I Kill The Protagonist

Chapter 149 The Council of All Nations

The first year of the Universal Calendar, January 3rd.

The world-famous Conference of Nations was held as scheduled in the Chamber of Nations in the capital of the Alec Empire.

The participating countries and organizations share one hundred and sixty-three sizes, including the Alec Empire, Sacred Holy See, Pan-Continent Mage Guild, High Elf Empire, Mountain Dwarf Kingdom, Central and Southern Desert Kingdom, Halfling Woodland, Centaur Grip, Iron Fist Sandman stalker guild, violet duchy and so on.

The meeting was presided over by Emperor Dorogo of the Alec Empire, who personally delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the Chamber of Nations, and called on the leaders, kings, popes, gods, etc. of all countries to jointly establish a god-given world alliance.

The League of Nations will uphold the principles of equality and reciprocity, fairness and justice, defend plane peace, and seek common ground while reserving differences, and establish a set of community standards applicable to all nations among all nations.

This standard will connect all known countries together and form a pan-plane organization.

In order to show reciprocity, the League of Nations will establish twelve veteran seats between countries and organizations. Among them, there are six organizational seats and six national seats.

Torogo the Great proposed that for the equality of all races in the League of Nations, these twelve seats must have at least three seats and belong to a few special ethnic groups, such as mushroom elves, jungle elves and so on.

The remaining nine seats are allocated proportionally by the largest ethnic groups. After obtaining the seat, the country within the ethnic group will be obtained according to the strength of the country.

This complicated and sound-sounding principle of equal allocation of seats has won the approval of almost all countries and organizations in public meetings.

The twelve elders selected by the final vote are the Alec Empire, the Sacred Holy See, the Pan-Continent Wizards’ Guild, the Northland Ice Country, the High Elf Empire, the Mountain Dwarf Kingdom, the Halfling Woodland, the Centaur Grip, the Mushroom Mountain, and the Jungle. Elves, tribes of subgiants, and the well-known mermaid kingdom.

The original Alliance of All Nations did not invite the sea people of the God-given Plane to participate, but for what purpose, Emperor Dorogo privately contacted the Mermaid Kingdom, located under the endless sea in the south, to participate in this meeting of all nations.

An alliance of terrestrial races, the sudden emergence of marine races, will naturally cause rejection, but fortunately, it was not the group of barbaric orcs who had been invited to the north.

If it is the orcs, it is feared that these nations of various races that have been invaded by the orcs over the years will all rise up and attack them.

The meeting quickly set the tone.

With the premise of the alliance, the discussion of all the rules and regulations appears to be protracted and must be compared.

For example, when it comes to economic aid, the North Continent Ice State, a powerful country in the North, is very concerned about how many tons of food will be provided to small countries each year.

They themselves are in the bitter cold land, can they not be short of food, thank goodness, and still want to help small countries?

It's a joke.

Therefore, the economic aid clause of the League of Nations was shelved because of the opposition of the North Continent Ice State.

Furthermore, the part about the offensive and defensive alliance. As a sparsely populated group of mushroom elves who are only good at growing mushrooms, they need to send domestic soldiers to assist countries when a war breaks out. For them, such a clause is simply cutting meat.

The population is small, and they have to participate in wars between countries, even if the whole family will be extinct in a few years. Naturally, the mushroom elves are extremely strongly opposed to such a clause.

There are numerous clauses that are beneficial to one party and detrimental to the other party.

Among them, the coordination is naturally the Alec Empire.

Although it is very cumbersome, it is also tiring to be caught between many parties, and it is not easy to even facilitate the negotiation itself.

But the Alec Empire, or Emperor Dorogo himself, would be happy to see such a tired situation appear.


Because of the core voice.

Being able to serve as the central link of such a League of Nations, the Alec Empire is bound to have a strong dominant voice at the moment when the League of Nations is established.

This right to speak, if coupled with powerful military and economic power, will become a powerful guarantee for leading the nations.

Emperor Dorogo was not sharp, but he was a man of deep conspiracy. Planning for more than ten years in the past, waiting for a certain opportunity to destroy the people's hope for Romney, and reverse the support of Romney's existence due to the existence of miraculous celestial phenomena when Romney was born. Up to now, the formation of the League of Nations, Emperor Dorogo has been exhausted.

The benefits of this painstaking effort are obvious. Not only can it draw people's hearts, but it can also actually grasp the direction of the current situation.

For example, the protests of the Bing Country and the opposition of the Mushroom Elf tribe were exchanged by the terms of the agreement to replace the rights and responsibilities of the two tribes. The rights and obligations of the two tribes were exchanged.

In short, I will deliver the food you need for you, and you will send soldiers to fight for me. However, the terms of the agreement between us are still in accordance with the standards of the League of Nations. It is just that we have a supplementary cooperation agreement. We have each ensured that we have fulfilled the obligations that the alliance needs to perform and obtained our respective dues. Ownership.

Very pleased, Emperor Dorogo not only allowed the coagulation of the League of Nations to be further promoted, but also gained bilateral friendship.

There are too many cases like this in this universal meeting.

A total of three months of meetings were held, and no fewer than a thousand supplementary agreements were written.

Some of these agreements were handled by Emperor Torogo himself, while others were negotiated and handled by officials of the Ministry of Rites of the Alec Empire.

Everything is in order.

After all the dust settled, the representatives of various countries who came from afar to participate in the Universal Conference returned to their respective countries.

It was at this time that a secret front hidden under the League of Nations slowly surfaced.

The leader of this front is the revolutionary army that penetrates the bone that is currently hated by the Alec Empire.

And as a cover-up person, it is a faith organization respected by the whole continent, the Sacred Holy See.

Officially, the Sacred Holy See stood firmly with the Alec Empire.

But secretly, the people directly under the Pope in the Holy See contacted and communicated dozens of different countries and organizations for the Revolutionary Army throughout the Universal Conference.

These countries and organizations were invited to the Sacred Holy See as guests at the same time. In fact, it is necessary to unite to the holy mountain for a vague front alliance.

This kind of flattering behavior is naturally disdainful.

But in the idea of ​​the revolutionary army, the countries that will imaginary and vomit with the Alec Empire, and are willing to form a united front with the revolutionary army, whether they are sincere or not, are the targets that the revolutionary army must fight for.

Do not ask for their true feelings, but for the space to survive, to have a vast strategic maneuver zone, so that the revolutionary army can take root and wait for Romney's return.

With this kind of thinking, naturally half-hearted, it is not unacceptable.

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