The surroundings suddenly fell silent.

Xiao Yu tilted her head, and her beautiful camel red face set off her more and more confused, and a pair of drunken eyes stared at Lu Xiu.

Yu Shuang and Rita also looked over in surprise, their eyes strange.


Suddenly, Xiao Yu’s eyes saw the computer screen lit up in front of Lu Xiu.

The client of LOL is shown above.

If you are not queuing, you can see the English ID of Lu Xiu.

“Garbled … Not a single letter is bad…”

Xiao Yu blinked, she liked robots too much, others may not have a specific memory of a string of garbled characters, but she remembered each letter.

At the moment, compare them one by one….

I was surprised to find that it was verbatim!


Xiao Yu pointed at Lu Xiu in surprise: “You are also a fan of robots?!” ”


Lu Xiu was stunned and looked at this “own” fan in disunderstanding.

“The official just banned the space name yesterday, but I didn’t expect you to change it long ago… Wow…”

Xiao Yu glared at Meimu as if he had found a treasure, and came to Lu Xiu.

The two were almost stuck together.

Seeing this, Yu Shuang and Rita on the side stopped talking.

These two… I haven’t seen it a few times, I’m not so familiar!

Lu Xiu also subconsciously leaned back, and the tip of his nose could faintly smell the smell of wine and a faint jasmine fragrance.

“It’s so handsome, it’s this string of IDs… So beautiful… It seems that you are also a fan of him! ”

Xiao Yu was already lying on the chair, looking back at Lu Xiu, her beautiful eyes full of recognition and softness.

Stretched out his hand and said, “As long as you powder the robot, we are friends!” ”

Lu Xiu shook her hand with a confused look.

“Eh, you wouldn’t have deliberately changed your ID and wanted to take the bounty from those clubs, would you?”

Xiao Yu seemed to remember something, and his soft gaze became suspicious again.


Lu Xiu looked at Yu Shuang and Rita.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry, she’s drunk, I’ll take her out…”

Yu Shuangqiao’s face turned red.

What a shame!

I went up and went out with Rita with Xiaoyu.

A few minutes later, he walked in again.

“Oh, I’m sorry, she’s so happy today… To be honest, I don’t quite understand her emotions, but… Sorry ha. ”

Yu Shuang looked at Lu Xiu apologetically.

“It’s okay.”

Lu Xiu signaled that it was okay.

“Actually… It’s not just her, everyone is crazy today anyway…”

Yu Shuang remembered the various remarks he had seen on the Internet before, and the reactions of these people around him.

Until now, I am a little scared and shocked.

Since the robot was exposed as a human player, many of the hundreds of thousands of believers on the Internet have really exploded, and even made a group event of “robots teasing them and demanding an apology from robots”.

But more people have been completely conquered and become fans of robots.

There are many extreme fans like Xiaoyu.

Again, robots have done too many non-human things, and his strength can make all players who love this game crazy and even tremble!

To everyone’s expectations, after being exposed, the fame and popularity of robots are also increasing day by day, and they are still rising wildly!

Although the robot Buddha-figure is still very mysterious, countless people are already speculating about his age, personality… Even the appearance is high or low.

And, most importantly, if the robot really plays professionally, can it lead the LPL division through the darkness.

The just-concluded S5… It’s LPL’s darkest hour!

Thousands of believers have great expectations for robots at this moment!

“Before his debut, he is already the hottest star.”

Yu Shuang shook his head in embarrassment.

“Then I’ll go back first?”


After apologizing, Yu Shuang didn’t stay much longer, and left the bedroom with Rita.

Lu Xiu looked at the backs of the two and was silent for a long time: “Star? ”

“The problem is that the stars can’t play now…”



On the other side, back in the bedroom, Rita, who had not spoken much, couldn’t help but ask: “How do I feel, Lu Xiu’s mood is not too high?” ”

“Also, doesn’t he come back at least early in the morning every day?” The major teams haven’t had a holiday yet, right? Why did he take a holiday early…”

“You care about him?” Yu Shuang seemed to be smiling.

“Bah, what do you say?”

Rita blushed: “If you want to say that you care, it’s this one!” ”

He pointed to Xiao Yu, who was already asleep at the moment, and pouted: “Just now, the two of them were about to kiss!” ”


Yu Shuang was silent for a moment before sighing: “Alas, Lu Xiu should… I’m going to lose my job. ”

“Huh? Unemployment? ”


How is it also a friend who has lived together for a year, Yu Shuang knows Lu Xiu’s personal situation very well.

“He signed a three-year contract with IG that just expired this year.”

“In the past three years, he has not been able to play, he can’t even enter the first team, and for a long time, the team will definitely not raise him in vain.”

“That… You mean, he got kicked? But in this case, what will he do in the future? ”

Rita was a little worried: “Although I am not familiar with it, I can also see that Lu Xiu likes e-sports, he trains so late every day, and he doesn’t rest when he goes home, this…”

“So, alas.”

Yu Shuang shook his head and did not continue.

The e-sports industry is actually very cruel, there is no talent, there is not even a chance to play, Lu Xiu’s experience, why is it not the epitome of countless low-level e-sports personnel with dreams and want to make a name for themselves professionally?

Tick bells.

Just when the two were silent and the atmosphere was depressed.

The phone suddenly rang.

Yu Shuang took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and suddenly wailed: “It’s her again!” ”

Saying that, she picked up the phone: “Sister, I really don’t know robots, and I haven’t had contact with my friends, even if you give me more money, I can’t inquire… What the?! ”

“Are you sure who the robot is?!”

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