After Crow listened to Wilbur's speech, he made a general outline like a clerk.

"Then, the current specifics are: 1. Guarantee Mr. Clow's rule over Wano."

"Second, the capture of the West Sea and the North Sea."

"Three, the work of persuading the rabbit to surrender."

He directly took out the world map and spread it on the table, saying:

"The first point is being carried out slowly, and it is the top priority that we people in Wano will do together, but it also needs a specific responsible person..."

"Let me do it."

Wilbur said: "Leave the details to me, and let me handle the matter of controlling Wano."

Crow nodded: "Then I won't go into details, the people of Wano are here, what needs to be said directly, everyone should work together to stabilize the situation in Wano before Mr. Clow returns, so as not to prevent Mr. Clow will have to deal with this kind of thing after he returns, making the World Government suspicious."


Crow took out a pen, pointed to the location of the West Sea and the North Sea, and said:

"West Hailuowei is going to capture the land of flowers, and the four countries of the North Sea will join forces with Vinsmoke to capture the surrounding area and radiate to the border of the windless belt."

Crow drew a line on the map, the West Sea and the North Sea broke through the two lines of the windless belt, and went straight into the center of the interval controlled by Wano and Dressrosa, saying:

"Dressrosa is at the front end of the New World, and Wano Country is at the middle and back end of the New World. Once the North Sea and the West Sea achieve a breakthrough, they will be able to take the border without wind, and judging from their geographic location..."

"Once things go well, the power of the West Sea and the North Sea is completed, and they can quickly occupy half of the new world!"

"I'm in charge of support." David's phone number rang.

"I will send pirates to support Lowe over the West Sea, and I will also send Wensmoke over the North Sea."

Crow nodded, and before he continued to speak, Cass said first: "I will do the work of the rabbit bowl, and I will personally review it, so that Mr. Cullo will not be ashamed."

This beard...

If it wasn't for Crow who was in charge of the organization's communication, and if Cass wouldn't stay in Wano for too long, he would still be under pressure.

Unfortunately, Mr. Clow's right-hand man is me!

Chloe pushed down his glasses with the base of his palm, showing a cold glow.

I'm the closest to Mr. Clow!

He pointed at the map with a pen and said, "But once the West Sea and the North Sea are aided, what will happen to the areas around Wano Country? It still has to be solved by someone."

This matter can’t be delayed. Although they did not receive the newspaper in Wano Country, David received it. The newspaper about Mr. Clow ending the era of the Four Emperors has been spread all over the world, and those pirates will definitely hear the news. Kaido originally In addition to Wano country, other sites will definitely be targeted.

Once captured by those pirates, Wano will be surrounded.

Aren't they just a turtle?

This is absolutely not allowed.

But if the navy can't come off, there are not enough manpower now...

Kuzan raised his hand and said, "I'll come."

"Mr. Kuzan!"

Cass said excitedly: "I didn't expect you to take up such an important role as soon as you joined. It's really touching!"

There seemed to be fire in his eyes, and those eyes made people's blood boil without realizing it.

At least Wilbur was on fire.

But this thing didn't work for Kuzan, he scratched his head: "Just drag it for a while, I can only guarantee that the pirates will enter the Wano country, and only part of it, I can't control the rest, after all, I only have one person."


Cass said excitedly: "Once we complete the stable situation of Wano Country, we will go down immediately!"

"Well, you just need to pay attention. The pirates who are currently imprisoned in Tudon are not easily persuaded by you." Kuzan said.

"I will try my best!" Cass nodded solemnly: "Even if I take my life, I will let them understand what justice is!"

a few days later.

At the headquarters of the Navy, a golden figure descended directly from the sky. The navy who was in charge of guarding was at first like a great enemy, but after seeing who was coming, he immediately put down his weapon and saluted, "General Cullo!"

The man waved his hand, and then said, "Go and bring me a box."

This person is Cullo. He flew from Wano Country for a few days and came to the headquarters.

In his hand he was still holding the blue fruit with succulent leaves but the shape of a grape.

A few navy members responded, and after trotting for a while, they found a rather gorgeous box. Clow put the fruit in the box, picked up the suitcase, and then asked, "Is Marshal Sakaski here?"

"Yes!" the navy responded.

Cullo nodded, waved his hand at the navy, and walked towards the Great Tenshou Pavilion of the headquarters.

In the Marshal's Office on the top floor, Sakaski was holding a document processing desk... No, he was processing documents with a cigar in his mouth, and there was a crane planted by the old **** next to him.

"You are quite relaxed."

As soon as Cullo entered the gate, he said a word, then sat on the sofa unceremoniously, took out a cigar from his arms and lit it, took a deep breath, and then spewed a jet of smoke, and then said: "But I'm exhausted."

Crane smiled slightly: "It's hard work, what you did this time is too big, to be honest, we didn't expect I thought the best ending at first was just to let Kaido and the Big·mom alliance dissolve. Then just leave."

Who is Kaido, who is Big·mom, the famous Four Emperors, who have fought against the Navy so many times and still survived, I didn't expect that at this moment, it was terminated by the Navy.

It ended so neatly.

"Good job, Clow."

Sakaski raised his head and smiled, with a bit of kindness on his fierce face, "The new 'Navy Hero'."


Hearing this, Cullo took a deep breath, glanced at him, and picked up the newspaper on the coffee table.

This newspaper was published by the World Government a few days ago. There is no urine in the whole article, and the entire newspaper is talking about the same thing.

[The era of the Four Emperors is over, and a new 'Navy Hero' is born! 】

Cullo looked at the text, and said casually: "Since Goldo Roger, the sea emperors on the sea have always been there, Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom, Redhead, and since the top of the war After that, the era of pirates fell into decline, and now it has been wiped out by Admiral Jin Wei, which has completely ended the era of the Four Emperors...what the hell!"

Later, he didn't bother to read it, so he threw the newspaper and said, "No, although I know this will definitely be published in the newspaper, is it too much to be a navy hero? I'm a navy hero, what about Garp."


Sakaski snorted coldly: "The old era is over, and similarly, the older generation should also be withdrawn, and the rise of the new era is inevitable."

In this regard, the crane shook his head and smiled bitterly.

It seemed to be said to her.

"Anyway, you can only accept the tune that the world government has set for you. The title of naval hero is not a bad thing for you, Cullo." She said lightly.

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