I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Vol 2 Chapter 1163: Come with me, go back to the advance city

"It hurts!"

Luffy grinned for a while, got up from the ground, and said, "Incense burner, what do you want to do?!"

"What do I want to do?"

Cullo snorted coldly, his right hand slowly moved down, and landed on the hilt at his waist, "The navy saw the pirates, what else do you think you can do?"

His eyes gradually became solemn.

This straw hat boy is getting stronger and stronger, and he even defeated Kaido. If he is allowed to break through, maybe he will really become One Piece...

Although Cullo didn't think that this thing had any meaning, to the people of this sea, it was something that would cause turmoil, and the world government was strictly guarding against this thing.

if that's the case...

"Seeing that you defeated Kaido and saved me and your grandfather's face, obediently follow me back to Push City, I promise you will not be abused there." Cullo said lightly.

"I do not want it!"

Luffy said directly: "That place is not good at all, I'm going to be the Pirate King."

"Do you think it's a child bargaining? You bastard." A blue vein burst out on Cullo's forehead, then he took a deep breath and his eyes sank: "It seems that you plan to resist, just rely on you now?"

At this time, Robin and the others in the sky also landed and fell to Luffy's side. They soon discovered the tense atmosphere and put on fighting postures one by one.

Seeing this scene, Cullo stretched out his hand, and Qiushui's black blade was slowly pulled out.

"Let me show you your ability to defeat Kaido and see how much you've grown compared to two years ago in Chambord..."

"Hey, you go first."

Luffy's face became serious, he lowered his straw hat and said, "I'll deal with him, and then go to you."

"That won't work, your physical strength is almost exhausted." Sanji threw the cigarette on the ground and stomped it off with one foot. "If we want to fight, we should fight together, otherwise we won't be able to leave."

"I also have this idea. This man is not ordinary. His swordsmanship is very strong." Zoro said solemnly.

The rest of the people also came down from the Komagu, and they were all waiting.

The whole straw hat group?

No, it seems that there is a blue fat man missing, and a robot.

But it doesn't matter, there is one more and one less, and the situation is similar.

Kuro twisted Qiushui to the left, the blade rotated a bit, and the whole body faded away.

At this time, a red dot flashed in Usopp's eyes, and he looked to the side subconsciously, only to see Clow's afterimage flashing over there, staring at Usopp, "The response is good, but the speed can't keep up. "

His black knife floated up and slashed down with one slash.

Shadow Slash!

It is a common thing to play ADC first.


Just as the knife was about to fall, a domineering fist quickly bounced onto his blade, shaking his blade and preventing him from falling.

He glanced at him and saw Luffy stretch out his fist and smile at him.

"Must kill..."

Usopp's reaction was extremely fast, he quickly stepped back, took out his slingshot 'Black Pocket' and fired it directly, "Green Star Sycamore Leaf Shuriken!"

Plants similar to sycamore leaves swelled rapidly after he was launched, turning into a large number. The leaves continued to rotate and hummed, and their sharpness even pierced the air, which seemed to be powerful.

This thing, it is estimated that it can cut a person in half, but...


Cullo just snorted, and the flying sycamore leaf shuriken suddenly stopped, as if it had lost its gravity, and all floated up.

"This kind of thing, do you think it will work for me?" Clow sneered.

"Dazzling Hundred Flowers: Pillar of Flowers!"

Robin crossed his hands and drank, and the ground suddenly shook, revealing a huge palm composed of countless arms, and patted it straight at Cullo.

"Shooting skills?"

Cullo was stunned when he saw the big palm, "It's a bit of a murloc karate, but if this thing gets hurt, you'll get hurt too..."

He held Qiushui, and the blade trembled, instantly shaking Luffy's fist, and slashed straight towards the huge palm.


Just as he swung the knife, the huge palm suddenly scattered, falling like petals in front of Cullo's eyes, obscuring his vision.

"Song of Plundering..."

A steady voice sounded from the scattered petals.

Brook shot out of it, pulled out the stick sword in his hand, and attacked very quickly, "Blowing Snow!"

There was a chill of soul on the blade, and it went straight to Cullo.

"Soul breath? Not only the body, but the spirit will also be damaged if you are hit, but..."


The black knife fell directly, connecting with Brook's blade, and its enormous strength made Brook fly far away.

"You're not good enough, Skeleton."

After smashing Brook with a knife, Cullo continued to beg whoever went down, cut out a golden slash, and went straight to Brook who flew out.

"Yo **** ho ho, what a powerful force!" Brook held his hat in the air, and was about to shoot, suddenly a laser cannon flew out of the air and exploded directly on top of the slash.


The laser cannon collided with the slash, exploding a cloud of smoke.

A huge body in the air fell down, making a heavy sound on the ground.

"Super Frankie~ Drive here!"

A steel robot appeared there~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The huge palm pointed at Cullo with a laser cannon hole, "I'm also here to fight!"

"So cool, Franky!" Usopp and Chopper saw the robot's eyes glow.


Cullo glanced at him and shook his head, "Vega Punk's technology? Does it make you so complacent after eating some small skills?"

This kind of laser technology is not absent in the world, but Cullo is very familiar with Vega Punk technology. He was also a subordinate of the old man before, and he has also used pacifists. His ship also has Vega Punk technology there. So it's easy to see.

"Don't look around there!"

Sanji rushed to Cullo, brought out flames from his legs and feet, and kicked it fiercely, "Devil Kaze · Feet!"

Cullo narrowed his eyes, and a golden light burst out from the blade, slashing directly on Sanji's ankle.


A group of sparks ignited from the blade, and Sanji was stunned by the powerful blow, and his legs and feet shifted outwards, but he didn't break!

"This feeling..."

Cullo snorted, "Vensmoke's human transformation technology has awakened in you? It seems to be stronger than your brothers and sisters."

That kind of hardness of touch reminded Cullo of the feeling of killing the people of the Vinsmoke family in the past, but the overall strength was much stronger than them. Is it the reason for the domineering?

"I seem to have seen Quinn when I came down just now, you defeated? No wonder, but Vinsmoke can develop human-transforming technology with emotions? It's really surprising..." Clow said.

But think about it, this kind of human-transforming technology seems to be that Jiazhi first stripped his child's feelings, not the defects of human-transforming technology, but people think that it is better.

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