I kidnapped an alien civilization

Chapter 60 Mathematics Level 5

Seeing Yu'er's bulging eyes, looking forward to it, Captain Cook had no choice but to sing loudly:

Hi! Hi! Hi!

Endless mines, let's take care of them!

Bottomless pit, let's dig!

"Wait!" Yu'er suddenly stopped, "Let me change the background for you, so that it will be more interesting."

As the fish flicked its tail, a bright light flashed in space, and the background of the sky changed, from monotonous gray to bright red dripping blood. Captain Cook stands in front of a bright red backdrop as if on a stage.

Yu'er seemed very satisfied with his work, so he spit out a bubble and said, "Continue!"

Captain Cook roared loudly:

Hi! Hi! Hi!

Endless mines, let's take care of them!

Bottomless pit, let's dig!

Seeds of thorn grass, let's pick them!

Gudoo's cub, let's raise it!

Hi! Hi! Hi!

The mine crushed the shoulders of our Pajero people!

Deep caves buried the bones of our Pajero people!

The thorn grass pierced the skin of our Pajero people!

Gudoo sucks the blood of our Pajero people!

Hi! Hi! Hi!

Hollow out the mine!

Fill the deep hole!

Burn the thorn grass!

Bury the Gudoo!

Because we are Pajero people!

Hi! Hi! Hi!

The fish flicked its tail, as if satisfied with Captain Cook's song, and said, "Okay, you can go back."

Captain Cook immediately rushed to his aircraft, turned around, and accelerated.

In the next second, he found that he had returned to the airspace near his parent star.

A second spans a distance of nearly 2 light-years. Although the Pajero people have already built some stargates in the universe, they can span several light-years in an instant through the stargates.

However, the stargates are all built in gaps in space, and have very strict space-time requirements, and every time the stargate is opened, it needs to consume a standard 2-level sidereal day energy.

"Spaceship No. 2616211, please stop moving immediately and accept inspection!" The voice of the Air and Space Patrol came from outside the aircraft.

All aviation ships near the mother star must obey the orders of the air and space patrol team unconditionally. There used to be a star-class battleship with a higher level of self-sustainability, but when it received the order to stop moving, it turned on the particle accelerator, and was hit by the Star Destroyer cannon of the space patrol. More than 5,000 soldiers on board were reduced to fly ash.

Captain Cook slowly stopped the aircraft, opened the door of the boat, and found that the surrounding area was surrounded by special forces wearing protective clothing.

The spaceships around had been emptied out long ago, and only his old aircraft was parked there alone in Noda's airport.

"Open the particle barrier to prevent the leakage of secondary contact pollution."

"Send biochemical robots to isolate the people in the aircraft."

A command ship kept issuing orders.

Captain Cook was roughly thrown into the isolation cabin by two mechanical arms. The isolation cabin is a fully enclosed space with a size of only 5 square meters, surrounded by flexible materials.

It seems that the concept of time has been lost in the isolation cabin. Captain Cook carefully recalled the whole process of encountering the fish, as if he had a childhood dream.

Finally, the review begins.

"Name?" The special forces personnel interrogated through the glass.


"serial number?"




Cook truthfully described what happened to him. Although he was full of doubts about what happened to him, what Captain Cook didn't know was that now he was the focus of attention of all Pajero people.

According to the archives declassified by the Archives Bureau later, airspace monitoring satellites showed that Captain Cook stayed for 30 minutes after reaching 2 light-years away, and no celestial objects were detected around the spacecraft.

Within 30 minutes of Cook's stay, an asteroid in the Pajero galaxy disappeared quietly.

It took only 1.002 seconds for Cook to return, apparently an unknown force was involved.

The aerospace special forces have already blocked the coordinates where Cook encountered the cube, and there is nothing there. To be precise, it is not empty, the void of the coordinates is still filled with bright red tiny particles. And the source of the particles is the vanished planet.

Later, according to the analysis of the Pajero Unknown Contact Research Institute. The fish on the cube can appear in space with its physical body. Obviously, that fish or an unknown civilization has mastered the method to change the laws of the universe.

In order to match Cook with a suitable background, Yu'er destroyed a planet with a snap of his fingers, which also shows that the unknown civilization has a high level of technology.

Since then, the coordinate position of the cube has become a forbidden area for Pajero people. And the song sung by the fish is also widely circulated among Pajero people, and everyone tries to get a glimpse of the secret of advanced civilization.

"This is the story of our Pajero people encountering a high-level civilization." Big-headed Pajero said.

What a long story, there is a magical fish in space that can sing. Li Mo sighed more and more how big the universe is, full of wonders.

Li Mo cleared his mind, let's raise the math level to level 5 first.

1. Mathematics grade: 5 (1500/100000)

2. Physics grade: 0 (0/100)

3. Chemical grade: 0 (0/100)

4. Biology grade: 0 (0/100)

5. Wisdom level: 2

Available credits: 0

"Congratulations on completing the subject upgrade and gaining new opportunities to ask questions."

"Congratulations on opening other subject upgrade functions."

A message popped up on the learning machine, which means that Li Mo can upgrade physics, chemistry and biology.

New mission release:

Mission: Boy, run to the finish line of victory.

Explanation: Running is the best way of exercising. Running can not only exercise the body, but also temper the will.

Requirements: Win the 10,000-meter running championship in the upcoming school sports meeting.

Reward: 30,000 subject experience points, one general lottery draw.

This is the second running task that Li Mo has received. Although the first time is only 5 kilometers, it can be seen that Pajero people still love running.

Li Mo thought of the question he wanted to ask. He was very curious about the lifestyle of the Pajero people. In Cook's story, it was indicated that the Pajero "didn't love" to sing.

"The question I want to ask this time is what are the main sports methods of Pajero people?" Li Mo asked his own question.

The gray fog rolled, and the big-headed Pajero was obviously a little resistant to this question.

Li Mo found that as long as he asked questions about the lifestyle of the Pajero people, his big head was not very willing to answer.

"On the planet Pajero, the most popular form of exercise is running, and every Pajero person likes to run." Sure enough, the big head replied reluctantly and briefly.

The Pajero people are indeed a wonderful race. On the earth, the most popular sports are football, basketball, tennis and other game-like sports. And running is just a favorite of some professional athletes.

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