"Okay, brother, the electricity bill is no longer an issue at this time. Sneak in quickly and press the emergency stop button." Suzuya said at this time.

"I know, it will be here soon."

As Aes's round and soft body continued to compress downwards, it took a lot of effort, and finally got through the narrow ventilation window at the top of the train.

clatter! !

With the sound of the chubby little fat man landing again, Aes's body fell heavily into the car.

Not far away, some guards in the train also heard the very weighty sound of Aes landing.

"Did you hear anything?"

"It seemed like the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground? Whose weapon fell?"

"I don't know. Do you want to go and have a look?"

"Well, let's go take a look. The captain just said that the route of action has been tampered with and has deviated from the track."

"no problem."

[Master, after landing successfully, you are the king of the world! 】

The moment Eyes landed, Fairy sent congratulations to Zhe, who had gone through so much hardship.

[But now I have good news and bad news here. Which one do you want to hear first? 】

"Good news, bad news? What's the bad news first?"

【Please turn back. 】

Just when Aes looked at [? ] When he turned around, he saw countless gun barrels pointed at him.



This made Zhe scream and quickly raised Aes' short hand.

"What's going on? Fairy, didn't the news say that this train mainly transports explosives? What's going on with the hundreds of people on it?!"

[Obviously, Master, Vision Enterprise lied to the media. 】

"What should we do now?"

[It is recommended that you serve it cold. 】

At the same time, when they saw Eyes, the fake police officers around them pointed their weapons at it, and at the same time, they took out their special communicators and started to contact the captain in the cab: "Call captain, a car just fell on the roof. Do you think Bomb, who is talking nonsense, should wait until the train arrives at the station and hand it over to Mr. Perlman? Yes, eliminate it immediately!"

Spicy pills! !

Just when several people received the order, they were about to pull the trigger to destroy Eyes.


"God, what? Wow!!"

Suddenly, a shrill scream came from inside the carriage.

I saw that the fake police officer who was holding weapons and preparing to execute Aes had been knocked unconscious at this moment, and his body was slumped in front of the car window like mud.


Screams continued to be heard, and more fake sheriffs were beaten unconscious without reacting.

They kept searching, their eyes quickly scanning the car, but the car was empty, and they never saw the shadow of the culprit.

"This...what is this?"


The screams continued to come, and the strange scene in front of them completely frightened several people.

After all, they are not professional police officers. Faced with such a terrifying scene, their psychological defenses were quickly broken. Some of them started to run away in a hurry, and even cleverly stuck their juniors against the car window. To guard against that silent attack.

But in their panic, none of them noticed that the reflection on the mirror had vaguely changed, and a blue-black knight figure was staring at them from another world.

Next, all their sins will be liquidated here.

Chapter 77 The train bound for hell



In a bright and narrow crowded carriage, screams could be heard from time to time.

Every scream represents the fall of a false sheriff, and every wail represents the fainting of a criminal. Suddenly, the entire carriage almost turned into a horror movie shooting set.

Even though the lights inside the train were bright, it was difficult to suppress the terrifying atmosphere, which made it even more weird.

It's obviously under the light, but why are our companions constantly being attacked? Will they still continue to lose staff? They were all staring closely, but they couldn't detect where the attack was coming from?

Is this normal? Is this reasonable? This completely goes against everyone’s knowledge! For a moment, they even thought there was something wrong with their eyes.

Although they were beginning to panic, they couldn't even run away now. Because this is the inside of a moving train, the doors and windows are locked, making it impossible to escape. The train that was originally responsible for transporting people to their destination had turned into a cage at this moment. Everyone was trapped here and could only listen to the constant screams from their companions.

"...Hey, it's so scary! Brother."

Seeing these fake police officers on the train being tortured to the point of being almost out of shape by the elusive Kamen Rider, even Ling, who was naturally bold, felt vaguely terrified.

The scene in front of me is nothing compared to the terrifying atmosphere of Thanatos' presence, right? In such a closed space, facing such an enemy is an extreme physical and mental torture. It can only be said that the employees of these visionary companies are really unlucky.

If they hadn't known the true identity of the figure in the mirror, perhaps Zhe would have screamed louder than these fake sheriffs at this moment.

"...We'd better hide first." Aes took the opportunity to hide under the stool with his own small steps.

"Come out! Get out! I know you're here!!"

Fear can make people collapse and even go crazy. In an extremely tense atmosphere, several fake sheriffs with poor psychological endurance have gradually lost their minds and started to raise their weapons and shoot at the place where the screams came from.

But apart from smashing a few seats and leaving bullet holes inside the train, their random shooting had no effect. The bullets even rebounded from the collision with the steel carriages and injured the companions around them. For a while, the screams in the carriage became louder. They even ricocheted into the lights above their heads, making the vision of the carriage flicker.

In the crowd, the screams that were originally only intermittent suddenly became rapid, and the violent whistling sound of iron fists cutting through the air kept coming from the air. The rapid screams made these guys who had become psychologically fragile under this heavy and depressing environment completely unable to control their hands and feet. Whether they were surrounded by companions or in no-man's land, the muzzles of the guns were venting around.

In the flickering train lights, a figure that blended into the darkness kept shuttling back and forth on the mirror. Every time it rose and fell, or every time it appeared, one or even several people would fall straight to the ground.

After about a few minutes, the continuous screams in the darkness finally stopped. This made Ies, who had been squatting under the seat, holding his head to prevent being accidentally injured by stray bullets, weakly stick his head out.

"...Is it all over?"

Ies looked over and saw a blue-black figure standing there under the flickering dim lights. At his feet were the fake sheriffs who were knocked down by the sudden attack just now.

Even though he couldn't see his face clearly, Mo Yu's anger under the mask was also fully displayed at this moment.

"Remember, my name is Kamen Rider! This city is my backyard, and I will never let go of any bastard who makes this city cry!"

After saying that, Mo Yu stepped directly on the only fake sheriff who was still awake on the ground. The fake sheriff fainted after being hit hard. After doing all this, Mo Yu leaned over and picked up Ies who had just run over, and then walked towards the driver's cabin at the front of the train.


On the other side, the engineer who heard the fierce gunfire and continuous screams outside was almost scared out of his wits.

In this situation, there is no need to think too much to know that there must be something wrong outside.

Is it possible that the superior has invaded with the corpse?

It's impossible. Not only is this route a relatively safe route, but the outer shell of this train is well-prepared to resist ether erosion. It is reasonable that the corpse should not be able to come in.

But what suddenly broke into the train in the hole and then killed people inside the train? !

"Hey! Group A, Group B, Group C, you guys should answer me! What happened outside?"

Not only the engineer, but also the captain of the fake sheriff of Vision Enterprise, who was responsible for the escort and personnel addition of this transportation, was also in a state of shock and anger at what happened outside.

Five minutes ago, he received a call from Group A, saying that a talking Bomb suddenly slipped into the carriage.

In order to avoid more trouble, he directly ordered it to be destroyed. After killing it, he would find someone to recover the parts in the Bomb for disassembly and analysis. But just one minute after he gave the order, everything outside changed, and no one knew what happened?

Since a scream, the situation outside has completely changed.

His men began to scream non-stop, and kept shouting to him on the intercom: "There is a monster! There is a monster! It's coming!!" Such strange but frightening words.

Then there was no sound in the next moment, only the continuous screams and the sound of firing in the carriage could be heard.

Now even the sound of firing and screaming were gone, and there was no response from the other party in the intercom.


After a short silence, he even made the worst plan, thinking that the guys outside had an accident.

"Damn! I can still encounter such a strange thing! Killing hundreds of people in the carriage in five minutes, what kind of monster is that outside?! Even if it is a pig, it will take several hours to kill hundreds of them!"

Throwing the intercom that had completely lost its response heavily on the ground, the captain of Vision Enterprise cursed angrily, his face full of anger.

Unlike some employees who were coerced by Perlman, he participated in this action voluntarily. He is not young anymore and will retire soon. But because he usually spends money lavishly and the high prices in New Elido, it can be said that retirement means unemployment, and he may even become a homeless person.

In order to change this miserable situation, he begged Pearlman to give him a chance to work. In order to gain the trust and assignment of Mr. Pearlman, he personally caught several disobedient employees who wanted to rebel, and then threw them into the hole to feed Yi Hailai as a token of his loyalty. So after a strict review by Vision Enterprises, he successfully got the task. As long as he transported these people and explosives, he would get a sum of money that would be enough to squander for decades. By then, he could continue to live a carefree life even without a job.

But now, this strange situation made him feel that he seemed to be getting further and further away from the beautiful life in the future. First, the track traces in the cavity changed, then a bomb appeared out of thin air, and then all the men screamed, and then there was no news...

This strange situation clearly meant that they were in trouble this time.


Looking back at the silent carriage behind him, a trace of fear flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes.

Dangdang! !

He carefully approached the protective iron door, and after confirming that the protective material of the carriage was strong enough and that the door was completely locked, he felt vaguely relieved.

It's quite strong and can protect his life.

No matter what, it was impossible for him to go out today. As for what monsters were outside and how many people died, it had nothing to do with him. At this moment, they are trapped in the cab. If they want to survive, the only way is to reach the terminal quickly.

So he turned his head and yelled at the frightened engineer.

"Hey! Has the train track returned to its original route?"

"Restored... it's restored. The orbit has only shifted a little. Even if it is left motionless, it can restore itself."

"Have you recovered...that's good."

Hearing the engineer's words, the middle-aged man nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. This was already the best news right now.

Then he reminded sternly: "Find a way to speed up. I don't know what monsters are in the carriage behind. It's unknown whether this door can withstand it. If you want to survive, speed up the train."

"Take the explosives and the monster, whatever it is, to the terminal. Once there, Mr. Perlman's men will deal with it. Do you understand?"

Facing the captain's warning, the engineer shook his head and nodded. He was also extremely frightened in his heart. This was the only way to survive.


Before the engineer could finish speaking, the train suddenly shook violently again. They felt their center of gravity was unstable and fell to the ground one after another.

"What happened again?!"

The middle-aged man quickly got up and asked the engineer.

"The train has stopped..."


The two people who noticed the situation looked towards the direction of the control console. At this moment, they saw a small but round white thing using its round little hands to start operating on the control console. It was Aes.

[Has been successfully connected to the train’s control system, Master. 】

"Thank you for your hard work, Fairy."

After manually pausing the train and letting Fairy take over the control system of the train, Zhe, who was on the other side responsible for controlling Aes, had a satisfied smile on his face.

Then Aes twisted his chubby body, stood on the console, looked down at the two people below, put his hands on his hips, and then spoke.

"Everyone, your plan ends here."

As soon as Aes finished speaking, the blue-black knight's reflection gradually became clearer on the luminous screen erected behind him.

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