Fight, fight.

Chaos and orderly.

The vast and filthy land ushered in its second wave of battles.

But Romney and others did not.

As foreign visitors, although they were not welcomed into Pandaxian Island, they were also heavily protected behind the "Xianwu Army".

Following the Golden Armored Panda Army and Xianwu Army, Pandaxian Island dispatched elite troops to enter.

These troops are another group of Gaowu disciples of various factions.

As the own fairy division entered the arena, the various factions linked the former backbone of the Golden Armored Pandan Army and the front-to-back Xianwu Army to form three attack formations: beheading, main battle, and enemy breaking.

Because in the filthy land, all Pandas were unable to quickly replenish Spirit Power.

Therefore, Pandaxian Island set up a logistics base camp near the blood forest, the home of "Fairy".

Together with the volcano, Tuyuan, and the three logistics camps, a cut was constructed around the Blue Molten River.

The entire battlefield of the filthy land started from this blue molten river, presenting two battlefields, east and west.

Following the North Volcano, the Central Plains, and the Southern Blood Forest.

The two battlefields of east and west cut a piece of filthy land again.

Romney and others were friendly "ordered" to be next to the residence of "Fairy" during this strategic change.

Unable to participate in the war in person, but Romney and others are also actively doing what they can.

Take Romney as an example.

After thinking that Vajra flies could help Pandaxian Island, he began to try to improve Vajra flies in this filthy land with the help of the four girls in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and Xi Luo.

The Vajra flies in the past are said to be a fusion of Magical Beasts.

Now we want to improve and adapt to the environment of the filthy land.

Then, we need to continue writing on the point of integration.

With a direction, Romney studied it carefully in the days to come.

Starting from breeding and reproduction, through feeding, injecting blue lava, blood forest blocks, lead black soil sacs, and then secretly picking "fairies" teardrop Lotus flower, and finally try to use those weird ghost corpses as materials.

Back and forth, he killed hundreds of Vajra flies that he was carrying around.

As a result, it was all a failure.

Cross-environment cultivation is too difficult, Romney also knows.

But he thought that relying on his identity as the "plane of air luck", there would always be places where luck would burst.

The reality told him that even if he was favored, he would not succeed in nothing.

One detour is indispensable.

Not discouraged, Romney used the remaining two hundred Vajra flies to conduct the 665th test.

In this experiment, Romney plans to use the blood of Gu Yagui, blood forest blocks, and blue lava as the nutrients in the petri dish.

Increase the lead demon bones, the spine of the tooth bone demon, and finally use the newly acquired hexapod giant heart as the petri dish itself for the 666th experiment.

Numbers auspicious, Romney and others are looking forward to it.

Three months later.


Romney smashed all the material angrily and sat down annoyed.

"What's wrong?"

Grace heard the crackling of the equipment and rushed hurriedly.

"It's okay, I'm slightly out of control."

Romney sighed, waved his hand, and told the crowd that he was fine.

"Spring, summer, autumn and winter, you guys tidy up."

"You come with me, don't be bored here, never go out, how can you be in a good mood."

Grace tilted his head to signal the spring, summer, autumn and winter to clean up quickly, then strode over and pulled Romney up.

"I haven't succeeded yet."

Romney also wants to continue to dive into research.

"Let's go, relax, maybe some other inspiration will come over!"

Grace knew that as soon as Romney engaged in scientific research, his mind was easy to concentrate.

In the usual manner of a prince, when he enters the laboratory, he is a pure scholar.

This change also made Grace laugh at Romney more like a scholar than a prince when he was taking care of Romney.

Romney did not refute, he likes scholars and the title of magician.

Had it not been for him, perhaps he would have been immersed in the journey of exploring the mysteries and truths of the world throughout his life.

"Come on, don't stay in the lab."

Romney was dragged out of the laboratory by Grace.

Everyone on the sidelines is not surprised, the days after the start of the magic science research, every few days, there will be such a frustration.

"What's the problem this time?"

Grace took Romney and walked on the edge of the eerie blood forest.

"It's still an internal conflict in the genome. This problem has never been resolved."

"The genes of the Vajra fly itself are already very moderate. I want to add some forcibly. The transmission conditions of the original favorable genes continue to conflict with the transmission of the new genes."

"There are also conflicts between nuclear genes and extranuclear genes, and the problem has been stuck here."

Romney was a little irritable, but his words were clear and he threw out all the key issues.

"Then, try another method."

"You said before that any gene editing technology can be used?"

Grace listened to Romney's words, but she always remembered some terms that Romney had put forward.

"The problem is, I can't."

"There is no basis for modern scientific research. The magic science of biology is all done by me using magic methods."

"If you want to change nucleases and bases, it's the same as rearranging elements. Where is that..."

"Wait... the elements are rearranged?"

"I see!"

"I see!!"

"Grace, I know!!"

"Go, go, go to the laboratory!!!"

Romney was still talking about the difficulties casually, but suddenly, as if a flash of inspiration, he jumped up with excitement and excitement.

He shook Grace excitedly while jumping. In the end, he was so happy that he picked up Grace directly, teleported a few times, and returned to the laboratory.

Peeping at the "fairy" in this romantic scene from a distance, she felt sad, and once again remembered the beautiful days of the past, when lotus was growing on the ground.

The sun is slanting west, and the world is colliding with the wind, slowly generating.

The environment in the filthy land is changing day by day.

Romney's experiment, after the explosion of inspiration that day, made breakthrough progress.

Through the control of magic elements, Romney succeeded in re-adjusting the conflicting genes.

In more than a hundred days of gene editing, the fusion of the original gene fragment of Vajra fly with many gene fragments of the dirty land was completed.

The newly born Vajra flies are no longer called Vajra flies.

Romney gave him a new name.

"Clean Flies"

The so-called clean fly is famous for taking the opposite of the filthy land.

Since what we are dealing with is filth, we must be clean.

Therefore, Romney rejected all the controversies and rejected all the names of Victory Flies, Certain Flies, Super Flies, Invincible Flies, Clean Flies, Sweep Flies, etc.

The clean flies are set.

With the initial basic body, the follow-up training will become more and more smooth.

In the beginning, there was only a pair of clean flies, but Romney spared no expense to put three lead demon skeletons into birth.

In half a month, more than 200 million bred.

Cultivation at room temperature, the reproduction speed of the first generation is one day; the second generation quantitative fission takes five days; the third generation fission huge amount takes Nine Heavens.

A generation of clean flies can lay 400 eggs.

All hatched into 400 clean flies, each generation basically can have more than 180 paired couples.

The second generation is 72,000 clean flies, and 35,600 second-generation couples are paired to produce 14,240,000 clean flies.

Three generations are 7,114,823 three-generation couples, producing 284.5 million clean flies.

After three generations, a total of 284.5 million clean flies were released.

After testing, Romney can use 500 as an armed unit to achieve the protective role of the Vajra fly.

Separate the clean flies that continue to breed and breed, a total of 569,000 units of clean flies can be used immediately and put on the battlefield to arm the Golden Panda at the forefront.

But new things are always no one believes.

The cleansing flies that specifically target the demons in the filthy land are no exception.

Romney also couldn't find any high-level people on Pandaxian Island to directly use the armed units of this clean fly on a large scale.

Fortunately, Pan Yilong was promoted, with the help of Da Mao and Xiao Tao.

Romney used the Three Thousand Golden Armored Pandas led by Pan Yilong and the Qingniu line as the initial pilots to put the clean fly, an armed unit, on the battlefield named "Battlefield of Fairy and Demon".

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