I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Vol 2 Chapter 1180: It's not bad to solve it in 1 breath

The reason why the demon sword is a demon sword is because it has a different kind of peculiar ability, and it has many more side effects than the serious famous sword. The water here is very deep, and ordinary people can't control it, so only someone like Cullo can master it.

In the East China Sea, there seems to be a rumor of a 'Seven Stars Sword'. I don't know if it is true or not, but according to the rumors, it can be said that the sword that can control people's hearts is actually just a [Demon Sword], but the side effects are stronger, but Power is hard to say.

The focus of each knife is different. The effect of Luo Gui is to release murderous aura. It is also very sharp and can recover from blood. However, since this knife has the characteristics of blood-sucking and recovery, it means that its own toughness will not It is very high, and if it lacks domineering, it is easy to be knocked down by violent blows.

The green-haired 'Yan Mo' has the effect of unleashing domineering arrogance. With its characteristics, it can deliver domineering slashes without practice, and its power is greater than the domineering slashes that ordinary people can do.

There is a ceiling in combat power, which can be felt as Clow becomes stronger and stronger.

He can domineering slashes, and he is a hero in itself, and if he releases it through 'Yan Mo', it is stronger than those who are strong, and he has already reached the top of the sea.

It is also because of this that it is important for a swordsman to have a good sword.

A broken knife can be repaired. No matter how good a knife is, there will always be gaps or even breakage in battle, but as long as there is a good knife maker, it can be repaired very well.

But repairing it is always a bad thing. Too many times, it will be downgraded.

The Supreme Great Knife may become a Great Knife, then a Good Knife, and finally a [Famous Knife] due to the high number of repairs, which is not among the eighty-three rankings.

But Cullo's Luogui doesn't need it, because it doesn't need to be repaired, and it can be restored to its original state by absorbing blood. This is a knife that won't drop the ranking, even if only a hilt is left, but as long as there is a little scum on the hilt, Can recover from blood.

Cullo was never afraid of it breaking, but this knife was also the first time it broke.

Clow looked at Charlotte Lingling, who was grinning and grinning, and said with a grim smile, "Does it hurt? Lingling..."

"It hurts!"

Charlotte Lingling opened her mouth, and a huge sound wave swayed from her mouth. The shaking air was shaking. The violent fluctuations made everyone except Cullo cover their ears subconsciously and endure the strange sound. .

This sound wave itself is mixed with the overlord color.

"Emperor Sword..."

She lifted Napoleon up, and the white fire on the blade became deeper. This time, not only was it mixed with thunder, but also the evil wind that could devour nature, rolled up white fire and thunder, and surrounded the blade.


Like a cannonball shot, she made a loud noise in the air and charged towards Cullo very quickly.

"Give me your soul!!"

Anyone who sees that hideous and mad look will feel scared, but the more this is, the deeper the contempt in Cullo's eyes.

I saw Charlotte Lingling rushing in front of him, slashing down violently with a knife, and the evil wind burst away with other elements, like a behemoth that chooses and devours people, opening its mouth to swallow the person in front of him.

Cullo stared at Napoleon with a light smile, letting the blade slash down, slashing his body in two, the thunder tore his domineering protection, and the swaying evil wind shredded his body. The body below the head was turned into fragments, and the flames burned the fragments, exuding little sparks.

However, the head that was divided in half, as if feeling no pain, said, "Lingling, you who have been fighting for many days, you who are sick..."

Charlotte Lingling stared at the head for a moment, then suddenly reacted, and quickly turned her head to look behind her.


An extremely huge blood light slashed on her back the moment she turned her head, causing a blood mist.

Charlotte Lingling screamed in pain, but her eyes were more ruthless, her fangs that almost turned into canines clenched together, her body twisted, and she slashed over with a knife.


This time, she cut Cullo in half.

"You don't seem to understand..."

Cullo looked down at the separated half body, and the corner of his mouth was slightly hooked, "You are irrational..."

Half of the body disappeared, and the rest of the voice came from above Charlotte Lingling. I saw Cullo appear there intact, Luo Gui raised his hand, and smeared his **** on the knife, and a golden glow burst out.

In an instant, he pulled Luo Gui back and said savagely, "It won't be my opponent!"


Charlotte Lingling let out a roar, and charged upward with her tongue drooping.

"One swipe to destroy the big burial of the Vermillion Birds!"


With a high-pitched cry, Suzaku with black and gold strokes and burning red flames appeared with Cullo's swipe of the knife, flapping his wings and rushing directly to Charlotte Lingling, the huge Suzaku body.

Suzaku's body is very big, but this old woman is not too much. She was nearly nine meters tall, but she was afraid of being fifteen meters tall, and it happened to collide with Suzaku.

The fire of the soul surrounding her head didn't work, because the attack itself didn't cover the soul, it just slashed the mystery.

On the contrary, Soul Thunder and Soul Wind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ swallowed up Suzaku's domineering power and the continuous slashes that stirred the air, causing Suzaku's body to dissipate at once.

The essence of Suzaku itself is the continuous slashing, and this slashing is essentially stirring the air and belongs to 'nature', so it will be swallowed by the wind of the soul.

It's just that Cullo wasn't surprised, as if he had expected it.

Suzaku, who had lost his body, was left with the purest killing intent shock. The mimetic Chi Yan directly wrapped Charlotte Lingling from all directions, engulfing her body.

"It's all useless!"

Inside Chi Yan, the hag's roar rang out, and she saw her huge body rushing out of Chi Yan, with dense wounds on her body, but it made her look even more sinister.


Clow looked down at her, his eyes narrowed, and Chi Yan, who had just been swept away by Charlotte Lingling, chased after her and wrapped her again, while Clow's body kept moving upwards, his eyes narrowed slightly.

This old woman is ill, and her head is getting more and more confused. Although she is not unconscious, her judgment is obviously wrong, but it is more difficult to deal with now than before.

A sensible Charlotte Lingling can retreat. If she really wants to leave, Clow has nothing to do with her.

But the current Charlotte Lingling doesn't have this idea. All she wants in her head is Clow's soul, and she can only satisfy herself by swallowing his soul!

She was obviously going to be with her forever.


There is no need to hold back!

"Maybe I'll get hurt..."

Cullo clenched Luo Gui, staring at the mad figure stirring in the red flames, his tone gradually became cold, "But, if you can kill the four emperors in one breath, it's not bad!"

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