I Just Wanted To Retire and I Was Forced To Become a General

Vol 2 Chapter 1202: The meaning of our coming!

Chapter 1208 The meaning of our coming!

In front of the Tianshou Pavilion, a large platform has been built on the huge square, which is used as the execution platform. Around this execution platform, many residents of Wano Kingdom have gathered, all of whom came from various places after hearing the news. Those who rushed over finally arrived at the Flower Capital after several days, all waiting to see the execution.

The whole country of Wano is not lacking in materials, but the pollution has changed those food production areas, making it impossible to eat at all. There are only a few food production areas that can be eaten, but they cannot supply so many people at all, and the small number of food production areas. Some of them are used to supply the capital of flowers.

In the face of so many people who came, they couldn't let those who didn't even have to eat to buy it, so Cullo made a decision.

Open warehouses, put grains, and implement a rationing system.

Not ninety-nine-eight, ninety-eight, ninety-eight, or even a dime. You can eat when you come.

The navy can't starve to death.

The standard of living in the prosperous place of the Flower City has dropped a lot, but correspondingly, more people can live.

It's just that this makes some businessmen in the flower capital feel bad.

A group of navy walked in the crowd, among them were other people with different looks, Crocodile was biting his cigar and walking in front, looking at everything in the capital, he snorted: "It seems that it hasn't changed for so many years. Ah, the capital of flowers"

Half-fish Joe Rudolph looked at Crocodile and said, "I heard that this country has a strong military force, and looking at it now, it is really extraordinary."

There are people walking on the street with knives on their waists. Although there are not many people, most of them don't look strong, but when a few people pass by occasionally, Rudolph can still sense their strong vitality.

"In my memory, there are more of this level."

Crocodile exhaled a breath of smoke, looked at the huge Tianshou Pavilion in the distance, and said, "Did he do it?"

"You bastards!"

A loud shout suddenly sounded on the street, and I saw a businessman in luxurious clothes and a few samurai guarding the door of his shop, shouting to the surrounding navy: "This is my shop, mine! You guys! Don't come in!"

A lieutenant colonel headed by the navy directly took out a paper order and said: "According to the regulations, your rice shop must be supplied to the local people, and we will compensate you for the money according to the standard price in the world, but you refuse to Open the door, and there is evidence that you are hoarding a lot of food, how do you explain it."

"This is my shop, I can do whatever I want! The general can't control me, so why are you outsiders!"

Following his words, the samurai drew their blades with wicked faces.

Around the merchant and the navy, there were also a group of people watching. This group of people was dressed in rags, with yellow faces and thin muscles, especially in the stomach position, which was even more shriveled and shriveled. At first glance, they could not eat enough for a long time.

The lieutenant colonel shook his head, stopped talking, just stretched out his hand and said, "Shoot."

Bang bang bang!

The navy behind him directly raised his gun and fired. A large number of projectiles brought a little blood flower on the warriors, and also pointed a flower on the head of the businessman. After the gunshot, the person at the door of the store fell to the ground.

Then, the navy rushed into the rice shop and opened the door wide, revealing the mountain-like food hoarding inside, causing everyone to exclaim and commotion.

The eyes of those who had been starving for a long time almost flashed green, and they almost wanted to rush in, but they all stopped in front of the long-barreled weapons in white uniforms that could easily kill people.

The lieutenant colonel of the navy glanced at the hoarded food, turned around and said to the hungry people: "Queue up to receive it."


Guns and order made them obediently lined up in a long line, waiting to be fed with food.


Rudolph leaned back, puzzled.

Is the navy so domineering?

Before he became Qiwuhai, the navy he came into contact with was not so domineering. They could not intervene in the affairs of other countries except to eliminate pirates, let alone deal with other people at will within the borders of other countries, even if the country of Wano was not. Affiliated countries.

No, the navy is not so domineering, it is the man who is domineering.

Not only is Jin Ling domineering alone, he can talk to himself and give them a lot of rules and regulations in Qiwuhai, forcing them to compete with pirates in the new world, and his subordinates are also domineering one by one.

Thinking of this, Rudolph couldn't help but look at Cass and Wilbur who were walking in front of them.

This beard, a mustache, 'Giant Shield' Cass and 'Big Gun' Wilbur, the direct descendants of Jin Ye, are also very domineering.

From their trip to Dressrosa to the present Wano Kingdom, these two guys have never respected any of their Qiwuhai demands, even the 'empress' Boya Hancock was tired from the double snake mount. It's not allowed to stop and take a rest, and the two of them won't even say anything like 'you will bear the consequences', they will only let themselves and them go on the road with them.

Tired of twin snakes?

That could be strapped to their boat, in short, to arrive within a limited time.

Especially the bearded man, he is not afraid of Hancock's censure, let alone Hancock's ability.

She is the most beautiful woman in the world. Under the influence of her ability, even if her mind is shaken a little bit, she will turn into stone. Especially when Hancock is full of charm, the beard still has no change, but is as hard as iron, Rudolph said. is his will.

But Rudolph didn't think that the bearded man was a ruthless person, but he could not be affected, as if there was some kind of belief supporting him, which was confusing.

Bucky suddenly exclaimed, "Hey, you've gone too far!"

He pointed to the navy who seemed to be a part-time shop owner, his red nose seemed to become even more red, "That person is not a pirate, how can the navy kill people for no reason!"

This is Oden's hometown, and although he is Shichibukai, he is a pirate after all, and naturally he wants to protect the kingdom of his partners!

No one paid attention to him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wilbur glanced at him, and then said to Cass: "It's a poor job."

Cass didn't answer, just nodded.

Wilbur continued: "These hoarding businessmen and those aristocrats should all be killed at the first moment, and directly control the flower capital, there will be no such thing. Those who come from other places People should also be resettled in batches, and even let them participate in the crusade against these people to increase their sense of identity.”

Cass looked at the people lining up in front of him, then put his eyes on the Tianshou Pavilion again, and said slowly: "This is the meaning of our coming."

Is Mr. Clow calling them just to see the execution? Or for defense?

Do not!


The meaning of their coming here is to rectify the chaos in Wano Country!

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