
The next moment, the state finally fell to the bottom, and Jian Ji, who was not even less than fifty points of blood, turned around with a tricky Q skill, opened the distance between him and the prince, and got into the grass.

Ah Kuang, who was beaten by the hammer, was so angry that his brain was bruised, and he wanted to immediately flash over and kill Jian Ji.

But after taking a look at Jian Ji who had entered the grass, and then estimating the blood line that the other party had come back from eating red medicine, he hesitated for a second or two.

Just this hesitant second or two, the best time to flash has been missed.

If you follow the past, you may not be able to kill him.

It’s okay, I have Flash, Kenji also has it, and I’m a functional hero, and the flashing effect is greater than Kenhime….

No loss.

Comforting himself in his heart, Ah Kuang chose to give up.

In this way, Jian Ji went around in circles, smoothly returned to the bottom of the tower, and read the note back to the city.

On the other side, the prince’s blood line was only half left.

And from the time he came back from the dead, TP to the line, it didn’t even take two seconds!


The blue square TP lights up.

Jian Ji is back online, and it is already in a state of full blood + a small long sword!

Then he began to unscrupulously press the prince.

The prince did not have the slightest way to do this, and he was in a poor state, and he did not dare to exchange blood with Jian Ji.

Only defensive towers can be indented.

And he just used TP, just died again, the line of troops is in front of the defense tower, and now there is no way to go home ….

For a moment, it inexplicably became a dilemma, and life was better than death.

Seeing this scene, the entire audience also exploded.

“What is this? Miracle is also too fierce to fight, right!? ”

The doll opened its mouth wide, looking at the prince who did nothing at all, and was inexplicably shivering under the defense tower, was a little confused for a while.

For everyone in the LPL division, they have never seen such a murderous match in their own division before!

“It’s not… Miracle’s wave of blood exchange is too decisive! ”

Miller has a better game understanding than the doll: “He caught a wave of ‘small mistakes’ from the prince TP, and then decisively went up to exchange blood… Very smart, and… What a limit! ”

“Jian Ji didn’t even have fifty points of blood just now! He pulled until he was going to die, and then chose to distance himself. ”

“Yes! You must know that the prince’s wave is flashing, if Mouse is a little decisive just now, maybe he can change this sword Ji! The doll nodded.

“No, didn’t you notice that when Jian Ji changed blood, his position was always moving? MiracleQ turned around and just entered the grass, plus the red medicine on his body, the general player will not flash in order to be stable, and Jian Ji himself has a flash! ”

“This proves that Jian Ji actually knew from the beginning, Miracle, this newcomer will have something on the line!”

The doll was also silent for a while.

Then the classic exaggerated tone: “Then in this way, Mouse was pressed under the defense tower at the beginning, and he has not replenished two soldiers so far!” ”

“The prince of EDG has fallen into a disadvantage from the beginning of the game!”

The scene is quiet, like a library.

The prince on the field is indeed inferior in the opposite line.

In fact, he was only caught by Jian Ji with a wave of “mistakes that are not counted as mistakes” before he ended up where he is now.

In this wave, the prince did not dare to replenish the troops, and did not dare to return when he went home.

It will continue until the next time the director comes to help him, the prince will be in this state.

The economy has been suppressed.

“Pin show! Yes! ”

In the IG team, watching Lu Xiu take the initiative on the road at the beginning, several teammates were all surprised and delighted.

Rookie Chinese half-baked: “This pair of lines is too limiting, the opposite side is estimated to be confused, right?” ”

“Haha, don’t look at who is playing wild.”

The child smiled shamelessly, and then immediately had a filial tone of discovering the new big daddy: “Lu’er, you are on the line, there is me on the road, and they will never let them catch you!” ”


Lu Xiu nodded while facing the line seriously.

“What’s going on on the road?”

On the other side, the director frowned after seeing the situation on the road.

“Blame me, I was careless, I didn’t flash.”

Ah Kuang also knew that it was his several hesitations that led to missed the opportunity and simply admitted his mistake.

“After all, the opposite side is the passerby king, do not play team cooperation with him, light to the line, it is indeed easy to capsize in the gutter.”

The director glanced at Jian Ji’s lead, not much, and did not care.

On the contrary, he pressed forward like a reckless man on the opposite side, making him raise a desire that is only available in professional wilderness.

“Wait, I’ll go over and help you catch it later.”

“Tell this genius what professional play is, what is welcome to LPL…”

“On the order, it’s not like that!”

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