In Kakarot’s view, the attraction of the Earthburst Star behind him...·

Well, it's still somewhat useful.

But it's nothing serious anymore.

Kakarot waved his hand and fired several Qigong bombs, destroying all the missiles.

Look at the core of the Earthburst Star again.

This time Kakarot did not choose to use Turtle Style Qigong.

Instead, he seemingly casually threw a huge Qigong bomb towards the core position.

But this Qigong bomb is not a simple Qigong bomb.

If someone looks carefully, they will definitely be able to see that the operation mode of this Qigong bomb is the same as that of the Rasengan.

Kakarot named him Spiral Qigong Bomb.

There was another roar.

Waves of air generated by explosions swept across the entire Konoha Village.

Kakarot, who landed slowly, looked coldly at 4 Payne, who was still alive on the opposite side.

I slowly figured it out in my mind.

A Tiandao Payne is just a guy who can play music.

A human being will absorb souls.

A bastard who sets off fireworks and firecrackers everywhere.

The last one is the realm of hungry ghosts.

The same one who almost sucked Uzumaki Naruto dry just now.

Every Pain has no threat in front of Kakarot.

But everything has a first-come, first-served basis.

Kakarot decided to first kill the hungry ghost Dopein who bullied Naruto just now.

There was no nonsense, and no concern about whether the other party shared vision.

Kakarot just rushed forward without any cover.

His speed is too fast.

Even Pain, who had been on guard all the time, couldn't see clearly how Kakarot appeared behind Hungry Ghost Road with his eight eyes.

A simple punch hit Hungry Ghost Dao Payne's head.

Rao is God, Payne's reaction speed is fast enough.

The moment he reacted, he released the Shinra Tenzheng.

But when Kakarot flew out, he was already holding the head of the hungry ghost Pain in his hand.

In the blink of an eye, one person was missing from the Six Paths of Payne.

Nagato, who was directing the battle from a distance, panicked.

He once easily defeated Demigod Hanzo, but now he faced someone like Kakarot.

He only felt that the opponent was completely defenseless.

It is simply impossible to defeat.

What kind of monster is this person in front of me!

But Kakarot would not leave any time to think.

I saw that the effect time of Shinra Tianzheng was over.

Kakarot's figure flashed again.

In an instant, he actually appeared behind Payne on the human world again.


An ordinary punch was thrown.

Another exploding head.

But Kakarot was very unhappy.

The dead body was a dead body, but not even blood was shed.

It was really unpleasant.

There are only two Tiandao Pain and Shura Dao Pain left.

Shura Dao Pain can no longer wait any longer.

All the previous missiles are ineffective against Kakarot.

He wasn't wasting that chakra right now.

Instead, he directly summoned a huge cannon.

He launched decisively towards the refuge position of Konoha Village.


There was a loud noise.

A giant cannonball that was even larger than the tailed beast jade hit the villagers of Konoha.

The tone of Tiandao on the side was close to crazy.

"Die! Only death can make you feel pain.

You ungrateful ants!"

But he hadn't finished speaking.

The shell stopped strangely in mid-air.

Then the shell actually turned around and hit their position.

What the hell!

Tiandao Payne's eyes widened and he didn't understand.

But Soon it was discovered that it was Kakarot who suddenly appeared in front of the cannonball and blocked the trajectory of the cannonball.

Then he threw the cannonball back to him.

Tendo Payne quickly used ninjutsu again

"Shinra Tianzheng!"

Shinra Tenzheng has just been released.

One of Kakarot's Qigong bombs has followed closely and hit the shell.


There was a loud noise.

Tendou Pain was not harmed by the Shinra Tensei.

However, Shura Dao was blown to pieces by the shells he fired.

Coupled with Tendou Pain's Shinra Tensei.

For a time, the entire Konoha Village was filled with Shura Dao. The machine parts on Pain's body.

Kakarot looked at the last Pain with a sneer.

He deliberately kept Tendo Pain.

It's not that Kakarot wanted to be merciful.

It was because he wanted to use Yahiko's body. For chips, make a deal with Nagato.

After all, he doesn't have Naruto's talent for speech evasion.

If he is asked to find Nagato, I'm afraid the other party won't use the reincarnation technique to resurrect the dead in Konoha Village.

But if If he has Yahiko's body in his hand, then we can talk about it.

If the other party doesn't agree, he will destroy Yahiko inch by inch in front of the other party.

Let their friend die without a whole body!

Kakarot looked on coldly The Heavenly Way Payne Before My Eyes

"Nagato, I'll give you a chance.

If you now use the reincarnation technique to resurrect everyone who died in Konoha Village.

I can consider letting Yahiko keep his body intact."

Kakarot's negotiation skills are extremely poor.

After hearing Kakarot's words, Tiandao Pain's whole face became deformed with anger.

"Asshole, do you think you've won?

I am God!

You will always be an ant!"

After saying that, Tiandao Payne raised his hands high

"Super. Shinra Tianzheng! but...

This time Kakarot still didn't give him a chance.

Of course the moment of shouting.

Kakarot suddenly appeared in front of him.

Punch him in the stomach


Although Tiandao Payne couldn't feel the pain, he was still knocked away by this iron fist.

Shinra Tenzheng's technique was also interrupted again.

Kakarot said that he would do it.

At the moment of the attack, he took off Tiandao. One of Pain's arms.

In front of the opponent,

Kakarot threw Yahiko's arm to the ground.

A Qigong bomb hit it.

In an instant, Yahiko's arm disappeared forever.


Nagato in the distance was angry.

A pair of eyes were suddenly filled with bloodshot eyes.

Yahiko was his friend.

He was also the founder of the Akatsuki organization in his mind.

That's why he used Yahiko's body as Tiandao Pain.

The purpose is He wanted his friend to fulfill their original ambition with his own hands.

But the Kakarot in front of him damaged Yahiko's body so easily.

Nagato was angry for a while, and Konan cried.

But Kakarot didn't give it to him. How much time to think.

Appeared next to Tiandao Pain again.

This time, Kakarot took away the other arm and threw it to the ground again.

Then a Qigong bomb destroyed the arm.

Kakarot said coldly Looking at Nagato

"Don't be in a hurry, just take your time and think about it.

Anyway, the next time I take action, it will be other parts!"_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP!,·

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