I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Vol 2 Chapter 1154: 'Dragon and Snake Romance'

"Lieutenant General Crowe?"

Drake also showed a look of surprise. As one of the captains of the 'sword' team, of course he knew about Chloe, especially when Chloe was the deputy captain of the 'sword', and his position and rank were his superiors.

But if they came to Wano Country, Drake, who was a subordinate, should also know, but it was the first time he saw them.

"Drake, back to the team, arrest the pirates here." Chloe said to him.


Drake moved quickly, changing into the human-beast shape of an Allosaurus while running, and the long sword in his hand slashed at the Usopp group who broke in.


A rapier stood in front of him, and Brook stood on the Komai, resisting Drake's sword, and the rapier in his hand trembled slightly.

"Yo-ho, yo-ho, a lot of power!" Brooke yelled there.

Usopp pointed at Drake and shouted, "Hey, you agreed to cooperate with us, did you betray so soon?!"

Derek raised his eyes when he heard the words, the four-edged axe who wanted to continue the attack stopped, he flipped down from the air and landed on the ground, saying, "I'm not betrayal, I'm just returning to the team, I myself am Navy. Besides, I have already helped you block the ten ghosts before, and the current Apu is not considered a betrayal."

He can't hear such words, otherwise, wouldn't it be the same as Apu?

Drake hesitated there, and the black and white mask on the side also said solemnly: "We have not received the news of your coming."

"Navy action, why does cp receive a message..."

Crow smiled contemptuously, his eyes sharp, "What did you guys want to do just now? CP organization, even CP0, doesn't have the power to execute the Navy, right?"

The black and white mask said: "Just to keep the secret, Wu Lang, make sure this kind of thing doesn't make the news."

The eyes under his mask looked at Chloe, and then glanced at Lida, who seemed to be considering something.

Crowe narrowed his eyes slightly, "You seem to want to kill us, cp0, I'll repeat it to you again, Mr. Clow is already here, if you don't want to make Mr. Clow angry."

The black and white mask was silent for a while, and then said solemnly: "I understand, then we'll go catch Nicole Robin."

Lida's eyes were on Yamato who was running forward at this time, she was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously glanced at Crow, her eyes were very subtle.

"Tsk, it's also in the shape of a beast, and it looks better than you. The black rope is flashing!"

Lida said a word, and her figure even dodged, and she appeared in the surrounding afterimages, directly in front of Yamato, and at the same time transformed into a young girl.

"Get out of the way!"

Yamato reacted instantly, and swung a stick in it.


Lida punched forward, the fists collided in the air under the domineering entanglement of the stick, and rushed out a wave of air to spread around, which also blocked the attack of the two and retreated one after another.

Lida took a half step back, and Yamato took a step back.


Yamato's brows twitched, this woman's domineering level is not enough, but her strength can be compared to her human-beast-shaped strength, even a little bit bigger...

"You're amazing! But I don't have time to fight you now. I'll fight you when I stop Huoqianfang!" Yamato said seriously.


Lida waved her hand and curled her lips, "You can't deal with that kind of soul product. Cullo said, you can't deal with this kind of thing if you don't master the power of 'potential'."

Yamato said loudly: "Once it goes to the arsenal, it will blow up this place! By then, all the people in the Tianshou Pavilion will be gone. According to its speed, it is already very fast!"


Lida frowned at this moment. She really wanted to fight this Yamato, because Cullo looked at Yamato before, which made her a little uncomfortable, but in fact, there was no hatred, and there were Moore and the navy in the lobby on the first floor.

If it blows up, Lida will be fine, but the Navy can't guarantee it.

Get the navy out?

This is not very good. They came here to investigate and arrest people. If they go out like this, there are still people fighting outside.

Lida thought for a while, then took out the phone bug and made a call.

"Hey, Clow!"

The fifth floor of the Tianshou Pavilion.

Cullo flew up directly through the hole, until he reached the fifth floor, then stopped and wandered around there.

The breath is too strong, so he can't find the breath of a specific person, so he can only wander around here.

And now the fifth floor is a little quiet, there are not even people lying down, but there are some broken walls or some holes, which means that there are signs of battle here, but I don't know who it is.

"It was pretty hard."

Cullo looked at a pillar with a bite mark that had been bitten off a large piece, and snorted: "Has Kaido started to bite at this time? It's not so..."


As soon as he finished speaking, his ears moved, looking in one direction, there was a sound...

Cullo walked in the direction of the sound, and soon, he saw the place where the sound came from. It was a huge room, but the shoji door of the room was completely damaged, and there were bite marks all around. Inside the room, there is a peach-colored dragon entangled with a large snake with eight heads.

No, seven to be exact, because one of the heads has been broken off.

"Dragon? It looks like Kaido, but why is it peach..." Clow touched his chin, a little strange.

"Orochi! I will definitely stop you!" Taolong roared while fighting with Orochi.

"Stinky brat, do you think it's useful when you grow up! Your grandfather is no match for me, and I'm doomed to destroy this country!" Eight Orochi responded.

This thing, Cullo felt that he should know.

The black charcoal serpent, the general of Wano country.

However, according to the information he received, it seems that he was hacked to death by Kaido, why is he still alive...

Cullo noticed the broken head of the snake~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and raised his eyebrows slightly, "No way, is the phantom beast so powerful?"

These eight-headed snakes are very similar to the Eight-headed Orochi. In addition, the Black Charcoal Orochi was hacked to death by Kaido once before. If it is alive again, it seems that this thing can be resurrected no matter how dead it is?

But well...

"A little weak."

Cullo glanced at the dragon fighting with the Orochi Yachi, shook his head and said, "No matter which side it is, the strength is not enough."

It seems that the peach dragon has suppressed the eight-headed snake. From the perspective of breath, this peach-colored dragon is stronger, but in Cullo's eyes, its strength is limited.

Compared to Kaido, who is also a dragon... it's too far behind.

But who is this dragon?

Never heard of such a number exist.

"Boom blah blah blah..."

Suddenly, the phone bug on Clow's watch rang.

The sudden sound interrupted the rhythm of Taolong and Orochimaru who were fighting, causing them to turn their heads and look over.

Clow turned on the watch and answered the phone, "Mosimoxi..."

"Kuro Kuro, what are you doing?" Lida's voice came from the phone bug.

"I just saw the Dragon and Snake Romance, but unfortunately I didn't bring a camera." Cullo glanced at the dragon and the snake and said.

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