I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Vol 2 Chapter 1185: I want to talk to you about justice

As Clow turned his head, he saw someone coming, the man holding his wrist.

It was a middle-aged man, wearing a dark green coat, with red square tattoos on his left face, black shawl hair combed behind his head like a hedgehog, stubble on his chin and no eyebrows, so he looked relatively vicious.

In fact, he himself is very vicious.

The commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Army, the most vicious criminal in the world, and the biggest enemy of the world government.

Monkey D. Drago!

Drago's hand was like a tight hoop, grabbing Cullo's wrist to prevent him from swinging the knife down, and he didn't reply, until he saw those people being blown away by the wind and gradually disappearing from sight, he smiled slightly: " When a young man goes to sea, let him go, what do you think..."

At this time, his hand relaxed a little, and before he could let go, Cullo broke free with a move of his arm, turned around and slashed directly with a knife.


Blood awns quickly fell from Drago's body, splitting it in two.

"I don't think so!" Kuro said coldly.


However, there was no blood on the half-opened bodies, but dissipated at the same time as they fell, turned into a light wind and rolled up, moved not far away, and gradually transformed into the figure of Dorag.

Cullo snorted and pouted, "It's scary..."

Then, his voice sank, and he said word by word: "Nature Department!"

It seems to be related to the wind...

It is not uncommon for Drago to be a natural system ability. He must also be a natural system, and it must be this invisible wind. If you change it, the world government has already caught it.

The thing that this guy can form a revolutionary army, it is estimated that it has something to do with the fruit, the wind, yearning for freedom, unfettered, of course can not accept the rules.

Drago laughed: "Don't be so angry, Jin Yan, no, Rusilu Cullo, people have already run away, if you want to chase, I'm afraid you can't."

Cullo glanced at the group of pirates who had disappeared from his field of vision, his eyes narrowed slightly, the disordered field in the air suddenly spread out, and the sky was not so depressed.

"I'm a little weird..."

Cullo faced Drago and said, "Although it's your son, I've never heard of you staring at him all the time. This kid hasn't seen any movement from you in Wano country for so long. You came as soon as you came, are you targeting me? Or..."

He glanced at Kaido lying there, and Yamato who was kneeling in front of him gasping for breath, and said, "Are you also interested in Kaido? Or do you want to be the Fourth Emperor? Then you should go to Tiki, but I heard Now, that idiot attacked your headquarters and got a lot of weapons."

This information was not long after the Dressrosa incident. There were rumors in the sea that Titch had attacked the headquarters of Dorag and took away many weapons hoarded by the revolutionary army.

But Drago should not be there at that time, otherwise, Titch will not be safe.

Drago shook his head and said solemnly: "It's just a father who is worried about his son. What qualifications do we have to disturb the sailing of a person with a dream."

"You're here to talk to a navy like me?"

Cullo sneered: "Your family is really interesting, I'm not the kind of three-year-old who is easily fooled, Drago, what are you doing here? Kaido is gone, do you want to get Wano? I'm afraid not."

As soon as the words fell, Lida, Crow, and Moore suddenly sped away from behind him, and they surrounded Drago in four corners with Clow.

Sazir and the others also took a fighting stance, fully guarding the most dangerous man in the world.

"That's just by the way. If you are here, I can let it go..."

Drago looked at Cullo and said, "I'm here to find you, Cullo."

Cullo clenched Luo Gui tightly, but the redness in his eyes did not subside. He smiled sharply: "Clam! Looking for me? Why are you looking for me, selling favors?"

"A few years ago, the old man Karp asked me to let his grandson go. He is an old navy, and he is a good man. I sold this favor. You, the commander-in-chief of the revolutionary army, are also coming to sell favors to me? I'm afraid No way..."

Cullo held Luo Gui in front of his face, and the cold light on the blade reflected in his eyes, making his eyes very cold and ferocious: Gu

"Dealing with the revolutionary army, the above can't tolerate it!"

"No, just wanted to ask you a question..."

Drago looked at the people around him, was silent for a while, and then said, "I want a quiet place."

"I reject."

Cullo categorically refused: "I, Cullo, are upright and upright, and I don't want to plot anything with you, the revolutionary army. If you have something to say, you can say it face to face."

Just kidding, he seemed to have seen CP0 when he was fighting just now. Although he is not afraid at the moment, this is the commander-in-chief of the revolutionary army. I really want to find a place to chat with him. If this matter is reported, the trouble will be endless. .

He Cullo is stable, he will not commit this obvious trouble.

Drago pursed his lips and looked at Cullo for a long time, the emotion conveyed in his eyes was very strange.

He sighed and said, "I want to discuss with you about "Justice and Belief"."

As soon as these words came out, there was no response from others, but Crow froze and looked at Cullo in disbelief.

No way? !


Cullo tilted his head, not knowing why: "What?"

"Justice and Faith." Drago repeated it again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cullo raised his eyebrows, "Justice and Faith? Everyone believes in justice. You are a rebel leader, and I am a warlord leader. What is justice? Is it a bit of a misnomer?"

What does he do to speak justice to himself?

The cause of the revolutionary army is 'evil' in the world government, neutral in the navy, and 'justice' in the civilian world.

But they can't pee in a pot.

The two are considered hostile in terms of faction. Now the leader of the hostile faction wants to talk to him about justice?

talk about what? Justice for the Navy?

There are so many tricks, there are those on every hill, such as thorough justice, lazy justice, ambiguous justice, kingly justice, pure justice, strategic justice, and safe justice.

If I go on, I almost don't know these two words.

Drago looked at Cullo with inexplicable eyes.

Is this man... in disguise?

Fake what?

Drago looked around, and suddenly saw several familiar costumes not far away.



Dorag thought for a while and said, "I didn't want to come, but I just found an interesting piece of information, so I went to a certain island and found a group of navies there, so I'm curious about your justice. ."

He bit the words 'navy' and 'justice' very hard.

"I want to know what kind of justice you uphold, Lucile Cullo."

On that island, he found something shocking that almost made him wonder if the cause he had done for decades was right, especially when he found a book...

That's why he came to ask what the mastermind behind all this was trying to do!

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