I Kill The Protagonist

Chapter 105 Yin & Yang Reconciliation

"The technique of Xianwu is extremely difficult to permit."

"But the magic weapon dual cultivation method, I once heard that the father of the white tooth brother asked Master Qingniu for it."

"I heard that it is a method called Yin & Yang reconciliation method."

"I'm not very clear. Maybe you can ask Big Brother White Ya after you meet?"

After hearing what Romney said, Little Tao thought for a while and said something like this.

Romney listened, pondered for a while, and then said.

"Thank you."

"I see."

"If you have any questions about magic or Sacred mainland from now on Little Tao."

"You can come to me at any time, I know everything I can say."

Romney thanked him, which was the end of this private meeting.


"Then it's fine, I'll leave first."

Little Tao's mood fluctuates, but her face is calm and calm.

Interacting with each other, Romney stopped in place and watched Xiao Tao leave.

"Have you finished asking?"

Grace walked in from outside the temporary wooden house and looked at Romney.

"It's over."

"It is basically impossible to learn."

"But there seems to be a method called Yin & Yang Reconciliation Method, which can make people dual cultivation of monsters."

Romney did not hide Grace.

He came to learn the art of immortal martial arts, almost everyone close to him knows.

"Yin & Yang reconciliation method?!"

"How does this name resemble..."

Grace flushed suddenly and felt the name of something terrible.


"You ghost spirit, don't think about it."

Romney was amused by Grace, and reluctantly nodded her head.

Grace is good at everything, but occasionally weird, people are always overwhelmed by defense.


Romney nodded Gris's head and loathed it, it was not like the bravery in battle.

On the contrary, some little girls are cute.


"Let's go, eat."

Romney knew Grace's ghostly character, straightforward and naive, but funny.

This has been getting along for a long time, and Romney is discovering it day by day.

Suddenly together, the two fell in love quickly.

As the years go by, this relationship has become more mellow and harmonious.

It's not that I haven't had any quarrels, but I usually ease the communication with reason to convince people.

Most of the time, this principle is very subtle.


"Eat raw bamboo?"

Grace remembered what the Pandaren were discussing with enthusiasm yesterday.

Grace was impressed by the desire to eat raw bamboo.

"We don't eat that."

"Xiluo found that the soil here is rich in humus."

"It is very conducive to planting quilts."

"All of your fruits and vegetables were grown by Xi Luo during this time."

Romney clicked on Grace's forehead again, this little head, melon seeds, always had some strange thoughts.

"Oh, that."

"That can be eaten."

Grace sighed, thinking of the food in the past few days, it was indeed delicious.


"Always forget things."

Romney was helpless.

Grace is natural and straightforward.

With this temperament, it is extremely easy to overlook some things.

For example, for meals, she never remembered what she had eaten in the past few days.

The memory time of this meal is no more than half an hour at most.

It's easy to forget what you have eaten, which is also a feature of Grace's famous Romney small team.

What might outsiders think of this?

But Romney thinks this is a cute point.

It made him Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but at the same time, he felt that this Grace was really cute.


One night passed.

On the morning of the second day, everyone packed up and set off again.

This time, unlike the previous guerrilla warfare, there are three main objectives.

First, it is natural to suppress the enemy.

But it is not purely annihilating the enemy as before, but to gather the scattered soldiers.

Second, look for a large legion.

This is the conclusion that everyone reached during the meeting yesterday.

It is inevitable that the small coalition forces can continue to go down and participate in large-scale battles.

Third, nature is to save yourself.

This is required in every strategy and tactic.

In any battle, the first thing you need to do is to save yourself.

The more vitality, the greater the chance of winning.

Everyone is carrying these three goals.

Walked into the blood forest again.

The lead-black land has become more and more brown in recent days.

The blood-colored woods were originally extremely scarlet.

At this time, it also seemed a little lighter, with a slight taste of the white birch number of the previous world.

The coalition forces are walking in such a blood forest.

While always paying attention to the surrounding environment, while observing the possible enemy forces.

Perhaps there are variables in the local battlefield, or perhaps there are other arrangements.

Everyone's march this time, half of the enemy's shadow was not seen.

At this time, Little Tao, who had read the history books of Pandaxian Island, pointed out the cause of the situation at this time.

"The second wave is coming."

Little Peach sister said.

In history, Pandaxian Island fought against the filthy place every time, that is, when it fought against the Devil's Cave.

It will be divided into three waves.

The first wave of entry wars.

Those gurgling ghosts, bone demons and the like are the enemies of this wave of entry wars.

The second wave of dispatch wars.

The six-legged giant, the blood chamo, is this wave.

The third wave is the bloody river battle.

Legend has it that when the third wave appears, a river of blood will appear out of thin air.

Hundreds of millions of demons will rush out of the river of blood, madly rushing into the pass where Pandaxian Island is located.

It stands to reason that the second wave has already arrived.

Why did Little Tao say that the second wave is coming?

If you have any questions, you have to ask.

After Romney asked Miss Tao, he learned that each wave of battles is actually divided into bands.

The second wave that Xiaotao said was the second wave within the second wave of battles.

It is a new batch of enemy demons after the blood chamo, the six-legged giant, and the multi-legged snake dragon.

In history, this wave is dominated by blood river ghosts.

In addition, countless blood river ghosts and beasts attacked together.

Hear such words.

Romney and others immediately became vigilant.

The original enemy was at least human.

There can be some movement between the back and forth.

But if it is the blood river ghost beast, then it will be like a tide of beasts.

No matter how much you strategize, they are all swarming forward.

If you don't face it directly, you don't kill it hard, you can't stop it at all.

Now that they knew what was about to happen, Romney and the others were feeling a little more hasty on the road.

This rush is the rush to find the big army.

Facing the blood river ghost beast, only a large army can resist one or two.

These hundreds of them alone will certainly not be able to survive.

Having already participated in the war, Romney did not want to let the battle go into danger.

Therefore, do not care about the remaining magic power.

Romney and Shi Luo, together cast a joint forbidden spell.

"Heaven and Earth Listen"

The joint forbidden curse is a combination of magical powers by more than one wizard, accompanied by chanting in the same tone, and finally forms a joint forbidden curse.

This joint forbidden spell does not limit the maximum number of wizards, but generally does not exceed 10,000.

Because once there are more than ten thousand people even magic, then in case of magic backlash, it will form a large-scale magic explosion.

This kind of magical explosion is not as simple as a nuclear bomb level.

Therefore, the two people unite, and the risk is minimal.

Tiandi listened, and was displayed without any surprises and dangers.

This is a combined variant of wind, light and dark magic, commonly known as phonological magic.

Sound magic is difficult to repair, Romney is rough, and Xi Luo simply clings to his feet temporarily.

Fortunately, both of them have the resources of Tianzong, and they performed smoothly.

The magic is flying, the rhythm is beating.

The joint forbidden curse covered thousands of miles, and in an instant there were countless sounds that fell in the ears.

Within half a minute, Romney and Xi Luo heard a huge roar of fighting.

"This direction!"


After Romney and Shiro judged their positions, they commanded the coalition forces.

The crowd rushed forward, and four hours later, they came to a blood forest and a stream.

"Ah, it's them!"

As soon as he got here, Grace exclaimed with sharp eyes.

When everyone heard the sound, they saw unexpected people.

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