I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Vol 2 Chapter 1196: Is there a possibility that we are in business?

The royal city of Ligure Island.

It had just rained in the past two days. The rain washed away the blood on the street and washed away the nervousness in Wangcheng.

Are you nervous, can you not be nervous?

The nobles and gentlemen they used to be like heaven, including His Excellency the King, were rushed in by the navy and killed without a word.

At the time of the slaughter, every household closed their doors and didn't even want to go out to the streets. It's been better these days, and finally some people couldn't help but open the door and come out.

Then, they found small, probably, maybe 'a little' small changes.

Because Dressrosa came to take over, but there was no brutal aggression as imagined, the first thing Dressrosa dispatched here was to repair buildings damaged by pirates and rescue those damaged by pirates. later people.

Distribute food, help, and then knock on doors from house to house to teach the people the idea of ​​​​governing the country by popularizing Dressrosa, telling them that there are no nobles, the mountains above your heads are gone, and there are no pirates coming to rob you.

But this thing takes time.

Because the people don’t quite believe it yet, mainly because the nobles of this country treat them very well, even better than the treatment given by Dressrosa, because the Liguric Kingdom gave the people no money. Anyway, it will be taken back, of course, it can be given at will.

It is also more difficult to change people's perceptions.

On the big castle in the royal city, Cass stood on the balcony, overlooking the city below, frowning deeply.

This kind of problem, he was thinking about how to solve it, how to change the minds of these people, let them understand the dirty thoughts of the aristocrats here...


Wilbur came from behind, holding a phone bug, and said, "Crow is looking for us."


Cass tightened the cloak on his body, turned his head, looked at the connected phone bug, and said expectantly, "Lieutenant General Clow, did Mr. Clow have any orders?"

They knew that Mr. Clow went to Wano Country, and they were envious of it. It was a pity that he did not go to Wano Country with Mr. Clow to fight against the Four Emperors.

After all, they knew the news that Shanks had been arrested.

And now Mr. Clow is calling, is there a task for them?

"Cass, Wilbur, let me tell you one thing first, Mr. Clow went to Wano this time, killed Big Mom, captured Kaido, and publicly executed Kaido, the era of the four emperors, It has ended."

From the phone bug, there was a sound that made Cass and Wilbur's pupils shrink...

The great route, an island that is half divided between the desert Gobi and the beautiful mountains and clear waters, in a castle in the middle is the current Qiwuhai, where the 'King of the Desert' Sha Crocodile resides.

Inside the castle, Crocodile took off his coat, gave it to a hippo in a suit, sat on the desk, bit a cigar and exhaled smoke, and then looked at the bald man who followed him in and stood beside him:

"The new world has been rioting more and more recently, right, Mr.1."

He just came back from the new world and killed a group of pirates, but this time he found that the sea was getting more and more violent, and those pirates seemed to be no longer confined to their own territory, but began to merge.

"Reminds me of a long time ago, when the Four Emperors were still undecided, and those pirates were so violent..."

Crocodile thought for a while and said, "Perhaps it has something to do with the straw hat entering Wano. Since they entered Wano, the sea has become less calm."

Mr.1 nodded silently, he didn't talk much, and he didn't understand this, he only killed.

"Boom blah blah blah..."

The phone worm on the table rang, Crocodile frowned and picked up the microphone, "Hey, this is Crocodile."



Crocodile stood up suddenly, his already sinister face was full of black lines, and roared into the microphone: "What are you talking about, what are you joking!"

Mr.1 on the side is even more constricted pupils, an unbelievable appearance.

Great Route, Carnival City.

Qiwuhai's 'Qianliang Daohua' Bucky's resident, since the city was settled by Bucky, the carnival project has focused on adding a circus performance, and it is also the grand finale, earning a lot of tourists. money.

"Hey hahahaha!"

At this time, in a huge circus, Bucky put on his large clothes and spread out several meters, shouting to the crowded audience: "Obviously give me the money, Uncle Bucky!"

"Oh!" The audience was excited.

Outside the circus, several members of the Bucky Pirates rubbed their hands with smiles to collect the ticket money.

In the backstage, Bucky gathered up his baggy clothes, flew in, looked at the cadres who were counting the money, and said with a wicked smile, "It's a bunch of idiots, they just show their faces in a show, and then they obediently give the money away. Leave it to us."

The former vice-captain of the Bucky Pirates, who is now just a fat idiot, praised: "As expected of Captain Bucky!"

Then continue to count the money~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Captain Bucky is indeed very powerful. With our way of robbery, they will only be tricked by us and then hand over the money obediently. "Kabaji also laughed:" It's really too Sibalasi! "

Bucky took off the wide cloak, merged the torn limbs, and laughed with his red nose on his hips: "Ahahahaha! This is how my Bucky robs!"

Mr. 3 and Al Rita on the side twitched their lips. Mr. 3 pushed his glasses and said slowly, "I mean, is there a possibility that our method is called... doing business?"

Bucky: "…"

"What is business! I, Bucky, are a pirate, the great Shichibukai, and the people of the Bucky Pirates are obeying my orders and fighting in the new world!"

"Boom blah blah blah..."

The phone worm rang, Bucky's palm flew out, quickly picked up the microphone and put it to his mouth, the corners of his eyes were bent into wavy lines, and he said with a flattering smile: "Yes, this is the Bucky Express Company and the Bucky Circus, what's the matter? for you?"



Bucky's shouts rang throughout the circus, and also shocked the cadres who were counting the money.

Bucky's eyes almost popped out, snot running down his red nose, and he said dully: "That, is it true? Is it true? Don't lie to me..."

"Boom blah blah blah..."

At almost the same time, the ringing of the phone bug rang in the daughter island, William's station, the half-murloc port, and the place of the eerie castle.

Inside the gloomy castle, a man slowly put down the microphone, put his fingers on the velvet hat on his head, looked out the window with eagle-like eyes, and murmured, "What a great handwriting, Cullo."

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