The Traveler Who Is Gradually Turning into a Womanizer

Mu Jin, who had just opened her eyes, saw Lei Dengzhen’s soft eyes staring at her at the first sight, and even asked her softly how she was sleeping.

Hibiscus sat up slowly, rubbing her little head, as if she didn’t want to recall what happened there just now, with a fair smile on her face: “It’s okay, let’s not talk about this first, How long have I been asleep? Is your leg okay?”

Lei Dian really shook his head, expressing that there was nothing wrong with him. On the other hand, she still had to thank the other party for allowing her to finally find the opportunity to have a good talk with General Lei Dian.

As for the result of the conversation… It seems that he accidentally used too much force, which frightened the child.

“It’s only been over an hour. Your complexion doesn’t look very good. Did you have some kind of nightmare?”

“It’s only been over an hour… Why do I feel like I’ve been asleep for most of the day…” She stretched out, with a lazy expression on her face. The sun warmed her whole body, but she was satisfied many.

“Maybe you’re too tired?” Lei Dian looked at Mu Jin with a smile, rubbed his legs, then stood up slowly, and stretched out his hand to her: “Let’s go, we’re almost here It’s time for Ying to have afternoon tea.”

It’s true that Lei Xingwan wants to rest, and it’s true that he wants to eat dessert.

“Oh! Dessert!” What could be happier than being able to eat dessert upon waking up~

Mu Jin selectively suppressed what she heard from Leiden Mei to the bottom of her heart. Anyway, it’s not very important for the time being…?

But that’s the information I got by selling my appearance… I’m at a loss for doing so!

No, I have to find a chance to ask what happened in New Era, otherwise Mu Jin, who was scratched by the news, would not be able to sleep well.

“You’re in the New Era, um…” Leiden Mei rubbed her chin: “Well, we’ve agreed to solve Honkai and give us an answer.”

Obviously, Mu Jin also guessed that although she succeeded in this operation, she did not go back.

It can be seen from Leiden Mei’s overly resentful eyes when she looks at herself.

At that time, Mu Jin could only laugh a few times in embarrassment: “Don’t be kidding, what I’m concerned about right now isn’t about relationship issues, it’s more important things.”

She swears that she really doesn’t have the slightest interest in her own emotional situation in New Era! real! How could I be a fun-seeker?

Ah, so the fun came from me, so it’s okay.

“Well…then what do you want to hear?” Lei Dian Mei immediately withdrew her resentful gaze. Originally, those words were just teasing Mu Jin.

They didn’t tell Mu Jin what they wanted in the final battle, so how could they get an answer.

Even… at the end, I didn’t even have time to say goodbye, that idiot, if I could have noticed that will earlier…wouldn’t our ending be like this?

Just looking at Baimao Tuanzi’s clear eyes, the sadness in Lei Dian Mei’s heart disappeared a lot, at least she was still by her side.

“Because before that incident, you and Qiyana had always been in the same body with two consciousnesses.”

It’s just a pity that Mu Jin just woke up before she had time to ask what was the reason.

Just looking at LeiWith that look on Dian Mei’s face, she didn’t really want to continue talking.

Hibiscus, who drank the dumpling milk, was just thinking about the words that Raiden Mei said about the consciousness living in a body. Could it be that she raised Kiyana with this appearance?

Wow, I didn’t expect me to leave like this.

Hibiscus couldn’t imagine that such a thing would happen to her at all, and she was also very curious about what happened to separate herself from Qiyana.

After thinking about it carefully, the New Era, which was disrupted by her herself, is so chaotic. Although I don’t know exactly what happened, the only thing I can be sure of is that the plot must have been changed by magic. Hehe, it must be much more interesting than the previous Era.

It’s a pity that Mei doesn’t really want to tell her what happened in this era, tsk, why does this awkward old lady have a personality so like Mei.

It seemed that he had thought of something bad, and he directly chewed the dumpling in his mouth. The displeasure made General Lei Dian shrink back subconsciously.

Although she didn’t know why she had to shrink back, it’s only natural that she was afraid of his wife, right?

Obviously, this wife is just General Lei Dian’s unilateral recognition of Hibiscus, but it’s not a big problem. For her, it will be a matter of time anyway (?).

Although for a puppet, General Lei Dian’s character is indeed a bit stubborn, the kind that won’t look back if one thing is confirmed.

It’s just that after she communicated with Lei Dianzhen today, General Lei Dian discovered that this woman who always smiles knows Hibiscus so well, and even knows things that even she doesn’t know.

This person is even more dangerous than that woman Yae Kamito!

“If you want to reconcile with Hibiscus, don’t tell anyone about it, otherwise, you will know the consequences.” With a very gentle smile on her face, after she said this, she felt very rare. It made General Lei Dian feel a chill, but it was most likely an illusion, but it did not prevent her from considering the other party as one of her rivals in love.

Lei Dian really, really is a terrifying woman.

When it’s Liyue, another woman as terrifying as Lei Dianzhen will appear.

You don’t need to guess and you know that the terrifying woman that General Lei Dian said is condensed. Anyway, the most important thing is that the combined eyes of these two people must be incomparable to several General Lei Dian.

Thinking that the road to chasing Hibiscus has become a bit long again, General Lei Dian is visibly wilting now. How can he have the cold and majestic look he usually has?

Although Hibiscus has not done those things that she cannot forgive, but when she thinks of the present that is completely different from her memory, she feels that this memory is completely cumbersome and useless at all, even the memory that she just recalled It was because of this memory that General Leiden fell into a state of confusion for a while, and then he did that to Mu Jin.

If I didn’t have this memory, would I still be able to stick together with Hibiscus in my current self?

…and the only advantage of this memory is that those slightly indescribable fragments in my mind can satisfy my completely indescribable desire for hibiscus.

You can’t let Mu Jin know about this kind of thing, otherwise even General Lei Dian would feel a little embarrassed.

Her eyes stayed on Hibiscus’s overly rosy lips, and she subconsciously licked her lips. Although she didn’t feel any thirst in her body, General Lei Dian felt thirsty very rarely.

It can’t go on like this..

General Lei Dian even noticed that Lei Dian was really looking at her, so she could only pretend to be indifferent and took a sip of the dumpling milk that was put aside, completely ignoring Lei Dian, “How dare you drink my dumpling milk ‘ look.

“I, go out for a while.” She didn’t say what she was going to do, anyway, she couldn’t stay here for the time being, at least she didn’t plan to come back until General Lei Dian calmed down.

Anyway, when she sees Hibiscus now, it’s like a cat lover who can only look at a cute and clingy kitten from a distance, but feels no pain at all.

I don’t know how many times it has been in this state. It would be good if Mu Jin asked her to post it, it could relieve the inexplicable anxiety in her heart.

But she didn’t dare, what if Mu Jin was scared away again, what would she do if she went to Liyue without taking her with her?

General Leiden is very wronged now, but she doesn’t say it, because she doesn’t want Hibiscus to know that she will become so inexplicably weak in front of her.

It’s just that I posted this matter while Hibiscus was sleeping at night, General Lei Dian said that he would definitely continue to do it, as long as it was not discovered by the other party, it would be considered a success!

But what this guy doesn’t know is that the fact that she didn’t rest at night and hugged the hibiscus crazily posted it was actually known by the person concerned long ago.

It’s just that they didn’t break the opponent.

Looking at the figure of General Lei Dian hurriedly leaving after drinking the last bottle of dumpling milk left by Lei Yingying, and seeing the angry look on Lei Yingying’s face, but still holding back, Mu Jin still couldn’t hold back Laughed out loud.

It’s the first time for Mu Jin to see being bullied like this by her own creation. Lei Movie is indeed a bit… miserable?

“What are you laughing at? Isn’t it just a cup of dumpling milk? I still have a lot.” Lei Movie will never tell Mu Jin that this is her last stock.

Anyway, when the time comes, after Mujin takes General Zhenhe away from Daozuma,She will be free, and then no one will be able to control her from drinking dumpling milk.

Anyway, this body won’t have cavities… probably?

Thinking about it this way, Lei Yingying’s mood immediately improved a lot, and it was much more pleasing to the eye when he saw Mu Jin who was snickering just now.

And Lei Dianzhen, who knew exactly what his sister was thinking, smiled helplessly, and reminded him how much he should pay attention to the matter of not eating too much sweets.

Although in her memory she didn’t know whether the gods would get cavities from eating snacks, anyway, if this happened to Ying, it seemed quite normal?


After half a month, Ying and Paimon finally returned to Inaozuma City, and received a lot of rewards from Catherine from the Adventurer’s Association.

Full of confidence, she is already ready to feed Hibiscus!

“It’s just that I’d better go to Naruto Shrine first and ask that little fox, where is the hibiscus.” Among the people Ying least wants to face, Yae Kamito must be in the top three.

If you have something to say, the Riddler even likes to make fun of himself and Pymon sometimes. Hundreds of Pymons can’t match him.

Five of the ten sentences are false, and the remaining five sentences have to be judged by the mother to tell whether they are true or not. This way of communication really made the traveler lady feel headache.

“You said little guy, of course I hid it~?” Yae Miko wearing glasses looked at Ying who asked where Hibiscus had gone, with a frivolous smile on his face.

However, Ying seemed to have gotten used to Yae Miko’s out-of-the-ordinary look, which made the pink-fur fox’s plan to see a different expression from her a complete failure.

She could only sigh faintly: “Okay, okay, I won’t tease you anymore. I didn’t expect you to be less interesting now than before.”

“Thank you so much.” Thinking carefully, she was indeed teased a lot by the other party before, but there was nothing she could do. At that time, there was indeed something she wanted.

Yae Kamiko pushed her glasses, and she, who was sitting on the tatami casually, just stretched casually, and even yawned.

“As for the little guy, I saw her when I went to the castle tower some time ago, remember to say hello to me~” If it weren’t for the review of the light novel and the work of Rongcai Festival, she would have accepted the little guy came back.

Damn, why are there so many jobs! ? I don’t even have the chance to post with the little guy in my free time!

But even if he really went to the castle tower, every time Yae Shenzi saw Raiden, he would subconsciously turn into that honest fox, and would never show that scruffy fox in front of the other party.

In a sense, Thunder and Lightning really controlled these two people.

Although the opponent’s danger is actually much higher than that of Yae Shenzi and General Raiden.

And Mu Jin thinks that Lei Dianzhen treats him well for the time being, at least he doesn’t have any weird ideas, um…at least on the bright side, the other party’s behavior is still very normal.

It’s like treating yourself like… a kind big sister next door.

This made Mu Jin let down her guard against Lei Dianzhen a little bit, at least she did not reject Lei Dianzhen’s contact with her as much as before.

On the other side, after hearing the news from Yae Shenzi, Ying left Narushin Shrine with Paimon in a hurry, and came directly to Inazuma City through the teleportation anchor.

However, when heading to the castle tower, Ying felt that it was better to buy some delicious food for Mu Jin, after all, she seemed to spend a long time doing those tasks when she was away.

Just think of it as compensation for Mu Jin, ah, it would be even better if Mu Jin could give herself a hug… Hehehe.

Paimon looked at the smile on Ying’s face, and his expression gradually became a little disgusted.

What was it that turned the calm traveler before into a fool who didn’t even want to leave Mu Jin’s side?

Paimon thought for a while with his little head, but he didn’t come to any conclusions. In the end, he took a pityful look at Ying who was giggling now, and silently ordered a few more desserts that she liked, and finally directly It’s all on the traveler’s account.



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Autumn Pear Paste!

Fighting wits and courage, the loser wins:

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