I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Vol 2 Chapter 1168: Also a fighting genius


Hearing Clow's words, Zoro looked at Luffy with a face full of surprise. In fact, he also had a hunch.

The buddies don't know, but he knows some things. As early as in the Devil's Triangle Sea, they met Bartholomew Bear. At that time, the bear transferred all the pain of Luffy to himself, and it was also from that time. At the beginning, Zoro knew the damage Luffy had suffered all along, and the pain he suffered after the battle.

Now it seems that Luffy is not restraining the side effects, but has trained to a certain extent and endured the side effects.

"I don't care what you said!"

Luffy grinned when he heard Cullo's words: "As long as I become One Piece, Incense Burner, if you want to stop me, I can only defeat you first, and then become One Piece!"

Clow lifted Luo Gui up with an arrogant expression: "Did defeating Kaido bring you so much self-confidence? Kaido and I are different types of beings, let me show you, Admiral and the world. The true strength of a great swordsman!"

Luo Gui swiped down vigorously, blood bursting out, and a scarlet wind rolled up, covering Luffy's body.

"Psychic Knife Bloodthirsty Lion!"

The scarlet wind directly turned into a group of blood-red lions around Luffy. The whistling of the wind was the roar of the lion, and the attack of the wind was the attack of the lion. After the lions roared, they opened their huge mouth and bit Luffy. .

This is not a good thing to avoid the lions. It is within the range. The roar and roar of the lion are only mimicking. The real attack is all the slashes hidden in the range of blood.

It is derived from the attack of the 'lion bite' and the actual murderousness. If you only pay attention to the mimicking lion, the result will not be very good.

Luffy seemed to have noticed this too. He took a deep breath and crossed his arms to defend. At the same time, his eyes widened, and the tyrannical color came out from his body, offsetting the strong murderous essence. In an instant, these blood-red lions disappeared. Exhausted, the dense wind blades scraped on him, only making his body make a muffled sound like a drum.


Luffy began to exhale like an arrow, his hands slammed to his waist, and with a 'bang', the huge elastic force even bounced off the wind blade.


"One line day!"

Luffy didn't have time to laugh, and Crow's figure flashed, turning into a blood-red straight line, and appeared in front of Luffy in an instant.

"Rubber Rubber Eagle Rifle!"


Luffy's arm twisted into a twist, and he quickly hit the blood-red straight line. There was a loud noise at the fist, and a blood-red blade with a black back appeared on the surface of the fist. As soon as it touched, Luffy bared his teeth, and his arm was obviously backward. She shrank, but as soon as the fist knife touched, the blade was obviously bounced away from the fist surface.

Under this rebound, Cullo froze for a moment.

Luffy found an opportunity, and his retracted fist shot out directly and hit it.

This time it passed directly through Cullo's head, and saw that the body disappeared like rippling water, and a biting chill appeared behind Luffy's head, he turned around subconsciously, only to see a tall body appeared there, with a Scarlet eyes looked down.

Luo Gui was held high by Cullo, and the moment Luffy turned around, he fell with a knife, "Yan Hui."

The moment Luo Gui fell, he turned into three streaks of blood, cutting to Luffy's neck, left chest, and lower waist.

Bang bang bang!

Three streaks of blood were blocked by Luffy's arms and left leg, making a series of muffled noises, and under this attack, Luffy's figure also shifted a few steps back.

He bared his teeth and grinned for a while, then suddenly slammed his head forward, unable to hit his hands or feet, so he could only use his head.

In this stance, there is no need to stretch and stretch, and each blow has the previous power or even stronger.

This headbutt directly swept past the knife that Cullo had cut, and hit him in the chest.

Cullo snorted coldly: "The geese are back."

Bang bang bang!

A large amount of blood light appeared around Luffy's body, appearing in a circle and quickly approaching his body, hitting his body with a bang. Valley


Luffy let out a cry, and in the midst of this intensive attack, his head tilted up and his body stiffened. The arms that had previously resisted Cullo's three sword beams also fell because of this constant attack, enduring this massive amount of attack. At the same time, his body vigorously retreated.

Cullo continued to slash mercilessly.


The blade slashed between Luffy's upwardly clipped arms. Although the elastic force still caused Luo Gui to collapse a little, but the huge force also made Luffy's feet embedded in the bottom, stomping the ground out of a depression. .

"Is it blocked? But what's the use of that..."

Cullo sneered, and when the blade turned, the dense slashes that appeared around him instantly increased, and he continued to slash.


What about the endurance, how long can it last?

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

Luffy was slashed and screamed, his body was constantly twisting, but how could he dodge this all-round slash.

"There is a way!"

Perhaps it was because of being chopped off. Luffy's arms suddenly shook, and the elasticity resumed, shaking off the knife that Cullo was cutting down. At the same time, he took a sharp breath, causing his body to suddenly swell like a balloon~www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Rubber Rubber · Burp! "


He opened his mouth and spewed out a blast of energy like a shock wave. Cullo frowned, and subconsciously retracted the knife, lifted it up, and split the energy.

At the same time, with this energy, Luffy flew backwards like a deflated balloon, escaping the dense slashing.

"It really hurts!"

He stood still behind him, shook his arms, and breathed a sigh of relief: "I won't be hit by this trick again."


Kuro threw Luo Gui to his side, looked at his body, and said coldly, "Your elasticity and toughness don't seem to be invincible."

At this time, his fist bone, forearm, and right calf were cut with blood, and there were dense red marks all over his body.

Those red seals were given by slashing, and as for the blood, it was cut by Cullo.

After all, rubber is still afraid of slashing.

However, the application of the elasticity has a bit of a bear flavor.

Thinking of this, Cullo raised his eyebrows, "Speaking of which, you are also a fighting genius..."

Many of his moves are learned from the enemy.

The second gear that reddened the body, that is, the move that promotes blood flow to strengthen the body, was learned from CP.

I am afraid that the third block has seen the giant somewhere and learned from the giant.

The fourth gear itself has added elasticity, but it was not used very well at the time.

As for this fifth gear, this kind of fighting physique that has become tall and muscular should have been learned from Kaido, and he has seen bears, and he has also absorbed the bear's combat application of elasticity and the toughness of rubber.

It is also a person who can gather the strengths of a hundred families.

There is just one point, if you don't learn the skills, if you learn the skills, you should be able to kill all those people.

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