"Ahhhh!! How can you ask me to calm down in this situation? Phaethon!"

While Billy was anxious, Ling and Zhe were even more anxious.

No one expected that an ordinary hollow rescue operation would actually encounter the superior Yi Hai who had completed the second stage of evolution.

And now the whole team is obviously in poor condition. Billy does not have enough ammunition, and Ambi has also fallen into a coma. Mr. Kamen Rider risked his life to transfer Dullahan, whose ether activity has soared, to another place.

And from this posture, Nicole is obviously going to stay behind.

Although she is extremely reluctant, if she continues to hesitate, the whole army will be wiped out.

As rope craftsmen, they must do their best to bring the client out.

So in the video store, Zhe and Ling are also doing their best to find the nearest safe path that can take everyone out of the hollow.


"There must be other ways? There must be...there must be...I will never let everyone sacrifice in vain."

Ling and Zhe muttered in their hearts, while their fingers were constantly jumping on the keyboard, desperately looking for a way to solve the current dilemma.

At the same time, under the ruins of the collapsed building.

——Buzz! !

The high-speed rotating chain saw sword kept making noises, and while piercing the crystal flesh, it also slashed down along the wound that had been inflicted on Dullahan, adding another terrifying knife mark to it.

At this moment, the opponent also stared at the red ether core on his neck, and then with infinite anger, he raised the sharp blade in his hand and chopped it hard at the blue figure that pushed him here.

Swish——! !

The harsh and sharp sound of breaking through the air resounded in his ears.

Sensing the strong wind pressure coming from the front and the sense of crisis at hand, Mo Yu did not intend to dodge. Instead, the sword chain saw sword turned around on the ether alien in front of him, and then raised his arm, using his dark blue solid arm armor as a shield, and took the extremely fast knife of Dullahan.

In an instant, the blade and the armor collided, rubbing out a large area of ​​dazzling sparks in the dark.

Clang! !

Accompanied by a sharp roar, a terrifying force slashed his arm along the blade.

Fortunately, the G3 armor's defense that could withstand the attack of the Apostle Unknown did not disappoint him. Although this near-fatal blow shook his arm to the point of almost dislocating it, and also cut off most of the armor attached to the surface, it did not cut his arm directly off.

Since his arm is still there, it means he can still fight.


Enduring the waves of severe pain in his arm, Mo Yu gritted his teeth, took the opportunity to pull out the arm with the chainsaw sword installed, and then mercilessly punched the wound on Dullahan's chest that had just been cut. At the same time, Dullahan also swung the giant shield in his left hand and hit him hard.

The next moment, the attacks of the two fell on each other's bodies at the same time.


"Ugh... Puff!!"

A dull sound suddenly sounded on the armor on his chest, and the powerful force directly knocked Mo Yu's body away, but the heavy fist of his palm also took advantage of this force and momentum to smash into Dullahan's chest, causing it to wail in pain.

This shows that he won the bet.

Starting from the torso of the body, from the belly to the head, a huge breakthrough was forcibly made. Mo Yu, who was already shaky after being hit by the shield, spit out a large mouthful of blood in the visor.

His eyes were exposed in the broken visor, and he vaguely realized his physical condition: his arm was dislocated, and several bones in his chest were probably broken.

Dullahan, who was also attacked by Mo Yu, was more seriously injured, but with the help of the endless ether energy in the hole, he finally stood up again, leaning on the crimson long sword, staring at Mo Yu who was still fighting tenaciously in front of him.

The beating scarlet core was filled with endless anger and murderous intent.

[“Warning: The current damage level of G3 armor has reached: 30%”]

[“The power is rapidly draining, and the remaining power is less than: 10%. It is recommended that the host leave the battle and leave here immediately.”]

Listening to the prompt of the system in his mind, Mo Yu did not answer. He no longer had any energy to respond. He fixed his eyes on the etheric alien in front of him that had begun to recover, ready to make the next round of actions before it took action.

This is a hollow environment. As a skeleton, Dullahan has a unique advantage. If he doesn’t find a way to completely solve it quickly, it will not take long for it to use the etheric energy here to recover from its injuries again. By then, Nicole and others who are not sure whether they have safely evacuated outside will be completely in danger.

As for leaving the battle?

No, that’s escaping!

If there is no obstruction from me, it will be easy for them to catch up with Nicole with the speed and strength of this monster.

If even the knight escapes? Who else can continue to fight?

"A hero can't flee from the battlefield..."

Gritting his teeth, he whispered in his heart, and Mo Yu's eyes were filled with burning fighting spirit and anger outside the broken armor.

"Come on! Senior Kongoji... please fight with me."

"Yes, let's fight together."

As if it was an illusion, a gentle and resolute voice came to my ears.

Mo Yu was slightly stunned, and in a trance, the clumsy figure who kept fighting to protect human life seemed to really appear beside him again, fighting side by side with him.

"Thank you, senior..."

He lowered his head and whispered quietly, and then Mo Yu's eyes exposed outside the armor stared at the furious Dullahan in front of him, the flames in his eyes seemed to be burning, and his fighting steps did not retreat at all.

"Roar, roar, roar--!!"

He held the sword, ready to fight to the death, and seeing the culprit who made him look so miserable, Dullahan once again wielded the sharp blade symbolizing death, roaring and slashing at Mo Yu.

"Come on! Keep fighting, you damn monster!!"

In a flash, the high-speed spinning chainsaw sword in the air collided with the etheric long sword that was swinging again, and while wielding a large piece of sparks, it also erupted with unparalleled terrifying power.

In an instant, the ruins collapsed again, and the falling dust and soil buried the two figures completely in an instant.

Buried the terrible monster, and also buried the brave knight.

Chapter 38 The devil is out of the cage

"How could this happen...?"

The scene in front of Nicole flashed, and the sound of "boom--!!" continued to ring in her ears. The interior of the collapsed building collapsed again, causing the entire platform where everyone was located to shake violently. Some of the bodies on the edge fell down before they could react.

"Kamen Rider... him? Uh...!"

The injuries on his body were still aching, but the shock and pain in his heart were even deeper at this moment.

In just a few minutes, everything happened too fast, so fast that it was only in the blink of an eye, and it seemed like lightning and flint. Everything was so unexpected.

"How could this happen? Why did Kamen Rider do this? Why did he bury the Ikai with him even at the cost of his life!"

Billy, who fired a gun and repelled the sudden attack of Ikai with one hand, was carrying Ambi to a safe area. After hearing the sound of the building collapsing behind him, he also found it difficult to accept the fact in front of him.

A few minutes...

From Kamen Rider's rescue to the other party dragging Dullahan into a desperate situation, it only took a few minutes.

The situation on the battlefield changed rapidly, and Billy also witnessed the scene he had seen countless times in cartoons in these few minutes - heroes always appear at critical moments.

If Kamen Rider had not arrived at the scene in time to block Dullahan's knife, Ambi would never be safe. If the other party had not dragged Dullahan into the ruins, his evacuation would never have been so smooth.

Although he firmly believed that whether it was Kamen Rider or Star Knight, they were heroes that existed in everyone's expectations. They were real heroes who could respond to people's expectations and bring new miracles in despair.

But seeing this scene of collapse, Billy couldn't help but worry about the other party's safety.

"Hey! Billy, don't stop, now is not the time to be dazed, there is another Ikai chasing you!"

Looking at Billy who was a little absent-minded in front of him, the equally anxious voices of Zhe and Ling were immediately heard in Ies.

"Although the situation may not be so good, you must never give up! Billy, you must believe in Kamen Rider, and you must continue to run with Ambi, and never let him and Nicole down!!"

Now is not the time to be dazed, every minute and every second, there are Ikai gathering here. If you don't leave quickly, when more and more Ikai gather, no one will be able to escape from here.

"Yes! You are right, store manager, Kamen Rider will definitely be fine. He is a hero who brings hope!"

"Yes, he is a real hero..." Ling and Zhe looked at each other, and then nodded silently.

"Where should I run now? Send Ambi away quickly, I have to come back to support Boss Nicole!"

Billy, who had regained his spirits, could not come up with any ideas for a while. Although he was a robot, his mind was not much different from that of a young man in his twenties. Faced with this situation, of course he would be a little overwhelmed.

But the problem is that Phaethon's Zhe and Ling are also young people. They have never seen such a big battle or experienced such a terrible desperate situation since they started as rope makers, so they were a little difficult to make a decision for a while.

But they must not give up Nicole, nor any of their companions. But Nicole was right. In this situation, there was no way to retreat together, and one person had to stay behind.

When they saw the ether activated Dullahan, they had already recorded the special form of the superior Dullahan that appeared in the Crete Hollow as quickly as possible, and then uploaded all the coordinates here to the rope network and the official website of the Hollow Investigation Association to request rescue.

Although this would most likely lead to arrest due to their identity as cave robbers, for the sake of Nicole and the others' safety, Zhe and Ling could not care less now.

"Billy, take Ambi and run to the northeast, there are fewer corpses there."

Just as Zhe was telling Billy about the safe evacuation route they had just found, suddenly, the road, which had been relatively calm, began to shake violently.

Snap, snap, snap --!!!

The ground was shaking, and a strange friction sound came from the depths of the ruins.


A dark red scimitar pierced the stone pillar pressing on the top of the head, and the solid concrete road began to tremble violently. With a few dark red lights flashing by, a huge black pit appeared in the area that had collapsed.

Then released was the huge ether energy that made people feel uncomfortable. Like a red silk thread, it was vented to the surrounding environment again, causing some weak Yi Hai to give up chasing Billy and others in front and turn to approach the source of ether energy.

The next moment...


As the dark red scimitar pierced through the ground and suddenly came out, several Yi Hai who approached rashly were pierced through before they could understand the situation in front of them, and then dragged into the hole to chew and absorb, and then the huge human figure that was already broken and badly damaged slowly crawled out of the hole with a seriously injured body.

It was Dullahan...

It crawled out of the ruins!

But the current state is definitely not good, or it is extremely bad.

The ether crystal long sword on the arm that flashed red light became broken after the fight with G3, and the arm with the ether crystal shield was almost completely sawed off by the chainsaw sword, and the wound was still flowing with a strange liquid that belonged to ether creatures.

This tattered body was covered with cuts and scratches everywhere, and the huge wound almost cut his entire torso in half. Even for the ether alien, this injury was absolutely fatal. At this moment, it was able to survive the battle and crawl out of the ruins, which was an unimaginable miracle.

Thinking back to the terrifying blue armored man just now, and then thinking of the other party's desperate fighting style, Dullahan couldn't help but feel scared and terrified.

Not good, fortunately everything is over.

At the critical moment of the life-and-death struggle, the ruins collapsed for the second time, burying everything below, including the space and them in that space.

With its tenacious vitality and unique ability to absorb etheric energy, it crawled out of the ruins.

At this moment, the evil human has been completely buried, and the final winner is still it! !

Hehehe——! !

Recalling the ending just now, the head on Dullahan's collar flashed a strange red light.

Along with its excited roar, the red knife light flashed, and it began to continuously absorb the etheric energy of the surrounding skeletons to repair its own injuries.

"Ah! How is this possible...?!"

Witnessing this nightmare figure crawling out of the ruins again, Nicole trembled, her tone full of disbelief.

Since it was this monster that crawled out, the ending was naturally obvious.

Kamen Rider lost and died in the fight with Dullahan.

Realizing this result, Nicole covered her mouth and trembled, unwilling to accept such an ending anyway.

The blue hero could not lose to such a monster... Absolutely not! !

Dullahan: “Hehehe…”

The red core leaned back slightly, and Dullahan began to scan the surroundings, including Nicole in front of him and Billy who was evacuating with Amby on his back in the distance, all of which were completely exposed to his vision.

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