Early the next morning, Kakarot, who got up early, carried the 10-kilogram turtle shell prepared for him by the system and went downstairs.

"Kakarot, what are you carrying?"

Kushina was holding breakfast and looking at Kakarot with a strange expression.

Kushina was very satisfied with this eldest son.

Although Kakarot often took Naruto out to cause trouble, he always gave him the wrong answer. People are very protective.

But Kushina also has a headache sometimes.

Although the two little guys have to be punished by themselves every time they go home, they still happily go out and make mischief the next day.

As time goes by, the whole village Everyone knew about the existence of these two little devils.

Today I saw Kakarot suddenly had a turtle shell on his back.

Kushina had to be careful.

Could this be the latest trouble-making tool developed by this brat?

Kushina even started to He wondered what the turtle shell could be used for.

Kakarot was completely unaware of the strangeness of his adoptive mother.

He just carried the turtle shell on his back and adapted to the weight.

"Mom, this is my secret tool for cultivation. Kakarot proudly turned his back to Kushina to let her see more clearly,"I will start practicing from today!""

Kakarot, who was still fussing, suddenly felt a cold light raging behind him.

Along with the cold light, there was also a burning heat like a volcanic eruption.

It's over!

What a carelessness!

Kakarot and Kushina had gone through a long period of resistance and struggle. Suppressed, and finally reached an agreement.

Kushina did not call him Amanuru, but called him Kakarot.

And he could not call Kushina mother.

After all,"old" is a woman's lifelong enemy.

She felt that there was a message coming from behind. Sensing a dangerous aura, Kakarot turned his head cautiously.

Sure enough, he saw a succubus with disheveled hair and scorching flames walking towards him ferociously, holding a pan and a shovel.

"Little thief, what did you call me?"

Kakarot's cheeks twitched, and a large amount of cold sweat rolled down his forehead.

He carefully looked at the female devil in front of him who had filled up his anger tank and was ready to explode at any time.


His sweet call for maternal love was not answered by kind maternal love.

He only responded with a cold sentence.

"Now that I think about it, what should I call me? late!"

Minato Namikaze, who had just finished washing, looked at the extremely harmonious scene of"love and family" in front of him. He had long been accustomed to this scene and covered Naruto's eyes with a wry smile.

When Kushina returned to maternal love mode, Ka Carrot just got out of the turtle shell.

He touched the turtle shell he just got today gratefully.

Regardless of the training effect of this thing, it can really save lives at critical moments!

At the breakfast table, Namikaze Minato also said to Kaka The turtle shell that Lot was carrying expressed curiosity.

Kakarot had to explain his plan to them.

In fact, after the system was activated, in addition to giving him some gift packages for novices, other benefits were similar to level 999 in one second. Absolutely not.

There are just all the training conditions that Kakarot had during his growth in the original work.

Whenever he reaches a certain level, the system will unlock the next part of his training resources.

At this stage, he only has a turtle shell, and he still has It’s just a 10 kilogram turtle shell.

In the following days, all he needs to do is to train with the turtle shell on his back.

After he adapts, the system will automatically increase his intensity.

Although he does not need to deliver milk or plow the land with bare hands like in the original work.

But basic physical training is still needed.

The training in the Dragon Ball system is closer to taijutsu in the Naruto world.

So in the following days, Kakarot decided to carry a turtle shell and use taijutsu to crazily squeeze his potential.

He can He doesn't want to waste his talent in vain.

If he doesn't work hard as a future Super Saiyan

, he will be struck by lightning if he stays at home all day long and wastes his talent.

But it is obvious that he has ignored his little brother who is like a follower.

Seeing Kakaro This is a strange turtle shell toy.

Naruto, who is full of curiosity about this world, naturally wants one.

He grabbed Kakarot's clothes and blinked his big eyes pitifully.

"Brother, I also want a big turtle shell..."


If Naruto is willing to train with him, Kakarot will naturally be happy.

After all, training alone is too boring.

Watching Namikaze Minato and Kushina didn't object either.

Kakarot had no choice but to get Naruto a small turtle shell from the system.

But it's half lighter than him.

Only 5 kilograms.

After eating, the two little guys ran towards the woods with their turtle shells on their backs.

At first, both of them looked excited, and the feeling of heavy pressure on their backs was a bit novel.

But as the running continued, the two of them felt a little tired one after another.

During the first lap around the woods, both of them were quite excited.

The pace slowed down significantly on the second lap.

Halfway through the third lap, Naruto could no longer stand.

Looking at Kakarot with tears in his eyes

"Brother, I can't carry it anymore."

Kakarot had nothing to do with his younger brother. He couldn't bear to beat him, and he couldn't bear to scold him.

He had no choice but to let Naruto wait on the side.

"Naruto, wait for me here. I'll finish this lap and we'll go back."

It's said that it's running, but it's actually close to crawling on four legs.

It may be due to the Saiyan's fighting genes.

When Kakarot crazily squeezed his physical energy during the training process, in addition to feeling hard work, he actually had a great feeling. The pleasure.

It seemed that he could feel that every time he tried his best to take the next step, there would be obvious growth.

In fact, this was just his illusion, but it was this illusion that made him grit his teeth and continue unconsciously. Perseverance.

Finally, after Kakarot completed the third lap, Naruto, who was sitting aside waiting for him, fell asleep from exhaustion.

Kakarot, with a wry smile on his face, put away their turtle shells.

He carried Naruto on his back and walked home.

But what Kakarot didn't know was that after they left, a guy wearing tights and a watermelon head appeared out of nowhere.

Looking at Kakarot and Naruto The direction to leave.

This man's eyes were burning with fire, and he shouted excitedly

"youth! This is youth!

Today I also ran around the woods with a turtle on my back."

After that, the man summoned a big turtle using psychic skills.

He carried the confused turtle on his back without any explanation.

He thoughtfully estimated the amount of exercise he had done.

Suddenly he showed his white teeth. From a distance, there seems to be a glint of light

"Just run five hundred laps!"

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