Everyone in Konoha Village is actively rebuilding.

Speaking of which, this is not the first time Konoha has encountered such a thing.

Last time Orochimaru's Konoha collapse plan turned the Konoha village upside down.

This time is not much different from last time.

Today Kakarot is helping to renovate the family's house.

Every time I adjust to a new gravity multiplier, it's a little uncomfortable at first.

Today is no exception.

After just letting the system increase its own gravity by another layer.

Kakarot suddenly felt his whole body shaking.

I was sweating profusely even after taking two steps carrying the wood.

When Kakarot finished working all morning, he was about to go into the house to rest.

Suddenly he found someone he didn't expect sitting in the living room.

Ino's father Yamanaka Kaiichi

"Um, hello uncle."

Haiichi Yamanaka looked Kakarot up and down.

He seemed a little unhappy and said"huh".

Kakarot suddenly felt a little pain in his balls.

Could it be that his affair with his daughter was exposed?

But Yamanaka Haiichi didn't. Pay attention to Kakarot.

Today he is looking for Minato Namikaze.

Minato Namikaze is sitting in the main seat in the living room, holding the scroll that Yamanaka Haiichi just gave him.

There is a deep wrinkle between his eyebrows.

It seems. There was something terrible in the information that Yamanaka Haiichi showed him.

After a long time, Namikaze Minato finally spoke

"Haiyi, how many missing Uchiha clan members have you confirmed?"

Haiichi Yamanaka has long been familiar with these numbers.

"The Fourth Hokage, as of this morning, we have the exact news here.

There are already 12 missing in the Uchiha clan, if you add the one we have under control now.

That makes thirteen.

And the scariest thing is that we have no idea how many more people will continue to be lost."



Kakarot, who was listening to their conversation, suddenly became curious.

What is going on?

I haven't heard Itachi talk about it recently.

Namikaze Minato then continued to ask

"Haiyi, your intelligence stated that you found out through mind reading that Uchiha Enzheng was going to find Orochimaru.

But as far as I know, Orochimaru should be dead."

Yamazaka Haiyi shook his head, he also had some doubts about this question in his eyes.

"I don't know exactly why.

Uchiha Enzheng fell into a state of hysteria, and after being subdued by us, he only had the thought of finding Orochimaru."

At this time, Namikaze Minato looked at Kakarot who was standing there.

"Kakarot, are you sure you killed Orochimaru in Loulan?"


Kakarot was very curious as to why such a guy showed up again?

Kakarot nodded first, but then quickly shook his head.

"In Loulan, Orochimaru was indeed dead.

But as for whether Orochimaru really died like this, I have never been able to confirm."

Namikaze Minato and Yamanaka Haiichi frowned at the same time.

What does this mean?

Kakarot explained directly.

"I've told you this before.

Orochimaru can be resurrected through the Curse Seal of Heaven.

When he attacked Konoha, wasn't he already killed by me?

But he was resurrected through the curse mark on Hong Dou.

The same goes for Loulan. It can only be said that he died at that time.

But I don’t know whether he will be resurrected later."

Haiman Yamanaka was silent for a moment after hearing Kakarot's words.

"If that's what Kakarot said, then Orochimaru might be resurrected again."

Kakarot was very curious about their conversation.

"Dad, what are you talking about?

Does it have anything to do with Orochimaru?"

Minato Namikaze put away the scroll and briefly told Kakarot the information reported by Yamanaka Haiichi. The

Uchiha clan, which used to serve as the police force, often has people disappearing in recent days.

After an investigation by the Anbu, it was discovered that It turns out that at night, some Uchiha people will suddenly become as if they are hypnotized. The whole person will become sluggish, their brains will go blank, and they will try their best to find Orochimaru.

This time, ANBU took action to subdue them. Uchiha Enzheng, who was about to sneak out of the village, confirmed the news after Yamanaka Haiichi's mind-reading skills.

Hearing Namikaze Minato's words,

Kakarot couldn't pay attention for a moment.

But he could guess it. some information

"We may no longer need to speculate on whether Orochimaru is completely dead.

After all, as far as I know, Hongdou's Heavenly Curse Seal is enough to resurrect him once.

Not to mention the backhand he left outside Konoha Village.

As for the disappearance of those Uchiha people.

I can probably guess Orochimaru's purpose."

Namikaze Minato and Yamanaka Kai both looked at Kakarot.

Kakarot compared the plot in the original work and mentally estimated Orochimaru's general intention.

"I suspect his purpose is to possess the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan.

As for whether he wants to occupy the bodies of the Uchiha clan members, he still has to use other methods.

I'm not sure about this."

After hearing Kakarot's words, Yamanaka Hai thought about it for a long time.

Finally he nodded.

"I think what Kakarot said is very possible.

According to our statistical intelligence.

The missing Uchiha clan members are all masters who have opened three magatama.

It seems that Orochimaru is planning something big."

Namikaze Minato's expression became a little serious.

Yamanaka Haiichi didn't know about Loulan.

But Namikaze Minato knew everything.

He was also quite afraid of Orochimaru's current strength.

The dragon vein has been destroyed, Orochimaru may not He will be as invincible as Kakarot said in Loulan.

But he does not rule out the possibility that he is still strong.

In any case, the opponent is a Sannin.

Now Orochimaru has made a new move.

It seems that Mu Ye should be prepared in advance.

Speaking of this, Namikaze Minato asked Kakarot to help see off the guests.

He himself used the Flying Thunder God to return to the Hokage's office to prepare for research and deployment.

He originally wanted to send Yamanaka Hai outside his home. I can come back.

Who knew that Yamanaka Haiichi would look at Kakarot with a serious face after Namikaze Minato left?

"Kakarot, what is going on between you and my daughter?"


Uncle, your style of painting has changed a lot.

Why did you suddenly enter the role of father-in-law?_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel APP!,·

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