No. 11 was about to speak, wanting to explain that this was just a little joke by Phaethon. But the next moment, Mr. Mole's surprised voice really came from the channel.

"How is this possible?! The warning actually came!!"


This sentence also made No. 11 swallow the second half of the sentence that was about to be spoken, and only Mr. Mole's surprised voice could be heard in his ears.

"In this case, do you believe it?" Hearing this voice, Ling praised Fairy's assist and questioned Mr. Mole again.

"Do you still need me to prove my identity?"

"I believe it! I really believe it! Just based on my personal experience, I can surpass the speed of the Hollow Investigation Association. There is no mistake, absolutely no mistake, you are Phaethon!!"

"Oh my! I can actually talk and cooperate with Phaethon. This kind of thing... This kind of thing is just like a dream! Life is almost perfect!!"

"What about cooperation?"

Seeing that the atmosphere has been set, No. 11 asked again.

After so many verifications, this conversation was obviously smoother than before.

"Okay, okay, I agree to give you the opportunity to cooperate as agreed, but because it is a matter of great importance, I need to contact my superiors to make a decision."

"However, please rest assured, I believe that the bigwigs will not easily let you, the famous rope maker, miss it."

"Please do it as soon as possible."

No. 11 nodded, and was satisfied with the result.

After all, Mr. Mole is not an easy enemy to deal with. The current results are the best expected. If you show too much urgency, you will be suspected by the other party.

"Okay, I hope Mr. Mole can..."

Just before No. 11 finished speaking, a voice suddenly came from the communicator.

It was not a human voice, it sounded a bit like the roar of some creature.

Is it Yi Hai? No, it's not. Yi Hai's cry would not be so loud, nor so shocking. This voice is more like the sound of some giant beast.

This is something that No. 11 has never heard of and is incredible.

How can there be such a sound in the void?

"No! It's a monster! There's a monster in the mirror! Don't come over here... Ah! Don't drag me, get out of here! Get out of here!!"

"Lord Phaethon... Save me... Please... Save me, I'm here... I'm here..."

Mr. Mole's voice came from the communication device, and the voice gradually changed from panic to weakness, as if something was pressing on his chest, making it difficult to breathe.

At this moment, another male voice came from the communicator.

"Finally caught you, Mouse."

It was a deep and familiar voice, both for No. 11 and Ling and Zhe.

However, this voice that should not appear here happened to appear in this area at this moment.

"What on earth is going on?"

"Ahem, okay, ladies, the game of catching the traitor is over. I'm sorry to have stolen your prey. But I'll lend this cunning black rat to me for a while. I'll notify you to come and clean it up after I've caught them all."

At this point, Mo Yu looked at the middle-aged man behind him who was being held on the neck by the abyss wood-breaking shark with a blade, making a woo-woo sound in his mouth and tears in his eyes.

"No! There's a monster!! There's really a monster! Lord Phaethon, please save me, please save me!! And my collaborators, as long as you come to save me, I will definitely cooperate... woo-woo!!"

Before he finished speaking, the chattering mole was kicked to the ground by Mo Yu, who then raised his hand and crushed the mole's communication device.

His self-righteous life was completely cut off in front of him.

Now he has to take over the situation here.

Chapter 119 Lord, please come this way!

Located in a hollow managed by the Black Stone Fortress of the Defense Army.

Mr. Mole was pinched by the neck by the dark green shark monster, dragged on the ground like garbage, and kept moving in the direction he gave. In this dull and depressing atmosphere, every part of his body was on pins and needles, and he felt pain and discomfort all over his body.

This kind of fate is controlled by others, and the bad feeling of being dragged by the other party is certainly not good. Especially for a guy like him who has some special skills but calls himself a genius, has his own set of theories, is high above, and despises life.

Mole, who used to be the core backbone of the rebels and a confidential personnel, only needs to sneak into the camp of the Defense Army and then move his fingers slightly to do many things that mortals can't imagine.

And this stealing secrets and dominating the development of things in his own plan, he gradually immersed himself in it.

He likes to call himself a sober person, a true genius that is difficult for the world to understand, and a unique existence. Therefore, only the truly wise are worthy of his respect, and only the truly talented can make him admire and respect them.

It is precisely because of this obviously abnormal and paranoid personality that he has become what he is today, and it also makes Mr. Mole admire the legendary rope maker [Phaethon] so much that he is fanatical.


The genius and greatness he thinks of are actually imposed on other things or people by his supervisor from beginning to end.

Mr. Mole has never seen or understood the real Phaethon, nor does he know what the other party has done. The Phaethon he admires has always been just the Phaethon he imagined.

His great ambition to become Phaethon is actually just to become his inner vision and conception of genius. And what will happen if such a genius imprisoned in his own fantasy and madness is caught, discovered, or caught?

The answer is actually very simple.

When these guys who claim to be high and different but dare to hide in the dark are really pulled out, they have to face extreme discomfort and... gap, the gap that is completely different from what they think in their hearts is enough to destroy him.

At present, the mole who was caught by Mo Yu directly in the open is experiencing such a situation. For a guy like him who is used to hiding in the dark, this experience is simply torture.

In this desperate situation, he racked his brains to think of a way to escape, trying to simulate some outrageous rumors about Phaethon, and use his wisdom to escape from the shark knight in front of him. But the cold temperature from the abyss saber on his neck made his thoughts calm down.

He is him, Phaethon is Phaethon, and Mo Yu is not a villain in a third-rate anime. In this case, all the application is just a mediocre person's own trouble.

The cold reality made this mediocre guy sober up quickly. He looked at the shark knight who appeared from nowhere and the two green monsters beside him in astonishment.

Is this Yi Hai?

No, obviously not.

After all, Yi Hai cannot have such wisdom and expression, and it is even more impossible to obey human orders and instructions.

Because as early as when Yi Hai appeared, some scientific researchers proposed the conjecture of symbiosis and communication with Yi Hai. These lunatics believe that these transformed compatriots can still be saved, and they may be restored to their original state in time.

However, such conjectures were completely wiped out in the destruction and killings. No matter how hard they tried, it was impossible for the Ikai to coexist harmoniously with humans. On the contrary, they would kill humans for no reason, or kill all living things around them, and plunder more lives from the killing.

This also gave the most accurate definition of monsters: Ikai are the enemies of the living, and they are monsters that must not be shown mercy.

The rebels also tried to tame Ikai creatures as biological weapons to help them fight in the void, but they all ended in failure. The mole also laughed at this whimsical and stupid thing.

Want to tame Ikai, tame this incarnation of disaster.

This is as stupid and whimsical as humans saying that they want to tame earthquakes and tsunamis. It is obvious that just predicting it requires all efforts, so how can it be tamed?

But the sudden appearance of the armored knight and the two monsters beside him stimulated his brain, making him think of the plan that he had ridiculed and denied before. Could this be a biological weapon transformed from a skeleton?

However, he obviously had no time to ask these questions now, or he had no energy and ideas to consider other things. Because when he caught him, Mo Yu had clearly explained his intentions to Mr. Mole and gave him two different choices.

As a spy of the rebels, although Mole's personality was very strange, even extremely bad, his quality was also real.

When he was caught, Mo Yu could not see much fear in his eyes, and more emotions were struggles, so he could probably guess that this guy should have gone through relevant tests and training, so he was sent to perform the mission.

However, for the guy in front of him who looked iron-clad and fearless, Mo Yu also had his own way.

Although his partner wanted to taste this guy now. But because of principle, he will not kill easily, and will not let the contracted beast eat people like the scum in the two episodes, which will eventually lead to his own consequences. However, this does not mean that he will be soft-hearted to these criminals who make the city cry.

After showing a little bit of strength and teaching this uneasy mole a lesson, Mo Yu told him the first purpose and the consequences.

He wanted to know the strength and specific location of the other rebel army, and now he needed the mole as an informant to guide him.

And if the other party chooses to refuse him, or doesn't know.

Then Mo Yu will make this name, code name, and Mr. Mole's actions public, and hang them on the headlines of tomorrow's New Eridu newspaper, so that the whole city will know this loser. And promised to escort the mole to the police station in front of everyone, so that everyone knows the name of you, a mediocre and stupid person, including your idol Phaethon.

Anyway, if you are handed over to the Public Security Bureau, the people there will have plenty of ways to pry open your mouth. They are obviously better at torture than me.

When Mo Yu said his bargaining chip, the originally strong-willed Mole suddenly widened his eyes, and his pupils shrank as his emotions changed.

When he shouted, "No! You can't do this!!", even his qualities as a professional spy were quickly thrown out of the window.

For a self-righteous person like him, such a punishment is far more terrifying than death, especially when he heard that Phaethon would also see his appearance after failure, the Mole's already collapsed emotions became even more difficult to control.

Coupled with Mo Yu's coercion and the torture of the two contracted beasts, he finally agreed very reluctantly and agreed to take them to the area where his companions were, which was also the ambush area he prepared for No. 11 in advance.

As long as this guy is brought in and brought to the encirclement prepared in advance, no matter what kind of guy he is, he will definitely be subdued.

There are dozens of armed personnel and the most advanced mechas prepared in advance. This guy is only one person and it is impossible to stir up any waves.

With such thoughts, Mr. Mole pretended to be scared and agreed to Mo Yu's conditions very straightforwardly.

But no matter how good his performance is, it is just some insignificant trivial matters in Mo Yu's eyes. Or it can be said that the Mole's little thoughts are exactly what he wants to see.

Compared to the situation where the other party fled in all directions and scattered in the cave, he still hoped that the other party could unite and gather together, so that he could catch them all in one fell swoop.

As for the ambush and firepower of the other party...

He could only say that it might be qualified as an after-dinner entertainment for his contracted beasts. Unless the other party's camp has a combat power of the level of Notorious Skeleton, which can arouse his interest, the rest of the small fish are meaningless.

Thinking of this, Mo Yu gave Mole a chance to contact his companions.

Next, he will wait here for about ten minutes to give the rebels time to set traps and positions, and then he will go one by one. You can also tell them in advance what will happen next. Remember to remind them to be prepared to fight the enemy.

Because, the Kamen Rider will go one by one next.

"That's all, do it."

Raising his hand to signal Abyss Broken Wood Shark to take off the saber in his hand and put Mr. Mole down, Mo Yu threw the device on the table used to talk to his companions to him, and then he no longer paid attention to the situation on his side.


Hurrying to take the communicator in his hand, Mr. Mole's eyes changed slightly when he looked at Mo Yu, and his face was full of surprise.

He didn't understand why the other party did this? Did he really think that he could get rid of all the rebels by himself?

If this is the case, then the evaluation of this guy in the heart of the mole can only be defined as stupid and self-destructive.

And such a wonderful opportunity, he certainly would not miss it in vain.


Dial the communication device, then coughed twice lightly, and then he resumed his previous tone and spoke to the other party.

"I am Mole, notify the three teams that have been arranged in advance to arrange the area in the highest alert state."

"Next, there will be an enemy passing through your area. For the great plan, we must not let him succeed easily. Cheer up and deal with this incident with all our strength..."

"Yes, sir!"

Although it sounded a bit strange, after confirming that the other party was really Mr. Mole, the rebels on the opposite side did not get too entangled, but directly agreed.

In response, Mr. Mole was about to take the opportunity to continue to say something.

But there was only a "bang!" sound.

In a blink of an eye, the communicator in his hand exploded again, turning into scattered parts all over the ground. It was the Abyss Hammerhead Shark that accurately smashed the communication device in his hand.

"Sir... Sir, do you think this is okay now?"

Mo Yu just nodded, and then said in a low voice: "Lead the way."

"Okay, okay, sir, please come this way."

Chapter 120 Damn Kamen Rider!

Still in the target hole.

Looking at the communication device in his hand that had lost the signal, and the last scream that Mr. Mole had just made before losing contact.

No. 11 and Ies couldn't help but look at each other. Facing this sudden situation, they obviously didn't expect it at all, and they didn't know what to do.

"Hiss, now things are getting interesting..." Zhe analyzed the situation and said to his sister in a joking tone, "Maybe our mission this time has been completed automatically."

"Brother, don't say such irresponsible things casually." At this time, Ling simply responded with a look and a slight rebuke.

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