So, in order to solve this brainless and involved case, and give an explanation to the people of New Elidu. After discussion, the senior officials of the Public Security Bureau unanimously decided to choose the easiest and most effective way to deal with it, that is, to get rid of this hot potato first.

It's not that they won't deal with it, but they are not so anxious to deal with it.

Although the other party made the Public Security Bureau restless yesterday, all the sheriffs had to get up and work overtime overnight. But compared with the gains, this little bit of hardship is nothing. Although it is a bit involved and there are too many brainless suspense, they chose to spread this matter to appease the people.

Although the credit for the sweep is not theirs, they still have the credit for cleaning up the scene and the aftermath, as well as arresting criminals and thoroughly investigating the follow-up, and there are still a lot of credits. So even if they work overtime overnight these days, for the sake of performance and year-end bonuses, all the sheriffs still cheered up and continued to work, striving to upgrade as soon as possible to win the white, rich and beautiful women and reach the peak of life.

Therefore, the prestige of the mysterious armored knight in the Public Security Bureau has become very high, even surpassing the original popular policewomen. Last night, many sheriffs who didn't catch up were praying from the bottom of their hearts whether the other party could carry out such an action again. They also wanted to upgrade and accumulate performance quickly.

That night, the communication personnel of the Public Security Bureau contacted the TV station of New Eridu, posted the blurred figure of G3 that they had filmed on the Internet of various platforms, and roughly recounted what happened to the gang that swept New Eridu last night.

And sincerely invited this knight who didn't know what to call? Superhero? Jedi Knight? Future Warrior? Or Star Knight?

By the way, according to the testimony of the gangsters, the other party seemed to call himself Kamen Rider G3. Although this name sounds strange, it seems to have come out of a special drama. At the same time, the strange number of G3 also made the Public Security Bureau completely confused. But they still very seriously invited this ruthless man who swept seven gang strongholds.

If possible, come to the Public Security Bureau to meet, they really have a lot to say to you now.

In view of your outstanding performance last night, the New Elidu Public Security Bureau can make an exception and grant you the title of Anti-gang Fighter, and will also grant you the position of Honorary Sheriff, and issue you a special honorary medal and corresponding bonus.

So, after the release of this news, the entire New Elidu network platform immediately triggered a heated discussion about the mysterious armored warrior.

The whole network is discussing about this blue armored knight.

There are many speculations about the identity of this armored knight, and the truth behind the matter is also curious.

Many unknown or known information is rapidly fermenting on the Internet, and the name of Kamen Rider has officially entered the sight of people in this world at this moment.

Chapter 10 Zhu Yuan and Qing Yi (Fei Lun and Furong Wang)

In just one night, the scandal that most of the gang bases were wiped out and many companies and senior executives may have connections with the gangs quickly spread on the Internet.

All of a sudden, the entire network environment of New Elidu was stirred up by a stone, and netizens were caught up in an extremely enthusiastic discussion.

After all, this kind of situation has never happened since the construction of New Elidu.

And the targets are not just the hateful criminal gangs such as the Red Fang Gang and the Black Bear Gang, but even old companies like Yuanjing Heavy Industry and some high-level executives of New Elidu, as well as a mysterious superhero?

Such dramatic pictures and plots have only been seen in superhero movies and special effects dramas.

It is human nature to watch the excitement. People's curiosity has nowhere to go, and it is so strong that they can't hold it back. They instinctively want to find an outlet to vent their curiosity.

And at this moment, what can be compared to this rare outlet? As a result, a discussion about Kamen Rider suddenly blew up within the scope of New Elidu.

On the other hand, although the New Elito Public Security Bureau has quickly taken corresponding measures to spread the news about Kamen Rider G3. The intention is to let this unknown knight take the responsibility for the situation, but it is still affected by a lot of public opinion. And... warnings and bribes.

Some executives or companies that were forced to show up because of the veil, because they are worried that what they have done will really be exposed, have taken their own measures. There are even those who are willing to use their positions to control the development of the situation, or threaten the public security bureau with routine investment.

For this situation that has been expected for a long time, the heads of the public security bureau can't help but sigh. At the same time, they are glad that the existence of Kamen Rider G3 was released on the Internet overnight last night, and this mysterious knight personally took on the crazy revenge of the gangs, as well as the resentment of those companies and executives who secretly linked with the gangs, and successfully pulled the public security bureau out of this chaotic vortex that involved too many people.

Although I really want to verify and investigate the crimes written on the criminal list one by one, it is not the right time at the moment.

Even if he agreed to those guys' conditions now, it would seem like he was giving in. In fact, he was just waiting for a suitable opportunity, waiting for these guys to lose their composure and reveal more flaws.

The identity of the so-called Kamen Rider G3 is unknown, and the origins of the crimes recorded on these papers are also completely unknown. Although the experienced police officers can actually see that the records above are most likely true, and they also know those guys well. Dirty and cruel methods.

But this is empty talk after all and cannot be counted as evidence. And the interrogation results obtained from the mouths of those gangsters will be labeled as false accusations and cannot be used to identify them.

Reality is not playing house, there is no way to do things based on feelings and emotions. So we can only continue to calm down and wait for the opportunity to deal with these villains.

As for Kamen Rider G3, they made the decision unanimously and then pushed out the shield. It is up to him to attract firepower, attract these guys who are already in trouble to continue doing things, expose more flaws, and in this way, more opportunities will appear.

Even those old foxes in enterprises and high-level officials had to deal with it even if they had guessed that the Public Security Bureau was planning such a plan.

Because this is a conspiracy, a conspiracy that cannot be avoided.

The Kamen Rider named G3 really knows their secrets and dirty information. As long as he was active outside for a day, he was in danger of being completely exposed. Therefore, he cannot be allowed to live no matter what, and he will not hesitate to take some possible risks for this. He must be found before the Public Security Bureau and then silenced.

In the eyes of outside residents, the behavior of the Public Security Bureau is also a very noble and trustworthy statement.

This seems to be saying that this credit belongs to Kamen Rider G3, we just perform the duties of the Public Security Bureau after receiving the call and help them finish the work. Not only do we not take the credit for this, we are even willing to help him publicize it, praise him for his strength and selflessness, and will not let any hero be wronged.

This continuous operation is in sharp contrast to the mentally handicapped institutions that often appear in movies and TV dramas to take credit for heroes. From the side, it highlights that the Public Security Bureau is aboveboard, not greedy for heroic achievements, pays attention to honor, and is trustworthy.

The Public Security Bureau used this trick to not only push out Kamen Rider G3 as a shield to divert the anger of those gangs, companies, or some big shots, but also took the opportunity to launch a wave of efficient publicity for their own image. .

The gangsters have all been caught, and the criminal evidence records are available. All that is left to do is to verify and wait for the net to be closed. The support rate among the people has also been improved, which can be said to be a win.

It is precisely because of this that, with the help of the Public Security Bureau, the citizens of New Elido learned that such an incredible thing happened last night.

Things are moving in the direction that all parties expect or fear.

Some people sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, some people fall into incompetent rage, and some people have already begun to panic.


"Do you understand what that means? Bollinger."

"Yes, I know, sir."

At the same time, in the spacious office of the Janus Regional Security Administration, a sturdy blond man was sitting at the desk and answering a phone call with a solemn expression. Although the voice on the other end of the conversation was a question, the tone of the voice did not give him any chance to refuse.

The Sheriff's Department is the agency responsible for guarding New Elido, and the Sheriff is the warrior who protects the people. And obeying orders is a warrior's bounden duty, so of course he cannot refuse.

"Well, that's good if you understand. The General Administration has decided to put you in charge of investigating this matter. You should also be aware of the seriousness and power of it. I hope you can complete the task."

"As commanded."


After a brief communication, the blond man who answered the phone put the phone back on the table with a calm expression after hearing the busy signal from the other side of the phone.


The phone was hung up, and the empty office immediately became quiet. Seeing the two archives of confidential documents that had just been sent from the General Administration quietly placed on the table, Chief Bullinger, the person in charge of Janus District, gradually became serious. He tapped the table with one finger and lowered his head so that others could not see his expression clearly, let alone what he was thinking.

Dong Dong——

At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door of the office.

"Come in."

When he heard the knock on the door, the blond man breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately put away his original serious expression, returning to his usual working attitude.

"Yes, Chief Bollinger."

Then there were two responses from outside the office door, and then the wooden door of the office was gently pushed open, and then two figures with contrasting statures, one tall and one short, walked in.

They were the people Bollinger specially summoned.

"You are finally here, Zhu Yuan and Qing Yi."

After seeing them come in, Bollinger's face subconsciously became a little more relaxed, and his originally heavy mood couldn't help but feel better.

These two girls are his rare helpers, and they are also good hands in the Janus Divisional Security Bureau.

Walking at the front, the girl with smooth lines, slender figure, black hair and heroic appearance wearing a tight-fitting sheriff's uniform is Zhu Yuan.

She is currently the captain of the criminal investigation team of the Janus Regional Security Bureau. She has a rigorous personality and strong work ability. She is an elite among the elite. She was promoted by him, or he personally watched her work hard to get here step by step. He is his own pride, and he is also the most powerful police officer in the Janus Division. He is impeccable in terms of loyalty and ability.

As for the petite girl over there with dark green twin tails, she is Qing Yi. Like Zhu Yuan, he is also a member of the criminal investigation team, and his seniority is Zhu Yuan's.

Due to its own special reasons, the other party has abilities far beyond the reach of ordinary people, and there is no need to question its loyalty.

It is precisely because of this that these two people are the best candidates to carry out this special task in Bollinger's mind.

"Yes, Chief Bollinger, Sheriff Zhu Yuan of the Criminal Investigation Department will report to you."

Seeing the tall blond man in front of him, Zhu Yuan immediately stepped forward, and then solemnly began his reporting work.

She also knew what happened last night, not to mention the Kamen Rider, which was already going viral on the Internet.

While she was working the night shift, the Janus Regional Security Bureau was also urgently mobilized by the General Administration, and she was responsible for leading the police officers to different strongholds overnight to investigate the gangs. This night duty lasted almost a whole night before returning to the Janus District Public Security Bureau during the day.

The gang members captured in the stronghold in this area have just been imprisoned. They have just made notes and haven't had time to rest. Zhu Yuan received the communication from Chief Bollinger, so he hurried over to prepare to report the situation last night.

Judging from Zhu Yuan's slightly messy hair because she didn't have time to tidy it up, and the faint dark circles under her eyes caused by staying up late, it's easy to tell that she hasn't had a good rest for a long time.

"Did something happen again? Chief Bollinger. He summoned me and Zhu Yuan back in a hurry. You know, we didn't rest all night? There is an old saying, 'Don't tire yourself. Exhausted physically and mentally.”

"It means that the human body is like a machine. If it is not allowed to rest, it will break down. Although I am special, I can still persist for a long time. But Zhu Yuan cannot. If this continues, her body will not be able to withstand it. So. , Chief Bollinger, what’s the matter with you?”

Compared with Zhu Yuan, who had dark circles under his eyes and was still seriously reporting the progress of last night's work to Chief Bollinger. The senior Qing Yi from the Criminal Investigation Department who came in with her, petite and with a green twin-tail lolita attitude, asked the boss Bollinger in front of her unceremoniously. His tone was filled with dissatisfaction with Bollinger for being inconsiderate of his subordinates and bossing others around at will.

"Senior Qingyi...I have no problem."

Hearing Qing Yi next to him express his dissatisfaction directly to Bollinger, Zhu Yuan shouted quickly.

"Okay, this is all true after all, isn't it? It's time for you to rest, Zhu Yuan, you have been working for more than ten hours. Even if it is a robot, if it operates like this, its lifespan will be damaged."


"Oh, I'm really sorry. Qing Yi and Zhu Yuan, actually, as the commander, I don't want to disturb you during your rest time."

When he heard Qing Yi, his subordinate, ask him unceremoniously, Bollinger did not feel angry because of his subordinate's rebuttal. Instead, he sounded a little more guilty in his tone.

Although Qing Yi has a special physical condition, he doesn't have to worry. But seeing that Zhu Yuan had been busy all night and was summoned by his own order before he had time to rest, he would inevitably feel a little guilty in his heart.

But he had no choice. The superior's task was too tight and he had to act immediately. Looking at the Public Security Bureau of the entire Janus Division he manages, the only two sheriffs who are capable of taking on this task are these two trump cards. There were too many things involved, and it was difficult for him to let go of the rest of the sheriffs.

"Because what happened last night was too involved, it has caused a storm in New Eridu. And because the preparations I made for the election period some time ago were a bit too obvious, the senior management assigned the investigation task of this matter to Our Janus division.”

"Eh? Chief Bollinger, is the investigation mission you are talking about..."

Hearing Bollinger's slightly apologetic words, Qing Yi, who was originally feeling a little unhappy because he was suddenly working overtime, immediately thought of something.

"Are you talking about the Kamen Rider?" she asked aloud.

At this moment, Zhu Yuan seemed to have guessed what was going on, so he looked at the other party with surprised eyes.

"That's right, the superior's task is to let us in Janus District be responsible for investigating the Kamen Rider who suddenly appeared last night."

"Come and take a look at this."

Seeing that they all guessed the answer, Bollinger nodded, and then pushed the statistical information on the table in front of the two of them.

"This is?"

Zhu Yuan and Qing Yi reached out and took the documents.

"These are the information summarized by the technical staff overnight last night, which may be of great help to you in your next tasks. Because you are all the elites of our bureau, I can't rest assured that this important task will be accepted by others, so this matter The investigative position belongs to you.”

"So, are you confident that you can complete the mission?"

"As ordered, Chief Bollinger, I promise to fulfill our mission!"

Compared to Qingyi who was looking through the documents and lost in thought, Zhu Yuan beside her was already fully in working state when she heard that she was entrusted with such an important task by Chief Bullinger, and replied with an extremely serious expression.

"Very good, very energetic, then I'll leave the next investigation to you."

Looking at Zhu Yuan's serious look, Bullinger did not forget to make a promise: "Don't worry, after this task is over, I will help you apply for three months of paid leave to rest at home. You have been really hard work recently."

"Eh? Leave? No, Bullinger..."

Zhu Yuan was slightly stunned when she heard that she was going to take a paid leave, and waved her hand quickly. Just as she was about to refuse Chief Bullinger's kindness, Qingyi beside her had already tiptoed to cover her mouth and quickly answered.

"Paid leave! Okay, thank you Chief Bullinger."

"Well, that's it."

Seeing the two girls playing and joking, Bullinger smiled and nodded.

"By the way, the code name of the armored knight has been confirmed. According to the interrogation of the gangsters, many people heard the name Kamen Rider G3, so the Public Security Bureau has named that knight."

"Kamen Rider G3? I didn't expect it to be this name. I thought it was just a rumor on the Internet."

Qing Yi tilted his head in confusion: "By the way, I was curious before, what's the matter with this strange name? Could it be a fanatic fan of the Star Knight?"

"I don't know, but in any case, the other party does have a strong power. We can't let him, an outlaw, mess around in New Elidu like this."

Blinger shook his head, then looked at his two capable men and said solemnly: "Although all the actions of the other party are indeed like heroes. The targets of the attack are only gangs and criminal gangs, and they are not killed, but they are just unable to resist."

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