Green hills and green waters, bamboo forests are full of enthusiasm.

The deer leap longitudinally and the migratory birds soar.

The mountain springs flow everywhere, and the mountains are high in clouds and mist.

Several bamboo houses are looming, and the smoke empties into the sky, blowing into the clouds.

The beautiful girl went in and out, doing laundry, cooking, and cleaning.

Grace chopped the unknown wood from the back mountain in the early hours of the morning. Split block by block, block block by block.

Sweat rained and wet his clothes, but Grace didn't care, just hacked.

"Don't you persuade the princess?"

Moni watched Grace slashing hard with some self-punishment, and looked back at Xi Luo.

"Let her release her emotions, it will help her return to her normal state of mind."

Xi Luo was a little worried, but he let Grace let go of the cathartic words.

"Oble has been out to explore the terrain for ten days, and he hasn't returned yet."

It was not the first day Moni asked Xiluo for her comfort. After hearing the answers that were similar to the previous few times, she changed the subject to Oble, who was out to explore the terrain.

"It's been a long time, but there are mountains and ridges all around here, and for a while, I really can't finish exploring."

"The appointed time hasn't arrived yet, wait a moment."

Xi Luo raised his head and glanced at the wooden bird flying in the air, switched his vision to perceive the surrounding movement, and found no return of Oble, nor any danger.

"Princess, the rice is ready!"

The two were chatting, Chun in the bamboo house suddenly ran out and greeted Grace who was chopping wood.

"You eat first, I'll finish cutting these logs."

Grace pulled up his shirt and wiped the sweat from underneath. The sudden appearance of the abdominal muscles made Chun's face flushed.

The princess is getting stronger and stronger, but what is going on with this strong masculinity?

"Ah, good, good."

"I'll bring food to the prince."

Chun nodded, stopped looking at Grace, turned around and ran to deliver food to Romney, who had been shutting himself in the house.


Grace gave a hum, looked at Romney's room from a distance, and there was a moment of silence.

Her tight-fitting corset and sackcloth wrapped around her were already wet at this time, but she didn't care. Only after seeing Romney's house, he continued to chop wood.

The sun moved to noon, and Romney did not eat today.

If he hadn't eaten for ten consecutive days, if Xi Luo always injects the nutrient solution for him in the middle of the night, Romney might already have a problem with his body.

The term ordinary people once appeared in Romney, but that was because of the seal of the Fashen.

But now he has truly become an ordinary person, and the ability to protect his fiancée in the past is no longer there, and a strong physique exists. What's the use in this world where great power is applied to the body? But it is a bigger ant, the strong one can squeeze to death at will.

If you can't get out of the knot in your heart, you can't get out of this bamboo house that escapes reality.

Romney was silent every day, and Grace chopped firewood every day.

It seems that two people are punishing themselves at the same time, and it also seems to be redeeming themselves at the same time.

Time passed quickly, and soon another twenty days passed.

Obler still did not come back.

Perhaps it was that something was wrong, and Xi Luo called everyone.

"Aubler may be in some danger."

"Now the bamboo house has four elements of barrier defense, and it is still safe."

"But we don't know anything about our surroundings. This is not a solution."

"His Royal Highness has not come out of the situation where the talent has been lost. We need to find a way to find out the surrounding situation by ourselves."

Xi Luo used wood as a plate and drew a topographical map with a radius of ten miles. The location that has been proven is the top of the mountain centered on the bamboo house, including the front and back of the mountain, the top and the side of the mountain.

Except for this area, other places are unknown.

Oble went out to explore, originally to retrieve some surrounding intelligence. But now that I do not return for a month, it has already exceeded the originally scheduled two-week period, I am afraid that something is in danger.

"I'll go find him!"

Moni looked at the map and spoke first. She is the only remaining guard besides Oble.

"It's not enough for one person. If you have to go out this time, at least two people will work together."

Xi Luo shook his head and rejected Moni's proposal. Oble rode alone and fell into an unknown problem. She can't let other people fall into the same problem anymore, so she must have multiple people in order to have a care.

"Moreover, there must be enough people here."

"Romney has no self-protection right now, and we need to pay special attention to protecting him."

Xi Luo looked up at the women around him, telling the possibility of dividing the troops.

"Then I will go with Monnie Big sis. I am from the ice type. I am more sensitive to the aura of Oble, who is also of the ice type, and should be able to sense him faster."

Dong looked at everyone present and interjected to suggest.

"Okay, then you and Monnie will set off together, and come back if you can't find Oble within ten days."

"This Mu Xin is for you. If there is a problem, it will be crushed. I can perceive the information transmitted from it."

"Oble also has one, but so far, I haven't received any information."

Xi Luo nodded, and the two of them going out happened to be the greatest mobility that could be mobilized at the moment. Handing over a special wooden heart for communication, Xi Luo, Chun Xia Qiu and other women, together prepared bags for Dong and Moni.

Grace did not participate in this meeting, she was farming.

With Picapee and the little goldfish next to him, the fields that Grace opened up on the hillside were planted with kohlrabi, cabbage, shallots, garlic, and potatoes.

The soil is rich in nutrients and abundant in moisture, suitable for cultivation.

She had studied farming with Romney for a while, and at this time, using this farming method, she was free of self-blame on her shoulders.

"Romney can't be reborn from a severed limb. You are the one responsible for the evil spirits, right?"

"The rock monster must not have this ability, limiting him to this level."


"Hehe, it's up to you to change or not!"

"I'm not in a hurry anyway."




The hoe fell, and layers of soil turned over and the sweat wetted the clothes again. A section of memory emerged in Grace's heart, scorching her heart all the time.

"Should I not make decisions for him in the first place?"

Another hoe fell, Grace asked himself.

"Should I not show up by his side?"

Wielding the hoe again, Grace asked himself again.

"Why did I meet him in the first place?"

She wielded the hoe several times and sweat dripped off. She had asked herself many times, but none of the questions had an answer.


Picappi, who was watching next to him, was distressed and uncomfortable. His small hands were put together, as if he was praying or worried.


The little goldfish was also nearby, squatting halfway, feeling as dull as Grace.

The sun gradually sets, and the day at the top of the mountain bamboo house will pass.

But the doubts in everyone's hearts did not change like the sun rises and sunsets.

On the contrary, it is deepening, deepening, and deepening day by day.

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