As a ranger, he only needs to know the location and then go to fight. He does not need to deal with some old foxes and play politics. This has become a trump card of the Public Security Bureau, a trump card used to rectify the law enforcement environment of New Elidu.

Identity will constrain people within the rules, making some obvious things difficult to proceed. This is a limitation of the Public Security Bureau. But the trump card outside the rules, the unknown hero, does not need to care about these at all. It can be said that he does things that are inconvenient for the Public Security Bureau to do, and he can also catch special personnel that are difficult for the Public Security Bureau to catch.

When he catches them, the Public Security Bureau will conduct a thorough investigation for various reasons, and they can always find something from it, making things less complicated.

Originally, there were gangs who wanted to resist with the heavy firepower provided by the superiors, but after being wiped out several times, they became completely honest. Decisive choice to avoid Kamen Rider, rather than continue to be stubborn and hard.

The more entangled, the deeper you fall, the deeper you fall, the more loopholes you leave, and the more dangerous your situation becomes. They are all old foxes, and no one is willing to risk their reputation and status to fight against an urban hero who came out of nowhere.

After realizing this, Mo Yu suddenly realized that it seemed that he had turned the public security of New Eridu into this state...

That's fine, some of the previous bad tastes of fishing law enforcement suddenly have no soil.

After confirming that the popular things have disappeared, Mo Yu can only go home.

Otherwise, where can he go to hang out in this late night in a hospital gown?

After the various gang incidents just ended, the public security of New Eridu has been rectified. Now even if he wants to continue to fight against crime, it is difficult to find crime for him to fight.

The senior executives and companies that were previously related to those gangs have also been put on the key focus list by the Public Security Bureau.

The current situation at the top can be said to be undercurrents. He is a Kamen Rider, not a politician, so this kind of thing is naturally not his business, and there is no reason for him to get involved.

Just wait until they show their true colors or do something weird before you take action. His focus now should be on killing monsters and dealing with the upcoming final exams.

[Points balance: 54,400 points. ]

Looking at his points balance, Mo Yu's originally sad heart finally became happy.

The value of a notorious corpse is 10,000 points, and the remaining 40,000 points were quickly collected when he was hunting in the hollows when he was first hunting and rampaging.

In the past two days, although he made himself embarrassed, his points increased like a rocket, and he had directly completed a quarter of the original Xtreme's 200,000 small goal. If he continues at this speed, unlocking the final form of Kamen Rider W is also a matter of time.

Thinking of this, Mo Yu couldn't help but feel less angry at Fang who was still in solitary confinement. Although he usually liked to attack his pants and made things difficult for himself when he transformed, he would let you out when he got home for the sake of the more than 40,000 points.

When the time comes, I will fix the bat camera and exchange it for a few W series props as its playmates. In this way, it should not feel lonely.

Thinking of this, Mo Yu could not help but speed up his pace and walked towards home.


"Well, I'm so hungry and tired... meow~"

"Are those annoying sheriffs investigating so thoroughly? They haven't given up after chasing for so long."

At the same time, deep in a quiet alley on Liufen Street, a petite figure jumped down from a high roof, and then nimbly dodged and hid behind an abandoned trash can.

And on the side of the road, there was a noisy sound of footsteps, sirens, and the voices of the sheriffs talking echoing in my ears.

"She disappeared. Where did she go?"

"I don't know. The fugitive was so fast. She was as agile as a cat. She disappeared in the blink of an eye."

"Did anyone see her face clearly?"

"No, but judging from her body shape, she should be a girl."

"Really? What's the point of knowing only the gender? Isn't it impossible to draw a wanted poster? We spent two days to find a suspicious figure in the Red Fang Gang's base, but she ran away..."

Hearing this, the senior sheriff sighed and said helplessly: "I don't know if she will go back. How will Chief Bullinger criticize us after we go there? "

"Then... Senior, should we continue searching?"

"Nonsense, isn't it obvious? The fugitive is injured and can't run far. Continue searching around here. Ask the residents nearby and search carefully! Pay more attention, this is a rare credit point, which will affect your task report at the end of the year and your future promotion."

"Yes! Senior! !"

After a few simple exchanges, the sheriffs were divided into teams and separated in front of the entrance of the dark alley, and then began to mobilize more police forces to be deployed in this area, constantly searching for the figure who escaped here.

The cat ears on the top of the head poked out and swayed slightly in the dark night. After the noisy sound in her ears finally left with her excellent hearing, the girl, who was almost exhausted leaning against the back of the trash can, breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they did not enter this alley directly, otherwise it would be really difficult for her to get rid of these troublesome cops in her current state.

Because the Red Fang Gang attacked the institute and caused considerable casualties in the actions of the Public Security Bureau on Fourteenth Street, the top leaders of New Elidu have ordered that any member of the Red Fang Gang, whether they are fugitives or remnants, can be attacked at the first opportunity.

In addition, some bigwigs in the upper echelons want the Red Fang Gang to shut up forever, so as to ensure their absolute safety, so they invested a lot of police force to hunt them down.

For a while, all members of the Red Fang Gang were being chased by the police of the Public Security Bureau. It can be said that some were caught and some died.

And she...

Although she left alone when the Red Fang Gang deviated from the original path, she now has her own life. But when she heard that Miguel the White Man fell into the void and died because of the arrest operation, and the Red Fang Gang was completely destroyed, she still couldn't suppress her worries and emotions.

So she ran back quietly to see the situation here. It was precisely because she was too anxious and too confident in her skills that she fell into the trap set by the Public Security Bureau.

And what happened to those two annoying sheriffs? It was the green-haired girl again, who was ridiculously strong. After just one blow from the other party, Nekomata felt that her ribs were about to be broken.

If it wasn't for the other sheriff who saw that she didn't kill the people from the Sheriff's Bureau and just wanted to leave here, she didn't shoot, she might not have walked here today.

"Well... Although I got rid of those two troublesome guys temporarily. But this is not a safe place. Those sheriffs will come here soon. I must hurry up and leave here..."

"But even if I leave here, what should I do next? Father..."

The cold moonlight fell from the night sky and shone on the girl's thin body. The night wind blew gently, making Nekomata's already thin and weak injured body feel a little cooler.

Staring at the bright moon hanging above her head, those familiar figures flashed before her eyes, and she recalled the past when she had snuggled in each other's arms and worked towards the goal with everyone.

Although there was a change later, and they chose to go their separate ways, emotions are not so easy to give up.

Even though she knew that her father had become a bad guy, she still couldn't let it go.

"Kamen Rider, Rabbit House..."

Gritting her teeth and silently reciting these two names, Nekomata supported her body with the trash can and barely stood up.

Now she had to escape from here. If she continued to stay, she would be found by the sheriff. She still had things to do and could not stay here...

Da Da Da...

Before she walked far, in the dark and deserted alley in the middle of the night, a low-key footsteps appeared again.

Nekomata, who was struggling to stand up, supported the wall with a fearful expression on her face. She tried to climb onto the roof with both hands to escape, but her body, which was in severe pain every moment, could no longer support her to do so.

She was trembling all over, and her hair stood up, like a frightened kitten. Seeing the figure emerging from the darkness, she widened her eyes, and then without hesitation, she took the lead in attacking without confirming the other party's identity. He wanted to knock out this guy who might be a pursuer, and then take the opportunity to escape.


The sudden attack made Mo Yu who appeared here slightly stunned, and he was a little confused about what happened.

Did he meet a gangster on the last half of his way home? But the other party's body shape and appearance don't look like him? And he seemed to have seen him somewhere else...

While thinking, facing the upcoming attack, his body also reacted subconsciously.

Mo Yu turned his head slightly to avoid the sudden attack of the cat, and then subconsciously deflected his body, clenched his fist and hit the other party's back hard, preparing to make him lose the ability to move first.


Accompanied by the girl's scream, the cat flying in the air only felt a heavy blow on the back, and then the girl who attacked Mo Yu first fell to the ground limply and lost consciousness directly.


Did he use too much force just now?

Looking at the girl who suddenly fell in front of him, Mo Yu's expression was a little strange.

Although long-term use of the Ace Memory has a bonus in physical fitness, it shouldn't be to this extent, right? He just deliberately controlled the strength, it's impossible to hit someone directly to faint, unless...

Mo Yu walked slowly to the girl's side, then put his finger on the tip of her nose and briefly checked her body.

"Sure enough, there are injuries everywhere, and she has suffered a serious injury before."

"Then the reason why she launched the attack just now was also a stress response."

He lowered his head and thought for a while, then looked at the petite girl lying on the ground with a helpless expression.

I picked up a cat, family, she wants to go home with me?

Chapter 57 Who did this? !


She was trying to move forward with heavy steps, and every step she took almost took up all her strength. If she was not careful, she would fall. What was even more fatal was that there was a noisy sound of footsteps approaching in the darkness behind her. The surrounding walls were bare, and it was difficult for her claws to grab and escape. If she wanted to survive, she could only run along this dark and deep road.

The surroundings were dim. This was not a beautiful place, nor was it a place for people to come often. Messy things were piled up on the side, making it look messy. In such a remote place, there would be basically no one here unless it was necessary, so she could only rely on her vision in the dark to barely see what was around. But even so, it still made people feel that everything around was sinking into darkness.

There were scars all over her body, blood was constantly flowing out, her hands were pierced by bullets, and there were many scratches on her body. No one knew whether these wounds caused by the friction of bullets would be contaminated with viruses or bacteria in the environment. If left unchecked, they would sooner or later become difficult to deal with.

However, now she had no time to do those things, nor was it the time to think about those things. Even if the naked eye could not see the details, it could be felt that the hair on her body had already stood up.

In the darkness, the noisy footsteps were getting closer and closer, and something was catching up quickly.

Although she could tell from the footsteps that someone was chasing her, she felt that it was the god of death, the god of death who was going to capture her, the fugitive.

If she stopped, her life would come to an end here.

She gritted her teeth and continued to run faster, but the next moment she didn't know whether she tripped or simply ran out of strength. At this point, even the girl couldn't tell clearly.


Anyway, the girl stumbled and fell to the cold ground. She couldn't move, and her consciousness gradually became... blurred because of the injuries all over her body.

Perhaps, she would die like her father...

In this way, she wouldn't have to think about it anymore, she wouldn't have to continue to suffer, and she wouldn't have to bear the sadness.

It seems pretty good, so she closed her eyes and took a rest...

Soon, a deep and boundless silence came from this dark world.


In an ordinary room.

The small alarm clock placed beside the bed made a sound of "click, click!" It was counting the time every minute and every second, and the pointer would make a subtle ticking sound every second.

However, these sounds were very subtle and would not affect the sleep of the person on the bed. As for the window, it was also blocked by the curtains, making the whole room dark, but it was not difficult to infer from the faint light outside the curtains that it was still night outside. What was flickering was the dim yellow light of the street lamp.

"Uh...ah, don't go, don't leave me, father!!"

The girl sleeping on the bed sat up suddenly as if she had a nightmare. She suddenly shouted, then sat there and began to gasp for air.

The black-haired girl had a pair of cat ears on her head, a petite body, and an unexpectedly cute look, and at the same time a bit more lively. But what was surprising was that the girl's body was covered with white bandages. As the girl suddenly sat up, it seemed that the wound under the bandage was affected, causing her expression to twist in pain while she gasped.

"Where is this place?"

The cat-eared girl looked at the unfamiliar environment around her with caution, and then subconsciously raised her palms, arms, back, and... flat chest, which were also wrapped in bandages.

After about ten seconds, the cat-eared girl, who confirmed that there was no danger around, seemed to have finally reacted and breathed a sigh of relief, and then slowly put down her hands.

Her body was bandaged, and the injuries caused by the police from the Public Security Bureau were also treated. The environment in front of her was obviously not the detention center or hospital of the Public Security Bureau.

And from the strange photos posted on the walls, this place looks more like a boy's room.

A boy's room.

Why did she appear in such a place?

I clearly remember what happened last in the alley...

"Hey, you woke up so soon."

When Nekomata woke up from the bed, a young man appeared in front of her. He just pushed the door in, his tone and actions seemed too ordinary, so that Maoyou had a strange feeling that everything she had experienced before seemed to be a dream.

But she still remembered the other person's face. It was this familiar face that she saw before she fainted! She was the last figure she saw in the alley.

"What on earth is this..."

Maoyou's pupils widened and he didn't have time to ask the boy in front of him, but after noticing that Maoyou woke up, Mo Yu poured a glass of water from the side and handed it to him, and then reminded him.

"Although I don't know how you can ensure your safety under such a level of pursuit, you have a lot of wounds on your body, and your body is already exhausted. Don't move now, it's better to lie here and rest."

Just a simple sentence shattered all the illusions that had just arisen in her heart, and pulled Maoyou back to reality, back to the tragic reality that had just happened not long ago.

Although her head was still aching, Maoyou had to take the initiative to recall what happened before she woke up. But before that, she instinctively reached out to take the water that Mo Yu handed to her. At first, she was just going to drink a few sips, but when her lips touched the water, she realized that she seemed to have not drunk any water all night, and her body was much thirstier than she thought. So Maoyou picked up the cup in her hand and began to drink it without caring about her image. She drank the water in the cup in just a few sips.

"Ha, ha... I'm alive, meow~"

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