was a qualified missionary opportunity, lit up all of a sudden, and subconsciously grabbed Hibiscus’s hand, allowing her to see once again what it means to be a fanatical Fengshen believer.

Obviously, as a Hibiscus who knows about Mond’s plot, she really wants to tell Barbara that the Fengshen she believes in is now a fish-fishing monster who drinks all day long…

Well, but even ifIf she said it herself, she wouldn’t believe it.

Hearing Barbara’s voice now, I can only tell myself how great Barbatos is as the Wind God of Mond.

If she hadn’t seen the plot, she might really believe what Barbara said.

When Barbara came back to her senses, she looked at Hibiscus who was holding her hand and pretending to be listening very hard.

Immediately, her face was flushed with a blush, and she let go of her hand, not daring to look directly at her.

“Hold, I’m sorry! Miss Alponia! What I said just now was too fascinating!”

“It’s okay. This shows that Miss Barbara is indeed a devout Fengshen believer. It is indeed a good thing. Even I feel it is very powerful.”

In fact, what Barbara said just now came to her ears, and Mu Jin could hear her inner voice. Under the double attack, she really couldn’t stand this kind of offensive for a while.

But still pretending that nothing happened, looking at Barbara’s moved face, she can only lament that little girls are so coaxing.

If Barbara sitting next to Mu Jin was replaced by another bad woman, Mu Jin might have been pinned down on the bed and unable to move.

“Miss Alponia…I didn’t expect you to understand me! It’s so touching! I want to promote our Fengshen with you more seriously this time! Lord Barbatos!”

Although she didn’t know why the topic became like this, Mu Jin felt that it would be good if she smiled now.

Yes, just smile.

In the end, when Barbara left, Hibiscus’s little head was filled with the “hey” of a certain wind god Barbatos who likes to touch fish. It was really brainwashing.

[Barbara’s affection for you has increased to 35%, and the favorability rewards have been distributed, please keep up the good work of the host! 】

Mu Jin doesn’t even have the intention to get the reward now, she just wants to go home and have a good rest.

Although physically she is not very tired, she can even carry things and run several laps.

But spiritually, Hibiscus has burned out.

In the end, I still didn’t ask anything from Barbara… Forget it, there will be a chance next time.

Otherwise, I should use Fu Hua’s character card to build a good relationship with Barbara… Otherwise, if I continue like this, I can’t stand it.

While she was thinking, she saw some familiar figures.

It’s the traveler and her emergency food, good guy, how did you get here from Daozuma? ? This guy probably installed a tracker on himself, right?

Why does Ying always follow behind me wherever I am? But she shouldn’t know about herself and the general, right?

It seems that Hibiscus’s gaze is relatively strong, and it immediately attracted Ying’s attention.

She looked in the direction of that line of sight, and only saw a hazy figure in the shadows and eyes that gave Ying a great pressure.

It seemed that if he was stared at by those eyes, the secrets about her would not be able to be hidden at all.

“Traveler, what are you looking at? Is there something delicious?” Paimon didn’t seem to feel the sight from there, followed Ying’s sight, but saw nothing.


Is it an illusion?

Ying rubbed her eyes and looked again, but found nothing. What happened just now was like a dream.

“Let’s go! Traveler! I’m so hungry!” Paimon grabbed Ying’s hand and prepared to go to the Deer Hunter restaurant without saying a word.

Although she was a little puzzled about who that person was just now, Ying still silently kept this matter in her heart.

Hibiscus, where did you go?

A missing person notice belonging to the Inazuma Shogunate appeared in Ying’s hand, and the portrait on it was Mu Jin’s appearance.

She looked at the portrait in her hand and was silent for a while. Although the style of the painting was a bit unique… there was even a sense of wisdom rushing to her face…

But those who know the other party well can immediately see that the person on the missing person notice is Mu Jin, who has been away for a long time in Daozawa.

This missing person notice was issued by General Lei Dian himself…

What did the two of you do before I knew about it? !


Picture: “Grass”, location: “Images/1661253756-100278806-109248403.jpg”

Updated! Updated! !

Ask for tickets and stickers every day! !

Come more, come more! !

There is only one update today, and the status is really bad… I obviously want to write more interesting things to attract everyone to read, but I really don’t know what to write…

Every day I don’t even want to play games, I lie on the bed all day, and the time passes by in such a muddled way… I want to become a useless person

Successfully escaped! :

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