The dark-gold hilt was unlocked at the gold, and immediately, it was as if substantial blood water burst out from the hilt, drowning down like a tsunami.

"Blood, **** water!"

"Fall down, down! Run away!"

The surrounding Wano country samurai showed panic and fled back subconsciously.

"is fake!"

Sauron drank, the overlord's color was quickly released through Yan Mo, resisting the invasion of the blood, and the blood disappeared like a shadow, calming the warriors of Wano country.

Sauron showed cold sweat on his forehead, gritted his teeth and said, "Demon Sword..."

The knife handle floating in the air, like his Yan Mo, has the breath of a demon knife, and in terms of level, it is even higher than Yan Mo.

Can a demon sword of that level really be mastered?

And the amount of murderous aura is a bit terrifying, just revealing a hilt, it burst out such amazing murderous aura...

His tyrannical appearance is beyond compare!

The collision between the overlord's color and the murderous aura made Clow look at Zoro under his eyes. He shook his head and said, "Your level is not enough, Roronoa Zoro..."

The remaining golden spirals disintegrated, revealing a long, clear, moon-like blade.

"Show your power, Luo Gui!"

Cullo stretched out his hand, grabbed the handle of the knife and threw it violently, bringing out a clear, but a little **** knife glow.

"Be honored, then kneel to meet it!"

The blood-colored sword light swung out, bringing out a larger blood-colored tsunami, as if the sky was stained with blood and poured. At that moment, all the people below looked up, showing despair.

The sky is falling...

They're going to be crushed to death!

The feeling of suffocation lingered in their brains, making one's face turn blue and purple, and his body was about to faint.

"Hey, just kidding!"

Zoro shouted in disbelief: "Can murderous aura be compared to a tyrant?!"

Although he himself has no concept of such a thing as overlord, and whether he has it or not is an existence that wants to be slashed with a knife, it is indeed too exaggerated to compare murderousness with overlord.

Although there is something like 'ghost energy' in his moves, in fact it is the overlord. He is a qualified man himself, but he has been following Luffy all the time, and he didn't think about it subconsciously. After practicing with Mihawk, he was judged to have this aptitude, and he did not intend to develop it.

The captain is enough, Luffy is their captain, this is what Zoro agrees with!

It wasn't until he fought with Jhin that he broke through this barrier and started to use the overlord color, using a move called 'Ghost Qi', but it was still the overlord color.

But this murderous aura was completely different. It was a genuine murderous aura. It wasn't a disguise of a tyrannical look, or it was simply a condensed aura that had been condensed by killing a lot of people.

But the killing itself is vague, only some people who are good at perception can detect it, or the same type of people can know whether this person has killed someone or not, and it is not actually dangerous.

Having murderous intent means killing someone, it's that simple.

In the past, Zoro thought that Cullo was murderous, but it was nothing special. This man just killed a little more people.

But the substance of murderous aura is an exaggeration. This guy has mastered a method of accumulating this subtle murderous aura in some way, turning it into something that can be used as coercion, and then releasing it.

Then this means that the number of people this guy has killed, according to the amount of murderous energy, is in units of '10,000'.

This is enough to have the capital to compete with the overlord!

Overlord, a person with aptitude, this is the consensus on the sea, as long as a man with overlord grows, he must be a strong one, while a person without overlord is not necessarily, especially one that overlord can entangle and even cover case.

But Cullo was so powerful that he even changed the rules of the world.

Such a person can completely compete with the overlord.

"It's amazing!"

Amid the murderous aura that was so strong that it almost made people faint in the next second, a mid-air voice suddenly sounded.

I saw Luffy showing his bright white teeth and smiling: "I always wanted to say, you are really good! When you came here to fight Kaido and the others, I thought you were very good, now From personal experience, I think you are super amazing!"

"Why are you complimenting me at this time?" Kuro frowned.

"I meant to say..."

Luffy's eyes glared, and with a bang, the crimson with a little black overlord color came out, shrouded the warriors of Wano Kingdom, and collided with the blood like the sky, so that the surrounding air was filled with air. The shock, under this shock, also made the blood-water phantom disappear.

During this collision, the warriors of Wano Kingdom who had been shrouded in murderous aura, returned to normal one by one.

Overlords have the power to treat them differently, as long as they are properly controlled.

That also means that this kid's overlord has indeed reached a certain I will become One Piece! "Luffy said sternly.

"One Piece..."

Hearing this, Cullo's eyes sank, his teeth bared, his whole body began to change, his face rose as if twisted, the straight line of tear marks turned into a meniscus under the corner of his eyes, and a blood-colored warrior armor appeared on his body.

"It's such a time, and you still say such meaningless words!"

The body of Luo Gui's blade turned into a black back and a blood-colored blade. Cullo swung Luo Gui towards Luffy, and his blood surged directly, causing the blade to burst into a cloud of blood.


A black and gold stroke, and the crimson slash within it flew out directly, heading towards Luffy.


The slashing speed was extremely fast, and it swiped directly in front of Luffy.

"Luffy!" Zoro called out there, and took a deep breath, the ghost qi turned into three heads and six arms, and the blade danced wildly, "Ghost qi, nine swords, Asura, **** trouble wind!"

The dancing blades turned into countless slashes, and the dense attacks were directed towards the sky, Cullo.

"Isn't this kind of thing a domineering slash? Needless to say, it's so profound..."

Cullo glanced down and slashed with a knife. Under that knife, a large amount of blood-colored slashes were also brought out, which collided with the incoming slashes and smashed them all.

Sauron was about to move again, when suddenly he heard a sound in the smoke, "Sauron, don't shoot yet!"

In the smoke, Luffy's now taller figure gradually appeared. As the smoke dissipated, he saw his arms crossed, obviously blocking the slash just now. Luffy exhaled, and the gas shot straight like a sharp sword. I saw his feet stretched apart like a horse's stance, his hands on his knees, and looked up at Cullo: "It's my shot!"

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