I Just Want to Upgrade Infinitely

Chapter 54 Improve your strength!

"That barbecue stall owner is really immoral!"

"I curse him to die early and live early..."

Although, Xiao Zhang obtained the talent panel and practiced unknown exercises.

Has successfully embarked on the path of cultivation.

In the future, he is destined to become the most powerful person in the universe.

However, Xiao Zhang couldn't help but feel a little distressed when he thought of the fifty dollars he lost.

From a poor family, he spends every penny carefully.

In the past, his living expenses for three days were only fifty yuan.

It is difficult to understand Xiao Zhang's current mood for someone who has never been really poor, and who has never really spent a penny in half.

"However, compared to the fifty dollars, what troubles me more is that my growing appetite is a bottomless pit that consumes money."

"Tonight's meal cost me three hundred and fifty yuan."

"One day's meal cost, calculated like this, will cost nearly one thousand yuan."

Xiao Zhang silently calculated in his heart.

Suddenly, the corners of his distressed mouth began to twitch slightly.

To know,

In the Rongcheng Funeral Home, Xiao Zhang worked part-time as a corpse painter, made up the dead, and sewed up the corpses. His monthly salary was only more than 5,000 yuan.

And the more than 5,000 yuan is only enough for Xiao Zhang's meal for a week at most.


If the money only buys some steamed buns and pickles, it will definitely be enough for his food expenses for a month.

"Alas, it's just the so-called poor study of literature and riches of martial arts."

"People who practice martial arts need huge financial resources to support them. What's more, the magical powers that they cultivate are the top-level existences in the fantasy category, and the consumption is naturally greater."

"You must find a way to make more money."

At this moment, Xiao Zhang suddenly came to his senses.

Law, wealth, companionship, and land, among the countless fantasy and immortal novels, the four conditions that must be met.

The same is true in the city where you live.

Moreover, that 'wealth' is the second-ranked existence in these four major conditions, and how important it is, it is self-evident.

"I have improved my own cultivation realm, although, I don't need to spend a lot of money to buy treasures and panacea like those monks in the novel."

"I only need to consume some experience points, and I can instantly improve the cultivation realm."

"However, because of the continuous strengthening of one's own physique, the appetite for food will naturally increase, which is unavoidable."

"Looks like I'll have to figure out a way to make some more money."

With a pile of food in his hand, Xiao Zhang's brows furrowed tightly.


In today's money-oriented society, making money is not an easy thing.

Those who say that they are not interested in money at every turn, or set a small goal to make him 100 million yuan, are still very rare.

extremely rare.

There are more than one billion people in the country, but there are only a few people.

"Forget it, I don't think about how to make money first, I still don't believe it. With my current strength, how could I not make money!"

"The top priority now is to go home quickly, and then, after eating, you can consume these experience points and improve your strength."

It took about five minutes for Xiao Zhang to trot all the way back to his residence.


It took less than twenty minutes.

Xiao Zhang dealt with these two kilograms of pork head meat, two elbows, a roast chicken, a roast duck, a large bucket of cola, and a box of Dove chocolate.

"When people eat, they must not eat too full, which is not good for health, and barely eat about 80% full.

That's it. "

Standing up, Xiao Zhang packed some boxes and other garbage such as bones.

Then, put it in the trash can beside it.

"Next, it's an exciting time to improve your strength!"

Before even taking off his shoes, Xiao Zhang took a brisk walk, jumped onto the bed, and sat cross-legged.


Immediately, in Xiao Zhang's heart, there was a soft call, and it sounded quietly.

at the same time,

A talent panel exuding purple light slowly appeared in front of Xiao Zhang's eyes.

Name: Xiao Zhang

Age: 18


The second layer of unknown exercises (please name it, there are 43 layers in total, it can consume 32 experience points to upgrade to the third layer).

Skills: The second layer of Dawei Tianlong (13 layers in total, can consume 16 experience points to upgrade to the third layer).

Gift pack: none

Items: none

Experience Points: 18.

"I only have 18 experience points now, and to improve unknown exercises, it takes as many as 32 experience points, and I'm still more than ten short."

His brows furrowed slightly, and Xiao Zhang pondered secretly.

"At present, the only thing that can be improved is the Buddhist supernatural power of Dawei Tianlong. It only needs to consume 16 experience points. The experience points I have are completely more than enough."

Looking at the talent panel floating in front of him, Xiao Zhang stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead with some headache.

For a while, there was some hesitation in his heart.

"I am consuming 16 experience points right now to upgrade the magical power of the Buddhist family, Dawei Tianlong, from the second floor to the third floor."

"Or say, don't improve anything for the time being, keep these experience points, find a way to continue to accumulate, and wait until the experience points are accumulated for thirty-two sessions, and then use them to improve unknown exercises?"

Faced with these two different choices, Xiao Zhang couldn't help frowning.

It's really hard to choose.

In fact, compared to Dawei Tianlong, Xiao Zhang still wants to improve unknown exercises.

after all,

This unknown practice method is related to his cultivation realm.

Like the solid cornerstone of a ten thousand zhang tall building, for Xiao Zhang, it is the most critical and most important point.


The only downside is that Xiao Zhang still lacks more than a dozen experience points, so he has enough experience points to improve unknown exercises.

In order to gain more than a dozen experience points, Xiao Zhang still needs to continue to kill one or two mysterious monsters.

Have to wait a while.

And if Xiao Zhang chooses to consume experience points now to improve the supernatural powers of Dawei Tianlong.

Then, the advantage is that he can immediately increase his strength.


Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Xiao Zhang narrowed his eyes slightly.

In his mind, he was quickly thinking about which of these two options to choose, which would be better for him now.


After pondering for a long time,

Xiao Zhang slowly spit out the foul breath in his chest.

At this moment, in his pitch-black eyes, the hesitant expressions had all disappeared.


What filled the pupils again was the firm color that made a certain choice.

. . . . . . . .

Ps: Thanks to drygb for the reward of 100, and thanks to the book friend 20191126212222962 for the reward of 100.

What name should be given to the unknown exercises. If you have any good ideas, you can leave a message here, and by the way, cast a few more recommendation votes.

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