Accompanied by a large flame rising from the surface of the dragon shield, facing the attacking black tactical mecha in front of him, Mo Yu held the dragon saber in his hand and leaped up. The tip of the dragon saber stabbed towards the surface of the tactical mecha. Under the astonished eyes of the rebel leader, it was inserted into the surface of the mecha steadily as if forcing paper, and it was chopped down along the connection of the mecha. Finally, in a flash, it easily cut off one of its huge arms.

Then another new card was swiped into the dragon summoning machine.



Accompanied by the loud sound of dragon roar, the figure of Wushuanglong broke through the blockade of the mirror world and came to reality, emitting an extremely happy roar.

At such a distance, the burning red dragon breath flickered on the surface of the black mecha, and the terrifying temperature contained in the dragon flame could be clearly felt even through the mecha.

"How is this possible?!"

The rebel leader swallowed his saliva, and his tone gradually became difficult, "This power... Who are you?"

"I'm just a Kamen Rider passing by, you remember this."

Boom! !

After answering softly, a hot breath that was enough to melt steel followed, and the dark tactical mecha was instantly destroyed under the cover of dragon flames.

In mid-air, Mo Yu put away the dragon saber, stepped on the back of the Wushuang Dragon and jumped to avoid the impact of the explosion.

Swish! !

However, just after landing, another shell was fired towards this side.

At the same time, there was a roar.

"Go to hell, Kamen Rider!"


Looking at the shells being fired, and a tactical mecha falling behind him, Mo Yu did not hesitate and used a blue contract card to summon the Abyss Broken Wood Shark and the Abyss Hammerhead Shark, and merged them to summon the Abyss Great White Shark.

The benefit of the Dragon Knight series lies here. The cards are powerful and cover many aspects. They can be used and coordinated according to the situation when needed.


Summon the Great White Shark of the Abyss, and a powerful water cannon directly rushes the incoming missile to the side. Then Mo Yu turns his head to look in the direction of the attack.

I saw a mecha similar to the tactical mecha in front of me, pointing the gun hole here.

It's another black tactical mecha. Is there another one hidden in the camp?

This surprised Mo Yu. It seems that these guys really didn't trust No. 11 and Phaethon from beginning to end. Even everything they did before was just a complete show and trap.

Although it looks a little different and is not as advanced as the mecha he solved before, the firepower it is loaded with doesn't look weak either. It should be because of the different models.

"In that case..."


[Final Vent.]

Mo Yu inserted a new card again, which was the Dragon Knight's ultimate move reading card.


With the successful reading of the final card, the flame-breathing Wushuang Dragon circled back to Mo Yu, and then followed the figure of the dragon rider while roaring, using the abyss great white shark as a pedal to directly leap up, and in mid-air, the figure overlapped with the body of Mo Yu Knight, and finally turned into a flaming arrow and kicked the second mecha that had just appeared not far away.

[Dragon Rider Kick!!]


The flaming kick penetrated the surface of the mecha like a sharp sword, and completely destroyed it while deliberately avoiding the driver inside.

The battle ended in an instant, which can be said to be a direct kill, so fast that the opponent did not even react.

Blazing--! !

In the red flames that exploded, Mo Yu dragged the unconscious driver inside and walked out slowly.

"Now, who else?"

Chapter 122 Military Attitude

"Masked Rider!"

In the rebel camp, under the horrified eyes of the rebels, Mo Yu ordered the Abyss Great White Shark beside him to fire a series of high-pressure water cannons around, smashing all the interference equipment and the retreat routes here, completely cutting off their possibility of escaping from here.

Without the way out and the shielding device used to conceal their position, these rebels will soon be detected by the radar devices of the defense army and will be surrounded in a short time.

Mo Yu stood between the Abyss Great White Shark and the Wushuang Dragon, looking at the restless crowd below with a calm face, his eyes without joy or sadness.

Tied to his side were Mr. Mole and the rebel leader who were already in a serious coma, and in order to prevent them from waking up and escaping again, Mo Yu did not show mercy this time.

He broke all their legs without hesitation, and then threw them in a fairly conspicuous place like garbage.

The destruction of this camp is inevitable. Mr. Mole, the culprit, has been captured by him. As long as the defense army comes, all these rebels will be captured.

He has gradually adapted to the mirror world system of the Dragon Knight series, and has a certain understanding of the application of the contract beast card. Even driving two at the same time is not impossible.

Although the degree of use is not as handy as W, it seems to be better in terms of power.

W and the Dragon Knight series.

One mainly uses the characteristics of various memories to play a role in battle, and the other focuses on the powerful brick flying, using the super destructive power of the contract beast to end the battle.

W is the mechanism, and Dragon Rider is the value. Both have their own strengths and there is no difference between good and bad.

In the face of different scenes, using different knights may also have a good effect.

He leaned over to look at the crowd fleeing in panic below, and then looked at the defense forces in the distance who were rushing towards this side at a high speed because of the detection of abnormal energy fluctuations. When they arrived, Mo Yu turned and sank into the mirror world, and the figure of the contracted beast disappeared instantly.

"Kamen Rider?"

Among the crowd rushing towards this side, No. 11 looked at Mo Yu's disappearing figure and his face gradually became ugly.

Not only because the prey was robbed, but also because of the strength shown by the opponent.

As an elite soldier of the Obsidian Battalion, she has always been confident in her strength. Even if she is not the strongest among the soldiers, she is definitely a first-class elite.

She has never been so shocked by an existence and felt powerless.

First, she was pressed to the ground by the opponent and two shark monsters whose depth could not be seen that night, and now she saw that the opponent swept the entire rebel camp by himself.

Hundreds of rebels and top-level tactical mechas could not stop him. This kind of terrifying strength was the first time she had seen it.

"It's really... hard to figure out."

Not only No. 11, but also the chief officer in charge of this mission, a middle-aged man with black hair in military uniform, could not help but sigh after seeing this scene.

He looked at the camps and mechas destroyed by the Abyss Great White Shark and the Wushuang Dragon, and his eyes were full of admiration, but more of it was incredible.

Obviously, the scene in front of him also shocked his cognition.

"Sir." No. 11 called to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man in military uniform nodded slightly, then turned on the communicator to give orders.

"Group A, Group B, and the task force, the rebel camp has been destroyed by Kamen Rider, and the current situation is a mess. Immediately carry out the finishing and cleaning operations."

"The rebels inside have not completely lost their ability to move, be careful of a serious counterattack, so we still act according to the plan."

"Yes, sir." The captain on the other end of the phone replied calmly.

"Well, I'll leave it to you."

"Sir, should I help the task force clean up the scene next?" Number 11 beside him asked at this time.

"No, Mr. Mole and the rebels in this area are finished, and this mission is over."

The middle-aged man in military uniform shook his head: "You completed your mission well, Number 11."

"No, I didn't do anything, the credit this time should not belong to me..."

Number 11 said with some confusion.

"Don't belittle yourself. Although the plan deviated from the expected, if it weren't for your careful search during this period, this operation would not have been so smooth, and we would not have been waiting near this hole."

"You deserve this credit, and this honor should also belong to the Kamen Rider, but..."

At this point, the originally calm middle-aged man's expression became a little distressed.

Although the defense army will not treat any meritorious person unfairly, the current situation is indeed a special case.

He really didn't know how to give this honor and reward to a Kamen Rider whose identity and origin he didn't know, and who wasn't even a member of the Defense Force.

Should he also help him get on the newspaper like the Public Security Bureau did?


After thinking about it carefully, the man in military uniform found that this seemed to be a good idea.

Because he didn't know his identity, he couldn't give him a substantial reward, but he couldn't let him down in terms of honor.

Promises, honors, and medals can make Kamen Rider feel their sincerity, and they can also be used as an invitation or solicitation.

As long as the other party is willing, the door of the Defense Force will always be open to him, and they will not forget the honors of any meritorious person. At the same time, this will also let the rebels know the position and strength of this mysterious knight.

Although the Public Security Bureau has done all these things, this seems to be a good way to kill two birds with one stone, and it is also the best choice to solve the current situation.

After all, it is not peaceful now. After seeing the strength shown by the other party when cleaning a rebel camp, it is impossible for him not to be tempted by such cutting-edge combat power. As long as they can win him over, it will definitely be a huge improvement and qualitative leap for their Obsidian Battalion.

So after thinking for a while, the middle-aged man in military uniform made a decision. He spoke to the surprised No. 11 beside him.

"No. 11, I have a new task for you. When you go out, help me contact the newspaper in New Eridu and tell them that the Obsidian Battalion has news to be published in the newspaper, and it must be published quickly."

"Newspaper? Publishing? Why?"

Hearing the commander's words, No. 11's expression was a little strange.

"You don't need to know the specific reason for the time being, just complete the task." The commander said meaningfully: "Not only the Public Security Bureau, this time we will also try to win over this magical hero..."

Chapter 123 Defense Force and Public Security Bureau

"So, you have been doing chivalry in the cave these days again? The defense forces, the rebels, and Phaethon... you are really busy, and you almost never really stop. However, it is related to the military. Is this really a good thing? Neither the Defense Force nor the rebels are simple. I once heard Boss Lekan mention them, saying that these guys are not good organizations. If you don't want to get into trouble, it's best not to follow them. They are related. Now you are actually related to these two groups of forces at the same time, which is really worrying, so..."

"Why don't you inform me first? I can also help you think of a way. It's better than you just messing around like this and getting involved at will, right?"

Looking at the latest news papers spread out on the table, and then looking at Mo Yu who was smiling in front of her, Elian's tone seemed a little reproachful.

Just yesterday, when she saw that this guy was very accustomed to skipping classes and couldn't get through on the phone, she knew that Mo Yu was probably out to cause trouble again, but she didn't know what exactly this guy was going to do.

When she was about to go to his home to find Mo Yu, newspapers and periodicals urgently distributed by the military had begun to circulate on the Internet and in the streets.

The content is probably that the guardian of New Eridu, the mysterious hero, Kamen Rider once again made extraordinary achievements, assisting the New Eridu defense army Wei to capture rebel spies in the hollow, and destroyed the rebel stronghold.

According to the nomination of the Obsidian Battalion of the military and discussions with the headquarters, in order to highlight his outstanding contribution in this operation, the Kamen Rider was awarded the First Class Medal of Merit, as well as a special financial reward, and a guarantee was made to cooperate with the New Eridu Public Security Bureau Similarly, so far, the military will regard Kamen Riders as strategic partners and welcome Kamen Riders to join them at any time.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately aroused widespread concern in New Elidu society. Even the Public Security Bureau, which has always been difficult to deal with at the military level, and the deputy director of Janus District, Bollinger said: + These guys from the Defense Force You really don’t have any shame, you have to understand the simple principle of first come, first served in everything, right? Mr. Kamen Rider is a guardian certified by our New Eridu Public Security Bureau. Even if he really wants to join the official force, he will only join the Public Security Bureau. What are you, the defense force, doing here to join? "

In this regard, the Obsidian Camp and the military also began to speak plausibly and very righteously.

"Justice does not distinguish between priorities, let alone each other's organizations. Mr. Kamen Rider is a man of absolute strength and justice. During this operation, we have seen and recognized this gentleman's strength. This time The invitation was not made randomly, but was issued after continuous discussions with senior military officials. It is absolutely in line with the situation. "

"And...compared to staying in the New Eridu area to accompany the Sheriff's Department and fight with some gangsters, obviously something more glorious and great is more suitable for this hero to perform. Don't you have a lot of Sheriffs? Compared to the military who are guarding the safety of New Eridu, is the Public Security Bureau unable to even maintain public order? If that is the case, then it is too incompetent, right? Fang Shang.”

Seeing those guys from the Defense Force saying such things so brazenly, Bullinger or most of the sheriffs who were in charge of the handover turned green with anger.

Although he had known for a long time that these shadowy guys had objections to their Sheriff, he never expected that they would dare to talk openly about it.

Because of their different responsibilities, the Public Security Bureau is responsible for internal security management, and the Defense Force is responsible for external security. Although both forces exist to protect New Eridu, they can also be called competitors.

Every year, they are trying to find ways to get more funds from each other, so it often happens that peers are scornful of each other. But I didn't expect that these guys would use the Kamen Rider thing to step on the Public Security Bureau. How could Bollinger endure this?

After getting permission from the top management to ignore the guys from the Defense Force and respond directly, Bollinger ordered Qing Yi and Seth to counterattack from the Public Security Bureau.

So that afternoon, the same newspaper was published by the Public Security Bureau, showing the residents of New Elido when and how the Public Security Bureau cooperated with the Kamen Riders, and what they did with each other. Information such as the results of the battle.

The meaning is obvious. What I want to express is, what kind of cookie are you, the Defense Force? Our Public Security Bureau has known the Kamen Riders for far longer than you guys, and the number of times we have cooperated with them is far greater. We are the best match, okay, you guys are just coveting the power of this knight, just like seeing a shark with the smell of blood, you pounced on him. Compared with the sincerity, it is far from the Public Security Bureau, and even the reward method has learned to imitate the Public Security Bureau, so your defense force has no good ideas?

There were two newspapers that day, one from the Autonomous Security Bureau and one from the National Defense Forces. The smell of gunpowder could be said to overflow from them. Just by looking at them, I knew there was something good to watch.

After all, no one expected that these two official defense agencies, which were not easy to deal with, would actually start arguing in this childish way of playing house. Even when the top leaders of the two sides were communicating, They could also see the veins on each other's faces, as if they were ready to fight at any moment.

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