Oble fell asleep deeply.

In the camp, everyone was silent.

The banquet of the talents just broke up, and it was broken up unhappily.

Everyone took Oble back to the camp, all feeling unhappy.

But no one broke out. After all, Pan Wushang, who was troubled, had already died.

"Dare to ask the delegation, Oble Warrior, how is the injury?"

Pan Yilong's question suddenly sounded outside the camp, loud and powerful, as usual.

"Pan Yilong is here, go and welcome him in."

When Romney heard the call, he recovered from some kind of contemplation and waved to Monnie to invite Pan Yilong in.

After a while, Pan Yilong followed Moni into the camp, and there were some familiar golden-faced Panda with them.

"Tiancan, I don't know how the Oble Warriors are injured?"

Entering the camp, Pan Yilong signaled to everyone one by one, looked at Romney, and asked about the words of the off-account inquiry again.

"It's already safe, and it's safe to have Xiangrui Immortal Master cast the spell."

Romney wanted to smile hard, but he really couldn't laugh, so he said in a deep voice, slightly expressionless.

"That's good. You don't need to worry too much about the team. The mountain man is different from the ordinary Panda. He is a rare hybrid Panda with a violent temper. Panda Immortal Island has no malice against you."

Pan Yilong seems to be deliberately releasing a kind of goodwill, or it may be dissolving the negative emotions that Romney and others may have towards Pandaxian Island.

So what I said, it seemed that I was going to pick out the Pan Daxian Island that suddenly appeared from the mountain people whose shape was different from the ordinary Panda, and separate the fairy island itself from the mountain people.

"Well, it doesn't matter. I accept the kindness of Master Xiangrui, knowing that Pandaxian Island is not malicious to me."

Romney nodded, still not interested, but didn't mean to breathe.

"That's fine. Since the Oble Warriors are fine, I will return to the camp first to prepare for the soldiers of tomorrow."

After Pan Yilong had finished speaking, he said goodbye very simply, which was regarded as the completion of the visit.

"Well, go ahead!"

Romney hummed and asked Moni to give away the dish and the others. Originally, Romney would personally greet Pan Yilong and other Panda, but at this time he only asked Moni to send it.

Pan Yilong could feel the subtle difference, and other people in the camp also noticed it, but no one said anything.

After all things happen, everyone knows that there will be changes in attitudes.

"Romney, don't worry too much, Oble will be fine."

Grace sounded, and gently stroked Romney's shoulder, comforting Romney.

"Well, I know, it's just a little dull."

Romney hummed, and did not shy away from others, directly raised his hand and patted Grace's hand, and responded to Grace.

"Prince Romney is in the tent?"

The interaction between the two had just ended, and a low buzzing sound suddenly sounded outside the account.

Everyone listened to their ears, and they all felt strange.

"If so, I will come in!"

Before everyone can tell who it is, the person outside the tent is the animal skin curtain of the tent and goes straight into the tent.

"Who is rude!"

At this time, among the crowd, Moni was the first to react.

When the huge figure stepped in, he directly drew out the short sword and stopped in front of everyone.

"Ha, I, Panshanshi, is from the mountain."

"Here's my condolences, and don't panic."

This black bear-like Panda, with his big mouth open, looks a little bit like a beast, but his speech is peaceful, not as if he is going to endanger everyone.

"Moni, don't be rude."

Romney turned his head and signaled Monnie to let her way.


There was a sound of a sword in its sheath, and Monnie walked away.

"Ha, I didn't mean anything."

"Here's condolences, these plasters will be given to Prince Romney."

"You also know that Pandas have an own style of martial arts, and death and injury are inevitable."

"I'm waiting for the great teacher of Chenglong Mansion Mountain to take care of you, and I'm also here to help the prince's feast of your pulse, and the prince should not get us wrong."

"Even if it does, it won't be for you."

"So, if possible, the prince will still consider the possibility of leaving the line of the blue cow in the future."

"The martial art of our Longfushan Great Immortal Master is more suitable for you!"

This black bear-like Panda, with a hesitant cry, did not reveal who he was. To come up directly is to speak bluntly, telling all kinds of things.

Romney and others listened in their ears, feeling the discordant provocation, and even the meaning of pulling in and guiding, and did not say anything.

But the two little monsters next to him showed a somewhat disgusted look of resistance. Perhaps because the little demon pets are so small, this black bear Panda can't see them at all, and doesn't care about them.

"If there is nothing wrong, I will also say goodbye."

Not only did he not care about the familiar, but he didn't even care about the subtle resistance in the crowd.

After putting down three or four boxes of plasters, Black Bear Panda left without waiting for Romney and others to respond.

This conversation that came and went swiftly gave everyone a lot of reverie.

It not only makes people feel a certain kind of waves in Pandaxian Island, but also makes people see the wrist of the Great Immortal Master Longfushan.

The front foot sent someone to beat Romney and the others, and the back foot was cheeky and came over to deliver the plaster.

This hand seemed useless, but it actually stabilized a certain resistance.

Even though Romney and others have a straight decline in their perceptions of Panda, who is the immortal master of Longfu Mountain, but the saying goes, they don't hit the smiley people with their hands.

This black bear Panda didn't laugh much, but he came with kindness, and everyone couldn't directly fight back. After all, there was no incentive to tear his face. Obler's injury was indeed suffered during the competition, and it shouldn't be, but it is indeed reasonable in the current situation.

"Unexpectedly they would come to deliver plasters?!"

Grace was a little puzzled about the inconsistent behavior of these mountain people. When he first appeared, he would fight to the death. After the fight, he would send the plaster to the enemy just now. , Don’t you take the lives of own comrades seriously?

"I'm afraid I did it deliberately."

"I'll give you a horse and a sweet jujube, I want to convince us."

"I'm very familiar with this routine."

"We, we love to train pets like this."

Moni usually does not intervene in the conversation between Romney and others, just like Oble. But this time, I saw some familiar behaviors, so I blurted out the words vividly.

It was also Moni who spoke directly, and everyone immediately thought of herself and others at this time, as well as the position of the people in the mountain and the Great Immortal Master of Longfu Mountain.

When it comes to training pets, do you not treat them as human beings?

This time the words fell in my heart, and the disgust that had been slowed down immediately rose up again.

"Forget it, don't talk too much, just put those plasters aside."

Romney was already displeased, so he didn't plan to use the plaster sent by Panda, the black bear.


Monnie heard Romney's words and didn't respond. After a good sentence, he went to remove the ointment box.

"Xiluo, look at Oble again, do you need any more treatment?"

Perhaps it was just mentioning the plaster that made Romney want to confirm Oble's injury again.


Xi Luo had been by the side and didn't speak much, but everything about the talent was in his eyes, and he knew Romney's displeasure in his heart.

At this time, there was not much to say, and he directly stepped forward to cast a basic life detection technique to carefully detect Oble's state.

About a few minutes later, Xi Luo stopped the life detection technique.

"Nothing, everything is smooth."

"It's just that this deadly battle is too exhausting"

"It may take about three or four days of cultivation before Oble will wake up."

Xi Luo returned to his senses and carefully reported to Romney and others.

"It's fine if nothing happens. Resting for a few days will also restore!"

When Romney heard Xi Luo's words, the heart that had just been suspended again, fell again, and he was relieved.

"Then you all go back and rest, I'll watch the night."

Rest assured, Romney motioned everyone to go back to rest, and he came to look after Oble.

"Romney, it's better for me to come. You go back to rest with Grace and the others. I can detect Oble's injury, and it's okay to be there anytime."

Xi Luo responded just after Romney's words, the words were simple, but very reasonable.

"Oble is my right arm and right arm. Like every one of you, I care and value it."

"Now that Oble is seriously injured and unconscious, how can I sleep peacefully? Needless to say, go and rest."

When Romney heard Shi Luo's words, he did not agree.

"Then, let me accompany you."

Romney had only finished speaking, and Grace had already spoken before Shi Luo could persuade him.

"Let's stay too."

"It's true that I can't sleep well, I still wait."




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