That is to say, it was not long before Clow went to Wano Country. In the sea area not far from the border of Dressrosa, three large warships were sailing.

The sky in this sea area is gloomy, and the raindrops are falling straight down. In the absence of any obstructions, the wind is also blowing up the waves and hitting the hull of the warship.

The three warships are in a triangular shape. On the deck of the big warship headed by a man wearing a navy cape, a man in a navy cape put down the telescope in his hand, showing a resolute face and a very characteristic beard, saying: "Quick arrive..."

Beside him, a man with a **** mustache stared at the front and nodded slowly: "Ligu Ligu Kingdom, the destination of our trip, we also made an outpost for Dressrosa to see the situation. ."

"Deal with the pirates first, this is our duty." Bearded said solemnly.

"That's what you said." Mustache nodded in agreement.

These two are Doug Cass and Brownhard Wilbur.

They were originally patrolling the territory of Dressrosa, and then received a message that a pirate invasion had occurred in a place called the Liguric Kingdom, and they happened to be nearby, so they went straight over.

At the same time, as the behind-the-scenes decision makers of Dressrosa, they are also obliged to decide the next force to be conquered by Dressrosa, which is the so-called 'stepping point'.

This happened in the Liguric Kingdom, and naturally it also attracted their attention.

This place is above the border of Dressrosa. It is a non-joined country. Specifically, it is an archipelago. However, except for the main island, the rest of the islands are very small and widely distributed. Not many people live there and can be ignored. Excluding. The main island is like a sledgehammer-like island, the top is very long, like a hammer handle, and the bottom is the hammer body.

Wilbur said: "The country of Liguligu is not bad, the planting industry is very good, and it is famous for its high-quality corn and bananas. The upper-class kings and nobles are also good to the commoners, giving them sufficient food and property, just one thing , they are often invaded by pirates, which is related to them not being an allied country, if possible, the king may accept our theory and become part of 'Debon'."

They have information about this kingdom, it is a rich country, and it is doing very well. The commoners are very wealthy. Although the land is owned by nobles, they have given full rewards, but the pirates invaded too frequently. Yes, it will come from time to time, and this time is also the same, according to the information, the scale is still large.

Such a country is something that Dressrosa can win over. Even if he can't win it, it is not the first target to be dealt with. Helping them is also easy.

Who made them the navy?

Wilbur put his eyes on the front, the three warships moved forward quickly, broke through the cloud and rain, saw the island like a sledgehammer, and said: "It's here."

Cass stretched out his hand, and a nearby Doug Greg navy ran over and handed the phone bug over with a straight posture.

He picked up the microphone and said solemnly, "Everyone, prepare to fight."

There was no sound from the three warships, but all the navies inside pulled out their weapons uniformly, silent, but full of might.

Three large warships, each of which can accommodate 800 people, with a limit of 1,000 people.

Cass and Wilbur, who have inherited Cullo's policy, are naturally organized according to a thousand people, and their number is enough, because they got the technology of Vinsmoke, and they took Vinsmoke and The clones in reserve, after being baptized by Cass, can be used as navy in advance, and as soldiers in Dressrosa.

With these three thousand people, they can go anywhere.

The three warships quickly approached the Longhammer Island, and under the rain, they could still see some parts of the island blazing.

Wilbur frowned, picked up the microphone and said: "The pirate ship was found at two o'clock, the bombardment, and preparation for logging in."

In their field of vision, there was a docked pirate ship in that direction.

The three warships turned quickly, the leading warship extended its main guns, and the other two hull sides extended their cannons.

Boom boom boom!

The cannonball was blasted out in the rain, hitting the pirate ship intensively, and the pirate ship was smashed to pieces in an instant. Valley


Following Wilbur's words, the three warships approached the shoal near the pirate ship, and the Dougreg Navy brigade poured down like a tide toward the tattered pirate ship.

There were pirates left behind on this pirate ship. Two pirates were not killed. They jumped out of the pirate ship and were immediately surrounded by the navy.

A pirate in a headscarf shouted in disbelief: "Sea, Navy?! How can there be a Navy..."

The other pirate whose arm seemed to have been blown off widened his eyes, looked at Cass and Wilbur who were walking with a large army in front, and said in horror: "It's the 'giant shield' and the 'big gun', Why are you two here, this is not Dressrosa, or even a World Government member country!"

They are famous in the New World.

"If it's not an allied country, the navy has no obligation to deal with pirates?"

Cass came over, looked down at them, and said, "Evil is evil wherever it is. It has nothing to do with the place. If you encounter it, you must deal with it."

With that said, he stretched out his hand and was about to order their execution.

"Wait, wait, I said, I said everything, don't kill me!" The Broken Arm Pirate said immediately.

say what?

Wilbur stretched out his hand and stopped Cass' order, saying, "Wait a minute, Cass, see what they say."

Cass frowned and said, "There is nothing to say, just kill the pirates."

The Broken Arm Pirate shouted: "I'm not a pirate, no! We are also the native people of the Liguric Kingdom, and we just came here to loot on the order of the above!"

As soon as these words came out, Cass and Wilbur opened their eyes wide. Wilbur took a step forward, grabbed the collar of the Broken Arm Pirate, lifted him up, and said viciously: "What do you mean! You are not a sea pirate? thief?!"

"No, we used to be the Royal and were later selected by the nobles to become 'pirates'. These pirate ships are just disguised and hung up a flag. The adults promised us and grabbed them. Give us 10% of the money..."


There was no need for him to go on. The excited Wilbur slammed the pirate down with a punch, imprinting the pirate in the shoal.

Wilbur's neck blushed with excitement, his veins were exposed, and he shouted, "It's an evil despicable person who relies on lies to rule this country!"

Needless to say, they have come into contact with so many countries, and they quickly realized what the nature of this country is.

The upper-class nobles use welfare to make the commoners feel that this country is good. Even if they are robbed by pirates, it is not their fault, and those 'pirates' are just black gloves kept by the nobles. , this is better than direct exploitation, the civilians can't blame them, then there will be no riots, and they will have stable wealth, and at the same time they can support the pirates to loot other places.

Raindrops fell on Wilbur, and at this moment, he felt a chill in his heart.

Dressrosa has conquered so many countries, killed so many nobles, some who collected taxes wildly, some who sold their own civilians, and some who did not take people's lives at will, but these cannot be compared with the despicableness of this country. compared to!

Wilbur could have imagined that after the commoners were plundered by the "Pirates", the nobles would come to comfort them, give them hope, and give them the motivation to live and accumulate wealth again.

Then, just like leeks, after growing out, continue to cut...

They will live in this 'field' forever.

Under the rain curtain, Cass stared at the bodies of the two pirates, and then slowly said, "This is the greatest evil!"

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