I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Vol 2 Chapter 1151: You can't run away!

"Hurry up, hurry up! Can't let Huoqianfang reach the basement!"

After Yamato got out of the hole, it directly transformed into a white wolf. This white wolf still had scarlet demon horns on its head, a colored beet rope tied around its waist, and an ice-blue circle around its shoulders that looked like a flame. The same aperture, the tail fluffy and fluttering like a flame.

It doesn't look like a beast.

After she got down, she didn't continue to break the ground, but found a way to run in the opposite direction.

Then, from the hole, a kangaroo fell from the hole, carrying a few people and ran with the white wolf.

The navy soldier guarding the gate watched people run away, glanced at a nearby floor and lay on that side, resting on his head with one hand and one leg bent, Moore asked:

"Lieutenant Colonel Moore?"


Moore yawned, glanced over there, and then looked at the sister and brother who had been brought by him, had been handcuffed with Hailou stone, and their bodies were tightly bound by thick iron ropes, and said:

"Forget it, it's boring, I don't want to move."

As soon as he finished speaking, two people came down from the hole, one was Chloe and the other was Lida.

As soon as Crow touched the ground, he rushed forward, bringing out a cloud of smoke.

"Don't run, Usopp!"

Usopp, who was on the Komagu, heard the voice and looked back, his tongue tingling with fright, "Hey! Are you chasing after you? Hurry up, think of a way, you guys! Nami! Use your invincible Zeus to think of a way. !"


Nami growled: "I'm a weak woman!"

Robin also nodded and said, "Me too. If I use my abilities now, I will be touched by a beluga. She has the power to absorb people's energy."

"I'm just a skeleton, yohohohoho!" Brooke's jawbone moved.

Usopp: "…"

"How can it be repaired!"

He turned around, took out the slingshot [black pocket] and pulled it away from the chasing Chloe and the others, and shouted: "Then look at me, Master Usopp, first of all, if they are chasing, then They must restrict their movements! Kill Green Star Demon Swarm!"

Several seeds flew out of his slingshot very quickly, not aiming at the body of Klo and the others, but the ground they were advancing. The seeds hit the ground and directly grew a group of huge Venus flytraps, like giant green snakes. After dancing for a while, he opened his mouth and ran towards Chloe and Lida.

Chloe's eyes darkened, he jumped up in the air, and quickly kicked several slashes forward, slicing the Venus flytrap that stretched out.

"It's all said, this can't stop me!" Crow shouted.

"Come again, sure-kill Green Star Bamboo Spear!"

Usopp shot a seed to the ground again, and countless spears of green bamboo grew on the ground where Klo was advancing, spreading rapidly towards Klo.

Cloe narrowed his eyes and took out Lanjiao again. This time Lanjiao's slash stayed on the bamboo spear for a while, but it was only for a while, and the bamboo spear was quickly cut into several pieces.

The power of his lantern feet has long been able to easily cut off steel, but bamboo with a decent hardness will stop his attack.

Clow kicked the bamboo spears to pieces and was about to move forward when he heard Usopp continue pulling his very pediatric-looking slingshot, shouting, "It's not over yet!"

"That kind of attack trajectory, don't make trouble!" Crow said gloomily.

With a straight attack trajectory like this, don't dodge too easily, even if you look at the previous two attacks, this guy's knowledge is not low.

But so what!

As soon as Chloe's footsteps moved, his body would quickly dodge.

There, Usopp, who was pulling the slingshot, ticked at the corner of his mouth: "Sure-kill Green Star Humanoid Grass!"

call out!

Suddenly, a dozen or so little things like ginseng dolls grew on the ground. They moved their legs and hugged Crow's limbs very quickly. The rest of the humanoid grass was ready to hug Lida, but she flashed past her ahead of time. After kicking the air and bouncing high in the sky, causing those humanoid grasses to lose their target, they hugged Crow again.

"Hey, I've already threw the seeds on the ground, let's take it, Chloe!"

Usopp's arm forcefully pulled the slingshot to the extreme, shooting out a red round seed.

The seed flew out, quickly reached Klo, and extended a lot of green grass back, forming a huge green grass wolf. The red round seed was the nose of the wolf, and opened to Klo The fangs, under the green grass, are like a roar.

"Never Kill Green Star Strikes Wolf Grass!"

Lida, who was bouncing in the sky, saw this scene and said in surprise, "Shock wave?"

"Go!" Usopp shouted loudly.


The wolf-shaped grass erupted with a huge shock wave, hitting the front, and the shock wave caused the inside of the front to collapse, and the floor splashed to the rear.

"Nice job Usopp!" Nami said happily.


Usopp raised his head, rubbed his long nose, closed his eyes and said proudly: "That's right, my uncle Usopp is very strong, that Chloe was defeated by me once, and I will fight it again. already."

Brook said in shock: "That's a black wolf. You defeated him in the East China Sea, that's really amazing!"

Nami rolled her eyes when she heard the words, "Don't come, it was obviously defeated by Luffy, you were so scared that you didn't dare to move, and Chopper wasn't here."

Brooke opened his mouth wide, "Eh! Is it fake?!"

Usopp shouted: "I was very brave at the time, anyway, now he is defeated by me!"

"I'm afraid not."

Robin's voice sounded, and she was staring at the front and said, "It's still intact."

The impact of the wolf grass in front of him has ended, and it fell down, revealing the figure of Crow who was completely intact and completely unbroken. The only thing that shook was the cloak floating.

He raised his head and said lightly to Usopp, "Iron."

This level of shock wave is still far from him.

"This guy, why is it so scary!"

Usopp hugged his head and shouted a few words, then suddenly pulled the slingshot and launched the seeds frantically.

"Must Kill Green Star Sargasso!"

"Must Kill Green Star Skull Blasting Grass!"

"Also, must-kill Green Star Burst Sleeping Grass! Pass me out!"

Several seeds flew past, and the first one burst out with huge seaweed like spider webs, almost occupying the height of the first floor, blocking the space for Klo and the others.


Before Clow could react, the second wave of seeds hit and exploded instantly, bursting out a huge smoke like a skull, sweeping Clow and Lida in.

Then a few seeds were shot from the smoke and fell to the ground, and a cloud of smoke continued to erupt.

"Now, you..."

Before Usopp could finish his harsh words, his pupils shrank, and he subconsciously moved his body away a little.


A burst of energy slashed his cheek, causing blood to splatter out.

"It's not an opponent at all! Hurry up, Xiaoyu, let the Komain run faster!" Usopp screamed in horror~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ah...Okay, okay! "

Xiaoyu also became nervous. Although she didn't know what these 'navies' were for, she knew that this was the enemy of these people, and that was enough.

She patted the Komain, and the Komain let out a low growl, then accelerated abruptly, chasing Yamato even faster.


Several sections of green algae that had been cut flew out of the diffuse smoke, and Lida and Crow slowly walked out of the smoke.

Crow shook his hand and frowned: "There's still sleepy smoke, it's... too complicated, but it's too useless!"

"Aren't you still being slowed down? It's useless."

Lida pouted, "Hurry up, Chloe, I want to find that woman named Yamato."

Crow glanced at the front where he had lost his target, walked forward, stopped suddenly, crouched down, licked a little blood on the floor with his fingers, stuck out his tongue, and licked it lightly.

He grew black fur all over his body, transformed into a human-beast form, his eyes burst open, full of hideousness.

"They can't run away, absolutely can't run away!"

Although that kind of intensive attack was nothing in terms of power, it was true that he was blocked.

Being blocked by Usopp for so long, he felt very ashamed, very humiliated!

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