"Don't worry, Mo Yu, Phillip is right, we are all here for you."

Chapter 129 Chasing the murderer

The time is late at night, around twelve o'clock, in the bustling area of ​​New Eridu. This is the area where the top financial groups in New Eridu are located. It is also the economic core of the city.

Compared to outer neighborhoods or scattered communities, this is an absolutely safe place.

In the eyes of those big entrepreneurs, nothing is more important than their own safety. Although they are stingy, they still take their own lives very seriously.

After all, big shots like them are life-hungry ghosts who would rather exploit the lower class people than protect their own safety...

Right in this area, on top of the Business Alliance headquarters building.

The scenery here can provide a panoramic view of most of the scenery of New Aili, and it also belongs to the exclusive right of the Business Alliance. Just as they envisioned, they controlled the economic lifeline of the entire New Elido with one hand.

After so many years of operation, the consortium has integrated into this emerging city and has become an important part of it. Although they are not official, the city's operation is now inseparable from them.

After all, most of the city's wealth is in the hands of entrepreneurs like them. As long as they don't do anything too outrageous, the sheriffs must endure their reluctance and actively protect them. Otherwise, the equipment funding of the Public Security Bureau will be reduced by a large amount this year.

The old man narrowed his eyes and hung up the phone he had just picked up. A seemingly ferocious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Is everything done?"

Although it was a question, when the old man in charge showed such a smile, the one-eyed old man beside him knew that the matter had been accomplished.

"I originally thought that your attack was not too harsh, and I was afraid it would have no effect, but I didn't expect that idiot actually got hit."

There were bursts of gloomy laughter in the huge room, and someone said.

"Haha, Bai Zhi Heavy Industries and Victoria Housekeeping, although I don't know how these two guys got together? However, as young people, their ideas are still a bit naive. They think they have the protection of Victoria Housekeeping Can you sit back and relax? You didn’t expect us to do this, right?”

The white-haired old man knocked on the table and looked at the string of messages just sent by the killer he hired on the screen, with a slightly proud smile on his face.

"After all, he's just a young boy in his forties, isn't he? Bai Zhi Heavy Industries... is just a new enterprise. If it weren't for the protection of rules, we could just crush him to death no matter how hard we wanted. "

"However, there is no need to go too far this time. It is enough to teach him a lesson. After all, if it goes too far, it will be very troublesome for the Hollow Investigation Association and the Public Security Bureau. The end of the idiots in Yuanjing, I I don’t want to step on it easily.”

"Haha, of course I understand. It's just to stimulate him a little. It's enough to give that boy an unforgettable lesson. Tell him that he must learn to give in in this city."

He waved his hand and said calmly.

"In the final analysis, no one wants to do this, and no one wants to spread this matter. Even if some things are wrong, you can make up for it as long as you pay enough price, but it will be difficult once you go too far. ”

"Hmph! To put it bluntly, those idiots from Baihe Heavy Industries don't know how to praise us! All we want is the subway project, and the money we paid is completely beyond its due value. Even though we have paid to this extent, the idiots are still stubborn. In my opinion, what kind of bullshit ideals the previous generation has not accomplished are imposed!

"He is protected by Victoria Housekeeping. Our manpower cannot reach in, but where is his son? Where is his family? And can the people around him hide?"

"As long as he refuses to give in, we will arrest his children, his friends, and the employees of Bai Zhi Heavy Industry one by one, and keep disappearing from his eyes. I still don't believe he can still calm down. Angry. Then when he comes to beg us, let these guys go."

"First hit him with a stick, and then give him a sweet date. Let us old people teach this young man a lesson on how to survive in New Elidu."

"Well, now that we have caught his little cub, all the problems can be considered solved now. Now, we just need to wait and wait patiently."

The one-eyed old man smiled slightly and waved to the attendant behind him to pour him a glass of wine.

The several old men beside him also slowly raised their wine glasses and jointly toasted to the young man who was always smiling at the main seat.

"Commissioner, let's drink to our plans and our vision."

"Okay, let's drink together for everyone's future."

The middle-aged man sitting on the main seat glanced at these old people, then raised his wine glass and drank with these old people.

When looking at these old things, their eyes were full of contempt.

Just as Sarah chose the distant future, at this moment he is just taking advantage of these old people who are used to being aloof and self-righteous.

What he needs is not money, nor the so-called corporate influence, but this plan, something that is buried in a hole and cannot be recovered somewhere.

According to the information from the informant, because of the incompetent idiots of Vision Enterprise, not only has the attention of Victoria Housekeeping been attracted, but also the eldest daughter of the Hoshimi family from HAND Sixth Department has appeared. If this continues, it will be fatal if she finds any clues.

Sarah, the incompetent guy, is still busy dealing with Vision Enterprise, that is, the mess left by Perlman. As for him... he is here to clean up the mess for Sarah.

He originally wanted to learn from Sarah and solve it directly from Baiqi Heavy Industry, but the situation became very unfortunate. The wolf of Victoria Housekeeping actually took a step ahead of him and intervened in Baiqi Heavy Industry first.

Knowing the details of the wolf, he knew that the other party was not a character that could be dealt with casually, so he could only retreat to the second best and use these old guys to put multiple pressures to try to take over the project in other ways.

In this situation, he has already won.

Big companies, consortiums...

They have a good reputation, but in reality they are just a group of flies that only chase fame and fortune. As long as they prepare enough bait, they can drive these fools blinded by ambition and interests at will, just like driving Perlman.

Looking at these smiling old guys in front of him, he also gently raised his glass and echoed.

"Okay, let's toast to our common future."

After sighing, the commissioner stood up slightly and prepared to leave. He took out the chips that had been prepared long ago, and then gently pushed them in front of these old guys as a reward for advance payment.

Just as he was about to leave the meeting room, a buzzing sound suddenly sounded around him, like a noise, coming from the glass of the meeting room, which made him subconsciously alert.

"Not good!"

The alarm bells in his mind rang, and he quickened his pace without thinking and was about to leave the meeting room. However, an electronic sound rang out in the glass: [Advent.] A huge crimson figure appeared on the glass of the door, and a crimson mechanical dragon claw stretched out directly from the glass and smashed at the guy in front of him.

Unlike the frightened old guys behind him, the intuitive and alert operator raised his arm and punched in the direction of the sound. The dragon claw and the iron fist collided and made a sharp roar like gold and iron. Although the huge force carried did not cause him any harm, it also slapped him back to the desk.

Buzz! !

The buzzing sound was always in this office. At this moment, he could certainly predict that he had been targeted. There was something in the surrounding room, and it was very evil. Although he could not see the specific situation, the other party did exist.

Could it be that the wolf came here?

Impossible, with his personality, even if he really knew the complete information, he would definitely go to find the location of that thing now. Instead of running to such a place to do it himself, not to mention that there are these old things here.

Although he also looked down on these old guys who relied on their seniority and were self-righteous, due to many other factors, he had to pay enough benefits and try to use these guys for cooperation. The other party must also follow this rule, so he was sure that with Lekaan's character, he would definitely not rush here directly.

Wanting to know who the guy who was targeting him was, the operator in a black suit looked around and said in a low voice: "Who... are you?"

"It's just a Kamen Rider passing by, you remember it."

The low voice came from the glass around the room and was played back all around, making it difficult to distinguish the specific direction of the sound. When the operator heard this name, his pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly. This name was obviously not unfamiliar to him.

After all, the other party was also a key member who destroyed their plan. If it weren't for this knight who came out of nowhere, reported to the Public Security Bureau, and destroyed the equipment they arranged in the dead end, Vision Enterprise would not have collapsed, and there would be no need to do such troublesome things now, let alone calculate with the difficult guys of Victoria Housekeeping, and entangled until now.

Originally, they ignored this knight who came out of nowhere and was not weak in himself.

After all, the other party's background and details are still unknown, and he doesn't know which force the Kamen Rider belongs to, and his own strength is also quite good. If he provokes too much, it will undoubtedly become very troublesome.

I thought that the other party was just a vigilante who liked to meddle in other people's affairs, and what happened in Vision was an accident, but the current situation made him change his original idea.

Not only the dead end, but now it has come again?

Just an accident, or a coincidence?

No, this is impossible.

After all, if there is anything in common between the two actions, it is only that thing.

The goal of helping Vision Enterprises to carry out the Dead End Hollow Operation was to sneak the thing out under the guise of Vision Enterprises building a subway before the various forces noticed it. Similarly, what he was doing now was also for the same purpose.

If it was the first time, it might be accidental, but if it happened twice in a row, it meant that the other party was also targeting their goal.


Damn, it's really troublesome. I actually got into trouble with such a difficult guy without knowing it.

No wonder Sarah reminded him not to be too careless. The things involved are not simple. Did she expect this situation a long time ago?

The black-clad operator who had imagined everything suddenly looked ugly. He looked at the glass inside and fumbled for the weapon he carried with him from his pocket. He was ready to leave here at any time, but in order to prevent the knight hiding somewhere in the room from finding any clues, he continued to act.

"I didn't expect that the guardian of New Eridu would show up here in person. I'm sorry for not welcoming you. I just don't know what you are doing here? Those who can sit here are all big names in New Eridu. There shouldn't be any gangsters..."


"However, since the famous Kamen Rider is here, why not come out and meet him? I also want to see the true face of you, the guardian of the city. Of course, if you want to fight against continued evil, as a legal citizen of New Eridu, I can certainly cooperate."

"Really? What if the evil I want to fight is you?"

"Is that so... If that's the case, it's really difficult!"

As soon as the voice fell, a red figure came out directly from the mirror, which shocked the expression of the operator in front of him. He was even knocked out without any time to react, and his head was grabbed and he was directly immersed in a door. When he reappeared, he was already in the office area outside the conference room. The hand holding his head loosened slightly, and the other party rolled on the ground twice in a mess, then climbed up again with both hands, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar environment around him.

No matter how much disguise he put on, it was fake after all. The moment the red dragon claw fell, the disguise was naturally broken, and at this moment, the culprit who had just attacked him was standing in front of him. A guy wearing red armor, for him who knew the city well, he naturally knew who the other party was. Although this was only their first meeting, it turned out that he was Kamen Rider...

"Where is this?! Kamen Rider."

At this point, there was no need to disguise anymore. The operator, who was in a fighting posture, stretched out sharp blades from the tips of his five fingers and asked vigilantly.

And under the previous blow, the thick suit around him had also fallen off, revealing his true face, which was a body covered with steel-like material. Obviously, he is not an ordinary human being. It was because of this that Mo Yu dragged him in here with confidence.

At the moment, it seems that he is indeed extraordinary. Is it the same mechanical structure as Billy?

It is very similar, but it seems not. The guy in front of him seems to have replaced his body parts.

"This is my world, the world in the mirror. In this world, without corresponding protection measures, it will be decomposed. And the way you want to get out is also very simple, just kill me, but I doubt whether you have the ability."

"Mirror world? This is really a new word..."

The man sighed, and then he watched the biological skin on his body that was used to disguise himself as a human begin to dissipate at a speed visible to the naked eye, revealing the inner part after the mechanical transformation. Even he no longer doubted the truth of this sentence.

He only knew that if he continued to stay in this strange area, he would really be in danger.

"In this case, then do as you wish!"

Realizing that he had no way to retreat, the black-haired man twisted his arm, revealing the sharp weapon hidden in it, and rushed directly towards Mo Yu.

In response, Mo Yu did not let Wushuanglong join the battle, nor did he summon weapons. He just rushed towards the other party and started the battle.

Chapter 130: Out of Confusion

It happened a few hours ago.

There were only Mo Yu and Ailian in the empty villa living room. Mo Yu, who had just opened his eyes, raised his hand to rub his forehead, and then climbed up from the sofa.

It was late at night, and there would be a bit of a strange atmosphere when a man and a woman were alone.

And to be honest, compared with the atmosphere in the room, Mo Yu's reaction at this moment can be said to be... strange?

After all, in the long time they have been together, Ailian naturally knows something about Mo Yu's personality. No matter what situation he faces, no matter when he is, Mo Yu has not shown the previous state. That expression made her realize that something was wrong just by seeing it. It was a state of superposition of reason and self-doubt.

Although she didn't know the specific reason and couldn't personally experience Mo Yu's state of mind, when she saw the messy alley and the salty sea water mixed with blood, she could probably guess it...

Ailian blamed herself a little: "Sorry, I'm late."

"...No need to apologize, I'm the one who did this."

Mo Yu shook his head slightly, then reached out and raised the hair scattered in front of his eyes, and then spoke.

"It has nothing to do with anyone, and I'm fine."

"Are you... really okay?"

Mo Yu's calm performance obviously surprised Ailian.

She was still thinking about how to help Mo Yu get out of his inner dilemma after waking up. But even though she sat beside the unconscious Mo Yu and thought for so long, she couldn't think of any good solution.

Killing is not as simple as it sounds.

After all, she had experienced this kind of thing a long time ago.

Although the other party was an enemy, the situation was too critical at the time, and Lekaen and Lina were not by her side, so she did that.

Ailian said without a doubt that killing would definitely leave a shadow, especially the first time. Whether it is a soldier going to the battlefield or killing unintentionally or intentionally, after the first killing, you will feel disgusted, horrified, and empty. Even if the hard-core soldiers have killed more than a hundred enemies on the battlefield, they will feel more or less guilty after each killing.

Even if you kill someone on duty or because of your position, you will feel the same. If you cannot get psychological treatment quickly after killing someone, it may cause psychological abnormality or even madness.

Because she has experienced this feeling before, Ailian is worried about Mo Yu's mental state after waking up.

She herself does not have excellent eloquence, nor does she know how to enlighten others. In this state, it is obviously impossible to ask Lina for help. After all, it was Mo Yu who killed people, and it was the Kamen Rider who killed people. If she asks Lina for help, it is equivalent to presenting his secret to Lina without reservation.

Although Ellen trusts Lina very much and likes everyone in Victoria Housekeeping, she is also very clear about Lina's position.

She will definitely help herself, but Lina will also help others. At that time, Boss Lekaen will definitely know, so she will have a headache about this.

But seeing that the state shown by Mo Yu after waking up was not the self-doubt she expected, nor was it fear, emptiness and other reactions, which made Ellen relieved, but there was also some doubt in her eyes.

Has he come out of the predicament?

But... how did he do this?

It was just a dream, without the help of anyone, without any enlightenment, Mo Yu could come out of the situation just now by himself.

What's the matter with this outrageous psychological quality?

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