"Tonight we will wipe out the Red Fang Gang, remove their last remaining forces, complete the mission of Senior G3 in one go, and then take a steady step forward on the road ahead."

Looking at the action map spread out on the table, Mo Yu nodded, and then took out the equipment from the G3 arsenal one by one for inspection. He was ready to enter the battle at any time.

Because he had been preparing for the whole afternoon, he did not have time to eat properly. After just buying some bread and energy bars to simply fill his stomach, Mo Yu sat at the table while observing the map given by the Cunning Rabbit House, and began to plan his next attack route in his mind.

According to the guys in the Cunning Rabbit House, the Red Fang Gang has two bases, one is a bar hidden in the street, and the other is an office building with more than ten floors.

These two places are their bases, one is used to sell stolen goods and operate funds, and the other is where the Red Fang Gang mobilizes and convenes actions.

However, because the bar was too hidden and hidden in a bunch of basic buildings, even the Cunning Rabbit House only detected the existence of this building and could not accurately provide the other party's location.

So Mo Yu decisively moved this bar from the priority of his attack target to the back, and prepared to start from the Red Fang Gang's office building.

After all, the location of the bar is still unknown, and it will take some effort to find the specific location.

Speed ​​is of the essence. In the middle of the night, he can't wear G3 armor to check the water meter from door to door and ask if you are from the Red Fang Gang, right?

In this way, while patiently formulating the action plan, he adjusted his weapons and physical condition until about eight o'clock in the evening, when the moon came out.

When Mo Yu realized that the sky outside was gradually getting dark and it was almost time to start the action, the TV program that was originally on the leisure channel suddenly jumped automatically to the news interface of New Elidu.

In the blurry picture and the "crackling crackling" of the electric current! ! ’ In the gap between the voices, the TV in the living room was talking steadily.

“Now I’m going to interrupt a news: At about 8 o’clock tonight, a sudden associated void disaster occurred on Fourteenth Street. It has now broken through the third-level control on the scene. Please be careful.”


What did the TV say just now? Void disaster, and it happened in the area of ​​Fourteenth Street? !

When he was about to go out to act, Mo Yu was immediately attracted by the voice coming from the news.

Especially when he heard the two keywords of void disaster and Fourteenth Street.

“Void disaster…” he said silently.

Although he had not been in this new world for a long time, he had fought with Gurongi in the training space for a long time at first. After coming out, he was busy with school or fighting gangs and criminal groups as a vigilante. During this period, he did not encounter the so-called void disaster, and he had no time to take the initiative to contact the void.

However, because he read some of the original owner’s memories, and specially investigated this city and the world view when he was online during this period. So he has a certain understanding of the so-called void disaster in people’s mouths.

The so-called void is a disaster that destroys the world. It is an abnormal spherical space that appears out of thin air and swallows everything. It destroyed most of the cities in the world and almost destroyed the old civilization, that is, the former Eridu. The human civilization of this world has become precarious because of this.

Fortunately, there is still a city in the world that has the ability to fight against the void disaster, which is the stage where he is: New Eridu.

New Eridu not only has the ability to resist the void disaster, but also has mastered the advanced technology of mining ether resources from the void. It is precisely because of this that New Eridu can develop so prosperously in this world after the disaster.

But even if there is a way to deal with it, it does not mean that it can be dealt with easily. Even now, the void disaster is a huge threat to New Eridu. Its essence is an abnormal spherical space that appears out of thin air and swallows everything. Its internal space-time environment becomes disordered due to the influence of unknown effects, and it will also produce dangerous alien creatures called "Yi Ke".

Ordinary people who are lost in the void not only have to face the attack of terrifying aliens, but also have the risk of erosion and mutation. Therefore, all parties in New Elidu will pay close attention to the sudden hollow disaster and rush to support it as soon as the disaster occurs.

What surprised Mo Yu at the moment was that the hollow disaster, this terrifying disaster unique to this world view, appeared so quickly, and this time it just happened to coincide with his target.

Fourteenth Street, isn't that the territory of the Red Fang Gang? It also happened to be the place he was going to just now.

"Ahem, uh, that... citizens, good evening. I am the chief of the Janus District Security Bureau who is supervising the pursuit operation on Fourteenth Street."

Just when Mo Yu was lost in thought, a tall man with golden hair appeared on the TV screen.

"Well... I'm sorry, because of the sudden cavity disaster here, the police's pursuit has been affected."

"I, I want to remind the general public that we are pursuing the mastermind of the previous terrorist attack on the research institute: the Red Fang Gang. Last night, thanks to that Star Rider, no, Kamen Rider, our police department was able to interrogate the captured criminals and get intelligence and clues about the Red Fang Gang. The pursuit is now underway."

Facing the camera pointed at him, the head of the Janus District, Chief Bullinger, had an expression that was obviously a little unnatural, and even his usually loud voice began to stutter.

"In short, they are a group of very dangerous tough guys. No, I mean criminals. Especially their leader, "White Man" Miguel. So please be careful!"

"At present, due to the sudden appearance of the void disaster, the attack organized by our Public Security Bureau has been affected to a certain extent. But please do not panic, residents who are still staying in Fourteenth Street, and do not walk around casually to avoid being swallowed by the void. Our Public Security Bureau has currently dispatched the Air Police Team and the Criminal Investigation Department to participate in the operation, and has also contacted the Void Investigation Association for collaborative tasks. I believe that you will be rescued safely soon..."

Just when the tall blond man was still reporting seriously, he suddenly saw his palm sink slightly, and then the microphone handed over was snatched back by the reporter next to him.

"What's going on? ”

Before Bullinger could react, the reporter who had just taken the microphone back from Bullinger had already pointed at the screen and started his extreme output.

"I'm really mad! ! I'm a reporter from this station! I can't stand it anymore! The abominable criminals of the Red Fang Gang actually used the hole to evade pursuit. They also prevented the residents from evacuating! These daring and life-threatening criminals must be killed! ! "

"As long as you find their traces, you should kill them directly! That's right! Kill these criminals thoroughly first, and then kill them! ! "

"That... Mr. Reporter. I'm reporting the case, please let me first..."

Looking at the reporter's indignation, he almost wanted to rush in and fight the Red Fang Gang himself, and Bullinger couldn't help but frown.

"My dear mad! Anyway, listen to me, the Red Fang Gang bastards hiding inside! Don't think that the hole can protect you! The sheriffs of the Public Security Bureau will definitely rush in and bring you to justice, and then kill you! You will never escape the pursuit of justice, let alone the judgment of the law! ! "

Finally, after completing the ultimate output, the reporter's mood gradually eased a little. Then he suddenly remembered that it was still the report time of the chief of the Public Security Bureau, so he handed the microphone back again.

"Am I right, chief? !"


Blinger: "Uh, right...right?"

"Look! You are already killed! ! "


The report ends here.


Listening to the unfriendly and uncoordinated sounds coming out of the reporter's mouth on TV, Mo Yu didn't know what to say for a moment.

Should he complain about the strange sound effects of the news program being harmonized? Or should he praise the reporter for being a man of character?

Although there are really many words and questions in his heart that he wants to blurt out. But now is obviously not the time to think about such things.

Although this news report is almost filled with strange sound effects like **, he still heard it just now. At present, due to Because the Red Fang Gang huddled in the Fourteenth Street area and fought against the Public Security Bureau, the evacuation of the people in that area was not going smoothly.

Although the Public Security Bureau has been working hard to carry out the mission, if it continues to delay like this, the innocent people will bear the risk. In this case...

Then it's Kamen Rider's turn! Perhaps it's the best time for Kamen Rider G3 to go out, and it's also the time when someone really needs his help.

Not just to complete the so-called mission, but also to protect and help others.

"It's time to fight, system, help me take out the Guard Tracker."


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