I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Vol 2 Chapter 1193: You are qualified to be Lao Tzu's executioner

The resilience of the top animal type is of course extremely powerful, and the little devil in the straw hat actually doesn't do much damage. It's more of a punch after wearing off Kaido's physical strength. It's natural to lie down for a while. wake up.

Cullo stood up from him, and just stood still, waiting for Kaido to straighten up and sit up, before saying: "Yeah, I won, all your pirates were caught by me, and Lingling died with me. in hand."


Kaido's pupils shrank, and only then did he realize that not far from him, the familiar body and head were on the ground.

He paused for a while, then laughed out loud: "Oh la la la la! Is this old woman finally dead? After so many years, she is still dead!"

"You don't seem to be sad, you were once the crew of the Rocks ship?" Clow asked.

"From the moment we go to sea, we are all going to die in the sea, Cullo, you are no exception! What's so sad, he's always going to die, should he lie in bed and wait to die, oh la la la la !"

After laughing, Kaido raised his brows and glared at Cullo: "Hey, Cullo, let me go, I can help you rule the country of Wano!"

"Don't listen to him!"

Suddenly, Yamato, who was sitting there, said loudly, "He won't help you! Just like Oden, he clearly agreed to Oden, but he still lied to him! This is a liar, he will only kill you!"

Cullo glanced at her, looked at Kaido again, raised his eyebrows and said, "Is it really your daughter?"

"Oh lol lol, it's Lao Tzu's daughter, the same age as you, Cullo."

"I'm Oden, I'm a man!" Yamato shouted again.

"Same age as me?"

Cullo seemed to have seen something interesting, looked Yamato up and down, and said to Kaido, "It doesn't seem like you're good at educating your daughter. You've been brainwashed so strictly."

These words made Yamato frantic, she stood up directly, shaking the chains on her body for a while, and shouted: "What is brainwashing! I want to become Oden, and I will make Wano country to open up, I will not live up to those who used to be Accompany my samurai in the cave!"

"Oh?" Clow glanced at her, then at Kaido.

Kaido laughed: "When this kid said he wanted to be Oden before, he was thrown into the cave where the captives were being held, and he made friendship with those samurai."

"The original intention is good... But she doesn't seem to understand one thing. The position is not something she wants to change, and the world is not black and white." Cullo smiled, and did not talk about Yamato.

It's not his daughter, so why talk so much.

She doesn't understand, doesn't Kaido understand?

Just because she is a child of Kaido, it is impossible for her to become the so-called "Oden", and she will not become the general of Wano Kingdom.

Wano country is ruled violently by Kaido, and it needs the black charcoal snake to act as legitimacy. This country hates them very much. Even if the straw hat wins, that Oden's son will become the general, and then Yamato will serve as the new one. 'Kaido'?

Maybe the way of governance will be different, but what is the difference between that and before? If you are a careerist, this alone can keep the country of Wano in turmoil.

This kind of position change is very difficult, this woman obviously did not think of this level.

"Are you going to let me go?" Kaido grinned.

Cullo rolled his eyes, "You take me for a fool? Give you a chance and you'll probably beat me to pieces. Now this opportunity is rare, how could I let you go."

"Oh lol lol, your navy has arrested me so many times, but the result is still the same!" Kaido laughed, and with his laughter, the sea tower stone chain that bound him trembled even more.

This is indeed the case. The title of 'the strongest creature' is not self-proclaimed, but is obtained by the world based on his characteristics.

As a pirate, he had seven defeats in his life, challenged the navy and the Four Emperors alone and was arrested eighteen times, tortured more than a thousand times, and betrayed more than forty times to death.

He has tried basically any kind of death penalty. Hanging will break the chains, breaking the head will break the guillotine, and the spear will only break the spear. The huge prison ship that escorted him was sunk by himself. nine. Valley

One-on-one is the strongest and invincible in the world. Cullo himself admits that, in terms of life and death, he probably won't be able to win this guy.

He is not as durable as a straw hat. Although his damage is enough, he may not be able to withstand it.

And the situation is the same now. The chains that bind him are not all made of Hailou stone. No one in this world has that kind of craftsmanship. The longer he rests, the stronger his strength will be, and it will break him sooner or later.


Hailou stone will make the ability person weak?

Do you think he just debuted?

Cullo clenched Luo Gui, looked up at Kaido, and said solemnly: "You know, for a big pirate like you, there is usually a procedure above, and you will have prestige by killing you. But you also heard, I have gained a lot of power, so it is an accident, I will not go through the procedure here, and while your physical strength has not fully recovered, I will execute you here!"


The air trembled, and the blade pointed directly at Kaido's throat.

"Any last words, say now, I don't have much time for you."

He really didn't dare to give Kaido time, he could feel the guy's strength recovering, and the chains trembled even more.

This guy never gave up the chance to break free from the chains.

Kaido stared at Cullo~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and bared his teeth: "Oh lol lol, you seem to have made up your mind from the beginning, you won't let me live."

"Nonsense, you are hard to die. Unlike the people under your command, I usually kill people of your level if I have a chance. There are no accidents, no future troubles, and it is very safe." Cullo said lightly. .

Except for Shanks, who voluntarily gave up resistance, Clow never wanted to catch the rest of the big pirates he encountered.

Because there is a high probability that they will run if they are caught, it is not so easy to put them into the push city.

It's better to kill it directly, which is the easiest.

Kaido stared at Cullo for a while, then lowered his eyebrows and glanced at Luo Gui, who was stuck in his throat. He loosened his body and stopped the sound of the chain.

"I want wine." Kaido said solemnly, "Give me my wine gourd."

"Alcohol is fine, don't think about what kind of wine, Moore, go get a few bottles of wine on the boat, just the senior Dong Perry that I often drink."

"Yes Yes..."

Moore yawned and disappeared in a flash. When he reappeared, he had four bottles of wine in his hand.

Cullo took a bottle, lifted the stopper with one thumb with one hand, and then the bottle floated on its own and flew to Kaido's mouth. Kaido stretched out his head and bit it, bit the bottle mouth, and gulped down a few mouthfuls.


With a flick of his head, he threw the empty bottle on the ground and smashed it directly.

"It's not as good as Laozi's wine."


A black line appeared in the corner of Cullo's eyes, "I remember you were drinking a sweet bar? Don't say whether it is good or not for that kind of alcohol."

"Oh lol lol lol!"

Kaido raised his head and laughed a few times, then glanced around and said: "The capital of flowers... The place where Oden was executed, is it now Laozi! Just here, right here, Cullo, you Qualified to be the executioner of Lao Tzu!"

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