I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Vol 2 Chapter 1147: A man who grew into a beast


Hearing Marco's shouting, Chopper, who was making medicine, glanced in that direction subconsciously, and only glanced at his whole body... Not a human body, jumped up and exclaimed:

"It's the incense burner general!"

Cullo's face collapsed, "I'm Jin Yan, say it again, Jin Yan!"

Chopper was stunned: "Eh? Didn't you say that you are a lieutenant general?"

Cullo frowned, "Are you paying attention here!"


A gust of wind blew, and the frost on the people in the form of half-green ghosts turned into white airflow, all rolled towards Cullo, and was absorbed by a woman with a bumpy figure.

"OK OK!"

The pirates and samurai moved their bodies and found that there was no cold feeling, and they all cheered.


Chopper opened his mouth wide, he didn't understand how this was done, but he was struggling to make medicine, and the ice ghost disappeared?

"Yo, civet cat doctor, long time no see."

Fanny raised her hand to say hello, and the range of motion made Ruyuan Ruyue on her chest tremble for a while, making people dazzled.

"It's a reindeer, bastard!"

Chopper cried out subconsciously, then looked at Fanny, and quickly remembered this person, "Ah! You are the doctor who can't remember the medicine!"

Back then in Chambord, they had a period of intersection.

"Did your hungry pill add Golden Herb? It's much better than adding Akira Herb." Chopper remembered the pill that he had identified as wrong.

Fanny nodded and said, "Did you say the Navy Pill's 'Strength Pill'? Joined, very good, thank you, civet cat doctor."

Chopper's eyes turned into wavy lines of laughter, and his body twisted and twisted, "It's a reindeer, bastard~"

Sazir on the side looked strange, "Strength pill? Isn't the side effect of that thing making you unable to eat?"

He remembered this most clearly, and Fanny vowed to say that her 'strength pill' had grown so much that it would not make people hungry.

At that time, Sazir didn't know what was wrong. He believed in Fanny's evil, so he really went to try the medicine. As a result, his strength was strong, and he didn't feel hungry. It seemed that there was no problem.

But this thing has always been unable to feel hungry, the feeling of fullness is too strong, and I can't eat anything for several days, but where does the nutrients that the human body must absorb come from?

With the increase of strength, the human body consumes more quickly. The positive effect of the pill is only half an hour, and the side effects can last for several days. In desperation, Sazir can only run for drips to survive the side effects period of that time. .

The pill is better than the previous starvation, but you can't say that this side effect is flawless, at least it is a big problem.

Fanny raised her head and said, "It's already very good, I'm already correcting it, and General Cullo praised me that this pill is good, saying it's a good medicine for weight loss!"

Are you still proud?

You are a doctor, your medicine has great side effects, don't you feel ashamed!

Sazir opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but found that Fanny had always come here like this, so he didn't know what to say.

Marco saved this embarrassing side at the right time, and he asked again:

"Hey, Cullo, you haven't answered my question yet. Why are you here? Your navy never steps into the second half of the new world. What are you doing here?"

Cullo chuckled: "You don't seem to understand? Marco, you are an old man at sea, don't forget one thing, once upon a time, the footprint of the navy was all over the world, and stepping into the second half is not without precedent."

A few decades ago, the navy was indeed all over the world, but there were too many pirates, and they couldn’t bear to fight against pirates all the year round. Finally, under the control of the world government, they gave up the site in the second half of the great route and focused their attention. It was placed in the first half and the four seas, so it was called the 'New World'.

Marco shrugged, shook his head and said, "Hey, do you want to take this opportunity to arrest everyone here? Aren't you afraid of causing a war with all the pirates?"

"Don't be so serious, Marco."

Cullo bared his teeth, revealing a gleam of white light, "At least if you don't resist, I might let you go back to fight with Tickey, he hasn't been very good recently, you have a chance to take revenge, not meddle here. The ruins of the country."

Hearing this, Marko squinted his bespectacled eyes, the pineapple hair on his head moved, then glanced back at Chopper, looked up at the top of the Tianshou Pavilion in the back, turned his head to face Cullo, and sighed. Take a breath:

"No way."

He shook his head and said in a relaxed tone, "Well, I've already come here, and Izang is here too. If I leave at this time, Izang will scold me."


Cullo put his left hand on the handle of the knife, his eyes gradually sharpened, "You won't give way?"

"Sa, it's hard to say." Marco said softly: "Anyway, thank your people for removing the ice ghost, so that I can let go of the fight."

Without these ice ghosts, he didn't need Qingyan maintenance treatment, so he freed himself up.

You can't win if you fight, but if you delay, you'll be fine.

The pirates who originally belonged to the Hundred Beast Pirates and the warriors of Wano Kingdom suddenly stood up and said loudly, "We will help you!"

"You helped us maintain time, keep us awake, and we're on your side!"

"Yeah, what about the navy, don't even think about going in!"

The pirates clenched their weapons and faced the navy part with a smile one by one.

Although the samurai didn't know what a pirate was, they had seen the efforts of Marco and Chopper before. Now that someone is against them, it is naturally moral, so they also drew their weapons and aimed at them. Clow them.


Fanny raised her hand weakly at this time, and said in a puzzled way, "Didn't I save you all?"


The pirates and the samurai looked at each other, and the clenched weapons loosened again.

It seems so?

Their attention was focused on the previous efforts of Marko and Chopper, and they forgot the point. They seemed to be saved by this woman.

"But the navy is the enemy!" the pirate shouted.

"But, we don't know what the navy is, and we haven't seen it before." The samurai said puzzled.

Under the isolation and isolation of the country, Wano Country, which has not been in contact with the outside world for a long time, naturally does not know about the things in the world.

The world government, the navy, the allied countries and so on, how do they know these things.

These people were not originally from the same camp. There were pirates and samurai who helped Luffy. They were still fighting with each other before. Because of Quinn's "ice ghost", they were recruited together and united the front.

Now that the ice ghost virus is gone, there will naturally be differences.

Seeing that everyone was about to quarrel, Marko hurriedly said, "They are the enemies of the straw hat."

straw hat? !


The savior who is fighting with Kaido?

When the warriors heard this, they all looked solemn and clenched their blades again.

"Then I'm sorry!"

A samurai said solemnly: "I'm sorry, this man named 'Navy', although you saved us, but we want to save the country, we won't let you in!"


Marko laughed: "No one agrees."


As soon as he finished speaking, his figure froze, and a scarlet wind gushed out in front of him, blowing in this direction very quickly, and the fishy smell that erupted made Marco a little lost for a moment.

Is that... overlord color? !

No, not right!

Marco cheered up and saw that there was no scarlet wind, but the man just glared at it.


The sound of weapons falling.

Marko looked around and saw that everyone around him froze, his body trembled uncontrollably, and he didn't respond when the weapon landed.

He gritted his teeth and burst out the words: "Murderous!"

Cullo approached with a smile, "The quality is good, no one is dizzy."

"Stop lying!"

Marco tightened his body, and the green flames around him became more violent, showing a look of alertness.

They didn't faint, it was this guy who didn't take them seriously at all, and the amount of murderous aura he used was simply not enough!

But no matter what, keep this man!

If you let him in, the battle situation will not know what the chaos will look like!

tread, tread, tread...

But Cullo's pace seemed to have a magical nature. In his eyes, the closer this man got, the more ferocious it was. It seemed that he was not a person, but a fierce beast with a strong killing intent.

Gradually, he looked at this fierce beast absentmindedly.


The ferocious beast roared violently, making Marco agitated, his eyes flashed, and the ferocious beast changed into the appearance of Cullo.

He is very close to him!

When did you approach, why didn't you notice it!

Marco gritted his teeth, cold sweat dripping from his forehead, "Is it an illusion?"

He is a veteran, and after a little thought, he knows what kind of situation he has just entered, which is an illusion formed by killing intent.

Cullo stood in front of him and looked at him. Just when Marco couldn't bear to shoot, Cullo smiled at him and said softly: "It's so hard to stop me?"

Saying that, Cullo passed by this person, and passed Marco with the people under his hands one by one, as if no one was there.

"Take care of yourself, I also expect you to cause a little trouble to that **** Titch in the sea."

Behind him, Cullo's faint voice sounded.

A group of navy entered the gate, and the sound of footsteps disappeared, making the surroundings quiet for a while.

"Ha ha..."

Marco gasped suddenly, as if his whole body was pulled out of the water, and even the blue flames all over his body couldn't stop his sweat.

He clenched his fists unwillingly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but thought of something, he smiled bitterly and sighed: "It's getting more and more terrifying..."

Compared with the immature Cullo when Dad was still alive, the current Cullo is obviously a lot more terrifying. From a young beast, it has completely evolved into a fierce beast.

He admits that for a moment he lost his mind, he was scared.

He doesn't want to die, he still has a mission to keep the rest of his 'family' alive, which is the mission given to him by his father.

By comparison...

Wano's affairs are not as important as his mission!

But, is this really good?

Ace's younger brother, but he's still fighting...

He is also very important!

Marco gritted his teeth, twisted his footsteps and wanted to turn around and chase after him, "I still can't..."


Suddenly, there was an angry shout not far away, "What did you do, you actually killed my dear brothers!"

In that direction, Perospero approached here with a face full of anger and a group of people, obviously seeing the triplets who died here.

"Okay, don't hesitate."

At this time, Marco showed a smile of guilt or relief, "There are new people to stop, I'm sorry, Luffy..."

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