Although Zhou Wen also wanted to try to see if he could replicate the good things on his body, things like mysterious mobile phones, if they could replicate a few, it would be really abnormal.

Even if the mysterious phone can't be copied, it's great to get a few Slaughter Swords and Absolute Swords.

Of course, Zhou Wen didn't really do that. He had to figure out what was going on in this dimensional domain before he dared to try things like Slaughter the Immortal Sword, otherwise, in case something went wrong, the gain would not be worth the loss.

Looking at the two Xiao Li walking in the team, Zhou Wen always felt that this thing was a bit weird. If everything could be replicated and the benefits would be endless, this dimensional domain would be too strong.

In fact, the Wang family was also very worried. After all, the benefits were so great that it was so big that people could not believe it.

If it weren't for Wang Lu's strong ability to fortune, they wouldn't necessarily dare to come if they knew that there were such benefits.

The group of people thought about their own affairs, and walked around the salt lake again. When they came to the area where they left their luggage again, they found two piles of exactly the same luggage there.

When I opened it, there was one more thing, but only one of those things that Xiao Li copied once before appeared.

"In this way, there are two possibilities. One possibility is that the copy cannot be copied, and the other is that the same thing will only be copied." Zhou Wen muttered to himself.

"It's okay to copy one, one at a time, ten times is ten. We stay here for a few days, and there will be no shortage of companion pets. The rise of the Wang family is just around the corner..." The Wang family were very excited.

Someone has experimentally hatched the duplicated companion eggs, and the results are exactly the same as the normal companion eggs, without any difference.

By this time, no one doubted the value of copying the companion eggs anymore. They just wanted to copy more companion eggs and things.

The only trouble is Xiao Li, the two Xiao Li still can't tell the true and the false, so they can only be guarded temporarily to avoid any trouble.

"Patriarch, there can be no mistake. This dimensional domain is the blessed land of our Wang family. Leave everything you bring, and copy as many things as possible. Who knows if there will be a time limit here..." A Wang family The old man said to Wang Lu.

"No hurry, let's keep a part first according to the original plan." Wang Lu shook his head.

Others tried to persuade Wang Lu, but Wang Lu directly interrupted: "The plan is to protect the interests of the family. If you don't follow the plan, who will be responsible for problems?"

Everyone in the Wang family, look at me and I will look at you. In the end, according to Wang Lu's order, only a part of the things were left, and he went around the lake again.

"What do you think?" Wang Lu asked softly as he walked beside Zhou Wen.

"This is indeed probably the dimensional domain of the time-space system. I just left a few low-level companion eggs there. Next time, I should find a little bit." Zhou Wen said.

"What do you mean?" Wang Lu asked puzzledly.

Zhou Wen put a few companion eggs there. Wang Lu saw it from the very beginning, and those companion eggs were all copied. Once again, there will be only one more. It seems that there is no difference. I don’t know Zhou Wensuo. What is the discovery?

Zhou Wen explained: “I only left one of each of the companion eggs and the duplicated companion eggs.”

The book kiosks that book friends used before have been hung up, and now they are basically using \\mi\\mi\\ to read\\app\\\\.

Wang Lu was originally very clever. Hearing Zhou Wen's words, he immediately understood: "You have left part of the original companion eggs, and some of them are copied companion eggs. If all the companion eggs are copied again by then, it will be That is to say, there is no restriction on copying, but the same thing can only be copied one at a time. If a part of the companion egg is not copied, it means that the copy cannot be copied again."

Zhou Wen nodded and said: "If the power of time and space is really at work, then no matter whether it is the original or a copy, it should be able to be copied. No, it should not be said to be copy, or it is better to use parallel space to describe it. Those things come from parallel space, not copied. If the copy hasn't been copied, it's hard to say. Of course, it's all just guessing now, and we have to look at the result."

"When you see those things that have been copied, you don't feel excited at all?" Wang Lu asked Zhou Wen, looking at it.

At this time, Zhou Wen was able to think about so many things without being affected at all, which surprised Wang Lu.

Wang Lu's own luck is extremely good, and he doesn't lack anything in normal times, but when he sees the copied things, his will is still a little shaken. The reason why he insists on acting according to the plan is just just in case.

Even so, she doesn't have so much is not as calm as Zhou Wen.

"Heart, how can I not, but..." Zhou Wen seemed to hesitate and didn't finish his words.

"It's convenient, not inconvenient," Wang Lu said.

"There is no inconvenience, I'm just afraid you will think more." Zhou Wen thought for a while and said.

"Then speak directly, I absolutely believe in you." Wang Lu said seriously.

"I'm afraid to believe in myself. I would rather think that I was wrong." Zhou Wen smiled wryly, and continued without waiting for Wang Lu to ask. "You tell me, according to my previous experience, every time I enter a stranger It seems that something will happen in the realm of the dimension, and it will be quite thrilling every time, so no matter how much my heart is moved, I still care a little in my heart."

"I thought it was something that scared me, don't worry, with me by your side, your luck will be better." Wang Lu smiled.

"I have nothing to worry about, I'm afraid you don't worry about it." Zhou Wen smiled.

The two were walking and chatting. After walking around for a long time, everyone approached the place where the things were placed again. Zhou Wen saw from a distance that there was a pile of things there, and the companion eggs he placed were among them.

"'s not right...half of it has not been copied..." Zhou Wen couldn't help but frown after he counted in his heart.

According to previous guesses, if space-time forces were at work, the companion eggs he left behind, whether they were original or duplicates, should have new ones, but now it is obvious that half of them have not been copied into new ones.

"Will the copy be copied again? That is, only the original version will always be copied into new ones. Is this the power of the time and space system?" Wang Lu also saw the companion eggs of Zhou Wen, and immediately knew What happened.

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