
Fang, who was about to play, roared excitedly in response. It was obvious that he was also very excited about his first battle with Mo Yu.

Suitable area, suitable enemy, there is no better time than now.


"Nicole, if I lose control later, take your companions and run away immediately, understand? I will deal with this corpse."

When Nicole heard what Mo Yu blurted out, she was stunned for a moment, and then immediately asked: "Wait, Kamen Rider, what are you doing..."

"I'm going to do it."

However, Mo Yu had already inserted Fang's silver memory into the card slot, and the powerful momentum bursting out from his body made Nicole, who wanted to get closer, and Billy, who was closest, couldn't help but take several steps back.

Not only Nicole, everyone present at the moment looked at the two-color figure blocking the front in amazement.

[Fang! ] Fangs! !

[Joker! ] Ace! !

Two dazzling silver and purple lights flashed together, and a fierce breath wrapped around him. A special emotion instantly filled Mo Yu's brain.

"Hen Shin!!"

Finally, he gritted his teeth and recited the last words.



With the direct fall of the silver fang memory, pure white and dark purple fragments floated out together, and then gradually attached to Mo Yu's skin.

At the moment of completing the transformation, the white and purple body of Kamen Rider W couldn't help but shake slightly, and the sharp spikes that emerged from the body were also retracted at this moment.

Under the extreme color difference, the color boundary between purple and white looks as obvious as black and white, and many irregular edges and corners appear on the white half of the body. With the pair of constantly flashing scarlet eyes, the overall aggressiveness has already erupted.

Kamen Rider W·Fang Ace Form debuts here.


No extra words, accompanied by a beast-like roar.

The two-color figure clenched his fists the moment he appeared, and then rushed towards the gray and slender figure in front of him without hesitation, just like a beast staring at its prey.


Swish, swish, swish--! ! !

Seeing Mo Yu in front of him, who had switched to the Fang Ace form and was constantly rushing towards him, Thanatos also felt a huge pressure coming towards him.

Under the instinctive warning, this time it did not have any arrogance or ambiguity, and quickly raised the bow on its arm and fired the highest frequency arrows at the Fang Ace, trying to stop him from getting closer.

But just the next moment after it launched a series of attacks, the Fang Ace in front of it seemed to have predicted something in advance. Facing the continuous attacks, he did not dodge or avoid them, but twisted his body and evaded the arrows one after another with his flexible steps. Facing the last etheric arrow flying towards him, he stretched out his silver-white energy claws and grabbed it directly.

Bang, bang, bang! !

Accompanied by the continuous explosions, the impact of the etheric energy explosion made a huge sound.

In the rising flames, the body of the tusk ace seemed to be unaffected, and he actually broke through the flames and attacked Thanatos.


Thanatos did not expect that his attack would be so easily resolved.

It has completed its evolution, and its abilities at all levels have been reborn, and the power of its arrows has also made a qualitative leap.

How could a mere human resist its attack so easily? For a moment, Thanatos couldn't help but doubt his own strength.

However, it didn't have much time to think, because the next moment, the tusk ace was already approaching Thanatos with a beast-like swift pace.

For this reason, Thanatos, who felt the threat approaching, did not dare to hesitate at all, and immediately adjusted his body shape and quickly moved to a distance to temporarily avoid it.


However, at the moment it moved, the red eyes of the tusk ace in front of it flickered slightly, as if it had noticed something in advance, and did not continue to rush over here, but immediately turned around and flew towards a ruined open space in the distance.

Accompanied by the sudden flicker of ether energy.

The next moment, Thanatos' figure actually appeared in the area of ​​the open space.


Looking at the tusk ace flying towards him in the air, it was Thanatos' turn to be shocked this time. However, it did not choose to continue to dodge around, but immediately raised its arm towards the guy flying in front of it.

Whether it is a human or a beast, even a skeleton needs the ground as a pedal and support. As long as the creatures without wings perform a flying attack in mid-air, they are also at their most vulnerable.

Because in this action, no matter what attack they face, they cannot adjust their body shape to avoid it.

This includes the half-white humanoid beast in front of them!!

Thanatos, who has extremely high intelligence, is naturally very clear about this and will naturally seize this rare opportunity.

So in the next moment, the ether energy on the bow quickly gathered out, and then condensed into an ether energy arrow that was stronger and faster than the previous attack, and shot it mercilessly at Mo Yu in mid-air.


The arrow flew off the string in just a blink of an eye.

The energy arrow with colorful light instantly approached Mo Yu in mid-air. The core on Thanatos' head flickered slightly, and then emitted a strange frequency that was almost mocking.

It's all over...

It can already foresee the miserable scene of the human being in front of it being directly pierced by it in the air.

However, just when it felt that it had won the victory, something unexpected happened again. Mo Yu, who was flying towards it, was not pierced because of his body's suspended stiffness in the air. Instead, he turned his body and completed a big turn in mid-air! !


The rapid rotation turned into a white whirlwind, and the beast hidden in the whirlwind showed its fangs to the monster in front of it.

At the moment when the arrow was crushed by the fangs, Thanatos's original ridicule immediately turned into astonishment. It could not have imagined that its arrow would miss.

In its judgment, this should not happen.

However, it did not have the opportunity to think at all. The next moment, Mo Yu, who landed in front of Thanatos, had already launched a storm-like attack on him.

Silver arcs of light kept flashing in the air, and terrifying attacks kept falling.

Tear, pull, stab, grab...

All kinds of tricks were used by Mo Yu on Thanatos.

There was no skill, all came from the most primitive instinct. All the attack parts that the tusk ace could use, all kinds of attacks were used by him to greet Thanatos' body.

At the moment when the claws collided with the etheric body, the large piece of etheric crystal skin covering Thanatos was torn off by the Fang Ace, and the severe pain made the energy core on its neck flicker.

Every move went straight to the vital point, and every move reflected the most primitive and pure killing. If the Fang Ace did not have an attacking part like teeth, Mo Yu would definitely bite it without hesitation at this moment.

"This way of fighting is really..."

In the eyes of Nicole and others, Mo Yu at this moment is not so much a warrior wearing special armor as a beast, a beast that has liberated its hunting instinct.

Although it was a battle with Thanatos, Nicole began to feel uneasy when she saw what was happening in front of her.

In addition, Mo Yu just said to them that he could not understand: "If I lose control later, take my companions away immediately."

In other words, is his current form actually a state of loss of control?

Losing control means being unable to control or difficult to control. It is not a good word in any case, because it will not only hurt the surroundings, but also the user himself.

And the Kamen Rider is in such a dangerous state at this moment.

Looking at the ferocious figure like a beast in front of her, Nicole pursed her lips, and her expression became extremely complicated: "Kamen Rider..."

She prayed silently in her heart.

"It must be safe..."

"Buzz buzz buzz!!"

At the same time, on the battlefield where the battle was getting more and more intense.

Thanatos, who was approached by the Fang Ace, was completely at a disadvantage.

The etheric skin of various parts of the body was constantly torn off by the sharp claws of the Fang Ace, and the surface of the gray-white body also added countless wounds under the storm-like attack. At this moment, the blood that was shining with strange colors was constantly flowing, and bursts of screams were emitted...

At this moment, Thanatos wanted to escape from here by transferring, but the frequency of the attacks launched by Mo Yu who was in a rampage was too intensive.

Whenever it wanted to hit the spirit to flash and teleport, the next attack of the Fang Ace would interrupt its plan and prevent Thanatos from flashing.


The fierce attack was like a storm, hitting Thanatos' body madly, making it feel an unprecedented pain.

He wanted to raise the bow to fight back, but at this moment his arm was clamped tightly by the huge power of the Fang Ace and could not move. So he could only watch in horror as the continuous attacks continued to fall on him.


Another claw fell, and a large area of ​​energy sparks suddenly rose on the skin.

Thanatos roared in pain.

Even if it was the Notorious Corpse, it was only the Notorious Corpse specialized in long-range attacks after all. What was greatly enhanced was the speed and the ability to attack from a distance.

But because of a momentary misjudgment, Thanatos was dragged into the rhythm of the Fang Ace before he even showed much, and could only passively endure the opponent's beast-like violent play.

As time passed, the scars on Thanatos' body continued to increase, and it also clearly realized that if it continued like this, it might really be dragged to death by the Fang Ace.

So between life and death, Thanatos also decisively chose to give it a try.

With Thanatos as the center, a large amount of ether energy kept surging.

The white longbow on his arm also changed at this moment. A layer of strange colored ether energy was attached to the bow, turning into a huge scimitar and sweeping towards the Fang Ace in front of him.

But the next moment, the figure that was still attacking seemed to be keenly aware of something and suddenly stepped back.


A colorful knife light flashed across, and the next moment, all the buildings and the ground were cut off where the knife light swept.

The ether energy that burst out completely destroyed the surrounding area, and those man-made buildings that originally remained in the hole also turned into a scorched earth under his feet at this moment, but this attack still did not hurt Mo Yu.

With the superposition of the Ace's enhancement of the five senses, the beast-like intuition of the Fang Memory has been magnified to the extreme, and therefore it can accurately predict every move of Thanatos, including its counterattack.

The action did not stop. After dodging the terrifying sword of Thanatos, Mo Yu under the Fang Ace landed steadily, and then began to run again at an extremely flexible speed, shuttling around the ruins.

The attack was completely missed, and the scene in front of him frightened Thanatos.

It thought that facing the slash just now, the Fang Ace would choose to take it hard instead of breaking free.

Although it was unexpected, it also gave him a rare opportunity.


Thanatos took advantage of the gap when the Fang Ace pulled away and hurriedly concentrated his mind to teleport again to escape from here.

After enduring the beating just now, it now has no intention of fighting.

The human in front of him is different from anyone he has ever seen. He is just a madman, a beast, a complete beast.

Even if he has completed his evolution, he can't get any benefit in front of such a guy. Instead, he was suppressed and beaten all the time, and even nearly died.

Even ants try to survive, let alone Thanatos, who has existed for who knows how long before finally evolving into the infamous corpse.

Although it is extremely angry at the human who broke into its territory to hunt and then chased it all the way.

But in the face of life threats, this degree of hatred is not difficult to let go.

There are only a few infamous corpses in this hole. Now that it has just completed its evolution and entered this level, it does not want to lose its life here in vain.

So after looking at the humans in front of it with resentment, the abnormal ether fluctuation came, and Thanatos planned to evacuate directly.

And Nicole and others who were watching the battle not far away also noticed Thanatos's thoughts at this time.

The dignified infamous corpse, the overlord of the hole area, was afraid of a human and chose to escape! !

This kind of thing is quite explosive even in urban legends.

The infamous corpse is a headache for the Hollow Investigation Association. Kamen Rider can actually repel it alone, or even defeat it? !

What does this represent?

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