"You people, things can't be accomplished by relying on other people, old and young are the same, but everyone's dreams are different, Kaido..."

Cullo raised the bottle, moved his throat, took a few sips of wine, and said lightly:

"I, I just want to find a safe and peaceful life. What ambitions and dreams don't exist for me. If you guys are just messing with you, I won't care about this matter, but you This kind of size, if something goes wrong, it will cause fluctuations in the world, one white beard is enough, and no one can stand any more."

Kaido said this proposal, he is not interested at all.

He has experienced too much "temptation" like this, and he has no interest at all.

Cullo continued: "Just wait for the execution here. When someone arrives, you will die in public in front of many people in Wano."

Just when Clow looked at Kaido, on the fourth floor, where the two disasters were being held, there was another person lost. In the middle of the two behemoths, there was a short and wretched middle-aged man. The whole body was bound by sea tower stone chains.

On his left, the huge and fat Quinn, wearing his small sunglasses, glanced at the man and said, "You are not dead yet, Orochi, I remember Kaido slashed you to death with a knife, Is it a function of ability?"

The black charcoal snake glared at Quinn and shouted, "That's not important, the important thing is that you failed, what a shame!"


Quinn's huge body fell directly there, crushing the black charcoal snake.

"Ah! It hurts!"

The painful cry of the black charcoal snake resounded under the meat mountain, "Let go of me, you guy, I can't activate the ability if there is a sea floor stone!"

"Die again, bastard." Quinli ignored his shouting and just pressed him.

The handsome, white-haired middle-aged man with brown skin and tattoos on his face, whose mask was already damaged, glanced at Quinn without speaking.

Soon, a group of navy soldiers ran over and pulled Quinn away, dragging it away like a road roller.

"Damn guy!"

The black charcoal snake took a few breaths and shouted: "Hey, he's going to murder me, and your navy will kill him soon! Let me go, I'm the general of Wano country, believe it or not, I joined the world government to become a Allied nations, and then punish your sins!"

"Then I'm afraid you have to wait."

At the entrance of the stairs, a voice sounded.

Put on a new black formal suit and put on a navy cape, Cloe walked up, approached the black charcoal snake, and stopped in front of him. The sun fell from the hole above and shone on his back. The body of the charcoal snake was cast in a shadow.

The black charcoal snake subconsciously raised its head and looked at the cold-faced man.

"Who are you? Where's that Jin Yan, let him come to see me!"

Chloe's arm floated up, his palm pushed the frame of the mirror, but he didn't answer, but looked at Jhin beside him, and said, "Speaking of which, if it wasn't for the difference in skin color, I thought you were from the Luo family."

Jhin thought for a moment and said, "Is that Xihai assassination family? I've heard of it, but unfortunately, I'm not the same as them."

Crow nodded, regardless of Jhin's skin color and wings, there were so many weirdos in the sea, and there was no shortage of such a person, and he didn't know what race they were.

He glanced at the black charcoal snake and said to the navy on the side, "Take him away."

A few navy grabbed the black charcoal snake and pulled him to move elsewhere.

"Hey, what are you doing! You can't kill me, I am the general of Wano, and I am the general of Wano!"

The black charcoal snake wanted to struggle, but his physique was naturally inferior to these people who could move even if they were bound by Shanghai Tower Stone chains. He could only be dragged away until he was dragged into a remote small room. Put him down and back out.

Crow came in after him, took out the flintlock pistol at his waist, and aimed it at the black charcoal snake.

"No, don't kill me, don't kill me!" The Black Charcoal Orochi cried out in horror.

He had overused his abilities, and now he was stopped by Hailoushi. If he died, he was really dead.

He doesn't want to die!

"I can't die, and the country of Wano has not been destroyed, I can't die!" The black charcoal snake's face was hideous.

"Want to live?"

Crow got a little closer, and the muzzle was closer to the black charcoal serpent.

The black charcoal snake nodded frantically.

"Want Wano Country to perish?" Crow asked again.

The black charcoal snake nodded again.

"If only the 'present' Wano country will be destroyed..."

Crow put down the pistol, stared at the black charcoal snake and said softly: "I have a proposal that will allow you to live and destroy Wano."

"What?" Black Charcoal Snake was taken aback, "What do you want to do?!"

"It's very simple..."

Crow said slowly: "I researched your information, the birthday you got the position of general in the early years was through the appointment of General Kozuki Sukiyaki first to let you be the acting general, and then give the position to you, right? Although that 'Guangyue Sukiyaki' is fake~www.wuxiaspot.com~, this kind of strategy can be used on your Black Charcoal family, and naturally can also be used on others."

Long before he entered Wano Country, as a professional staff officer, Crow consciously began to get information about Wano Country. He is the deputy captain of 'Sword' and a staff officer under the general. It is very simple to want information. These information Although most of them don't need it, because Mr. Clow can't ask now, but he must prepare, because maybe Mr. Clow will ask, he doesn't want to be unable to answer, he has suffered such hardships a long time ago.

The Heitan family was a daimyo family before the former general Kozuki Sukiyaki was born. He took office as General Kozuki because he had no children, so the five major families competed for the position of general, and the Heitan family became interested and exhausted all kinds of They tried to persecute other daimyo families, but the result was very bad. Koyuki Sukiyaki was born, the Heitan family was liquidated, and everyone in Wano was shouting and beating, and it was no different from a stinky rat.

In this way, a family that is hated by Wano as a whole can still become a general, so an 'outsider' who has no emotions towards Wano can naturally also become a general.

Just a little nudge...

"Come and trade."

Ke Luo stared at the black charcoal snake, Sen Leng said: "Exchange your position with your life and your ideal of destroying the country of Wano."

The former general can do things like 'acting general', then the current general can do it too. The Black Charcoal Orochi was just defeated, but his position has not changed. No matter whether anyone admits it or not, he has indeed been a general for 20 years. , this name is very dumping.

Let him give his place to someone in need.

In this way, the task given to him by Mr. Clow can be accomplished.

The Black Charcoal Orochi abdicated and 'voluntarily' gave it to Mr. Clow, so that Mr. Clow could achieve what he said before, he came to be the general of the country of Wano!

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