Cover the sky and the sun, filthy and smelly.

The filthy land that was gradually restored has returned to its former appearance.

The Panda Legion raised its head to the sky, looking at the dense, endless blood river demons.

Panicked, but didn't flinch.

Born to be Panda, and die for Panda.

The former is the identity and the latter is the purpose.

Panda never shrinks, nor is he afraid of sacrifice.

Since there are demons, then Panda must suppress demons.




The magnificent yelling, the stunned ground with sticks.

In the filthy land, five million Golden Armored Pandas, shouting sternly, the voice spreads to the Devil's Cave.

Long Daoguan stared at the hanging sky, silently silent.

This is the most critical battle, and it is also the last battle of this time.

If it can win, then Pandaxian Island will once again take the impact of the magic cave back, and it can return to hundreds of years of peace.

If it is defeated, it will be a foregone conclusion once it is ruined.

Between life and death, Panda has never moved forward.

"Are you still out?"

Master Longfushan looked at the hanging sky curtain and asked in a deep voice.

"It's not the time yet."

Longdaoguan didn't look back, he knew that this was the Great Immortal Master Longfushan urging him, and the 1.5 million Immortal Martial Army remaining in his hand.

Pandaxian Island has always been divided into Jinjia, Xianwu, and martial arts.

Jin Jiazhong, Xian Wu Rui, martial art.

Within the army, Jin Jia maintains five million people and Xianwu two million people.

Jinjia and Xianwu are supported by the whole Pandaxian Island for its luggage and logistics.

The commander-in-chief of the army is the immortal division of the non-sect, Longdaoguan.

One line of military and martial arts, one line of martial art.

The confluence of the two systems is the force system of the entire Pandaxian Island.

Because the government governs the entire fairy island, it is a sect, so although the sect has few and excellent people, it can often dominate the military and military sect.

Because of the power of military reunification, the military has a complete victory in military power.

The balance of the two phases is the current situation of Pandaxian Island.

At this time, the Great Immortal Master Longfushan asked, meaning to inquire, but in fact it had a certain meaning of oppression and urging.

Longdaoguan can be heard.

But he will not rush to fight because of these pressures, and neither will the remaining Xianwu Army.

Jinjia Panda is not hierarchical, and military positions are promoted according to strength and military merit.

This is not true for the Xianwu Army, which is divided into upper, middle and lower third-class Xianwu Army.

Inferior bone training, a lower-level officer in the same Golden Armored Panda Army.

Medium-level training, a middle-level officer in the same Golden Armored Panda Army.

The first-class training and exchange of blood, the same upper-level officer in the Golden Armored Panda Army.

Among them, the inferior immortal army is 1.4 million, the middle immortal army is 500,000, and the upper immortal army is 100,000.

Before Longdaoguan sent into the filthy land, it was the 500,000 inferior Immortal Martial Army.

At this time, the Great Immortal Master Longfushan urged the Immortal Martial Army above the medium level.

People with a discerning eye can see the terrible way that covers the sky and the river of blood, and the Great Immortal Master Longfushan and Longdaoguan also know it.

It can be anxious, but the other one is waiting for a fatal moment.

In terms of Xingwu experience, none of the ten Longfushan Great Immortal Masters can compare to one Longdaoguan.

Because of this, after being rejected by Longdaoguan, the Great Immortal Master Longfushan didn't say much, but instead looked back at the green bull and the crane.

"Are you going to go out first?"

The Great Immortal Master Longfushan asked.


"I am free."

The two responded and did not care.

"Then take the remaining elite disciples..."

The Great Immortal Master Longfushan told him that he was about to give an order, but was interrupted by Longdaoguan.

"Don't worry, those Vortex Masters have researched some very interesting things before."

"You guys wait."

Longdaoguan is different from the ordinary Panda, his beard and hair are longer, and he has a long beautiful beard.

At this time, she flicked Mei Yan, and Longdaoguan signaled the great immortals not to be anxious.

"That river of blood is so obvious that it doesn't support it?"

The Great Immortal Master Longfushan was a little stunned, and felt that he had heard something wrong.

"I intend to test the treasures they offered."

"If it can be done, I propose that the prince named Romney be detained, specifically to develop a Divine Armament weapon for Pandaxian Island."

Long Daoguan raised his head slightly, as if he was in charge.


"Divine Armament weapon?"

The Great Immortal Master Longfushan was even more surprised.

But he didn't say much, because the battle situation and the real-time situation could not be ascertained as the Dragon Blade Pass, so the Great Immortal Master Longfushan didn't say much.

The Great Immortal Master Qingniu and Great Immortal Master Xianhe didn't tell each other, but they had divine light fluctuations in their eyes, and they seemed to have different opinions.

Turning their eyes, everyone looked at the hanging sky.

At this time, the billions of demons transformed by the blood river had already rushed down from the sky.

The blood mosquito started, followed by the decapitator, followed by thousands of intestinal snake ghosts.

There are also monsters with hands, faces, feet and heads, bloody and evil.

All kinds of strange shapes, subversive human forms, and random combinations of demons, all killed them and pressed down on the golden armored Pandas on the ground.


"Fuck the magic stick!"

The Golden Armored Panda Army screamed in unison, with a powerful voice, and luck.

Surrounded by Spirit Power, golden sticks and armor, all of them give out a clean and impeccable light.




Roaring loudly, the Million Army Corps slammed into the demon that was pressing down.

The blood river composed of blood mosquitoes was the first to bear the brunt.

The multi-legged witch stood in the sky, surrounded by naked fleshy ghosts.

Gently touching the fleshy armrest of the huge stone pillar with her hand, the multi-legged witch expected to see her blood mosquitoes whizzing past the Golden Armored Panda Army, leaving behind a scene of armor, all flesh and blood but bones.


But suddenly, the multi-legged witch's eyes widened, she missed her hand and cut the fleshy armrest to the root, but she was shocked and inexplicably shocked.

"How can it be!"

She looked at the white-gold mist of flies suddenly bursting out of the Panda Army in front of her, shocked.

The mist of flies hovered and flew beside each Golden Armored Panda, and the blood mosquitoes like a river of blood rushed down, hitting the mist of flies.

This golden white hits the scarlet red, the flies and mists are in the mosquito river, and the tiny wreckage fell on the ground in an instant.

Like the rain of falling insect corpses, the golden, white and scarlet corpses of flies and mosquitoes patted like dust and mud.

Golden Armor Panda was in the dust and mud of these flies and mosquito corpses, hitting the chaos of the blood river ghosts.

The neat Panda Legion, the chaotic blood river ghost.

Golden white flies, scarlet blood mosquitoes.

In this way, there was a fierce collision in front of the multi-legged witch.

Corpse, blood, worm remains.

Cruel, bloody, and tragic.

But this is not what Multilegged Witch wants to see.

She wanted to see the blood mosquitoes destroy all the Pandas in a flash.

"what are these!"

"How come there is such a thing!!"

Unbelievable, the multi-legged witch has never heard of Panda Immortal Island raising insects.

Why is there such an evil Heart's Demon bug appearing!

"Go, go quickly and find Daddy!"

The multi-legged witch turned her head and patted the uncovered meat ghost next to Fei, yelling at the other demons who served her around her body.

Ask them to find their dad quickly.

She thought to herself that she had her own three-in-one system to help.

Hundreds of thousands of blood mosquitoes were called, and the Panda Army was bound to be hit hard by this blow.

With the multi-footed giant army, the blood river ghosts, and the miscellaneous army of the filthy land, multiple flanking attacks will inevitably defeat the Panda army.

But why do these flies appear?

The blood mosquitoes summoned by the multi-legged witch was not used to confront these rouch flies.

She wants to use them to destroy Panda!

It can't go on like this anymore, she must help the Demon Cave to defeat Pandaxian Island.

Only in this way can she, who has been eager to see the world on the Maelstrom from the day of her birth, get what she wants.

Only in this way can she come to this world in vain.

Even if people are not people, ghosts are not ghosts.

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