I Kill The Protagonist

Chapter 189 A Floating New Island

The sky was spinning around that day.

The mountain collapsed, and Romney suddenly fell into the abyss, and the women could not be rescued.

Grace also fell to the top of the mountain and rolled to the bottom.

Fortunately, Xi Luo reacted a little faster, but only grabbed Grace and the two familiars.

When they flew into the air, they had to return to search and rescue Romney and Chun Xia Qiu, but it was too late.

Hovering in the air, the panicked and distraught two women saw a scene of the change of heaven and earth.

The Pandaxian Island, originally under the vortex of the plane, ascending as a whole, and the small land-like islands floated up inexplicably.

The huge rift in the abyss tore the entire Demon Valley apart.

The ground was broken, mountains collapsed, mountain streams collapsed.

When all the dust settled, Pandaxian Island had already ascending to a sea surface.

The turbulent sea water slapped Xiangmu Mountain, which became a sea mound, and swimming fish and beasts abound.

Those who were stranded were suddenly turned into the air by the sky and the earth, and then fell to the ground in a free fall, crackling and playing a plane fission sonata.

The witty words also floated in the air, and saw Shi Luo and Grace, but she did not go to join Grace with the two women. After all, speaking, they don't know each other, but the witty remarks repayed their dreams because of their ancestors, and they have observed much of the second daughter, Romney and others.

Therefore, she was just rushing in the Demon Valley, or the territory she named the Faerie Mountain Range, to save the fallen beasts, the people who were still sleeping, and the babies that were born.

With many small lives, the witty words fell on a hill.

There are many spirit beasts in the Demon Valley staying here, as if they were fleeing in a flood. These beasts that originally lived in the mountains and forests are all anxious at this time.

The witty words saw such a desolate look of sentient beings, and cast a spell to sleep all the creatures present, including the babies.

"Unexpectedly, Pandaxian Island would float."

After casting the spell and sleeping peacefully with the panicked people and spirit beast, the witty words raised his head and looked at the sun that suddenly illuminated the fairy island, with some emotion.

The sun on Pandaxian Island is obscured by the fairy island enchantment. It usually rises and sets like the sun above the vortex of the plane, but it is actually misaligned with the real sun, just like watching fish swimming under the sea on the sea. generally.

Looking at the sky from the fairy island at this time, this dislocation has disappeared.

The dislocation of the sun and the sun disappeared, coupled with the influx of sea water and the change of heaven and earth, the result is obviously that Pandaxian Island has returned to the plane vortex.

This kind of change is amazing. It is the first time I have seen the magic word since its birth.

Not to mention the magic words, the first encounter, was also shocked by the great changes in the world, as well as all the Pandas in Pandaxian Island and the demons who were suddenly dug out of the cave.

At this time, a very strange scene appeared.

Pan Da, who was in a daze and panicked, looked at each other across a sea of ​​not-too-distant sea with the ghosts of the Devil's Cave, each in a panic on his own island.


"What's wrong?"

"Is it the end of the world?"

"Quack quack"

"Quack quack"


The noisy sound was full of noise, noisy and chaotic.

Clouds and mist swirled in the sky, and the sea was flowing backwards and undulating.

Ten thousand tons of huge waves smashed all around, and the endless sea in the south was shaken by the sudden appearance of two small continents.

All the groups of Life on the bottom of the sea were alarmed.

Heads of sea beasts and swimming fishes were crushed by these two small continents.

One by one sea tribes and murlocs were destroyed by these two small continents undersea cities.

The sea beasts and sea tribes, who were eager to figure out the situation, surfaced at this moment.

It was discovered that two small continents appeared out of thin air, crushing their original submarine territory.

They are completely crazy!

Anger and negative emotions infected the hearts of every Magical Beasts in the sea, and they roared and churned.

Grief, anger and vengeance urged the murlocs, variants of high elves, distant relatives, Naga, and variants of orcs, to jump out frantically.

The spewing waves that surged into the sky brought a sea clan and sea beasts rushing to the two small continents, rushing from all directions, and killing them all the way towards the islands of the small continent.

"Naga, let me kill you!"

"Roar!! Roar!!!"

"Gululululu, Gululululu!"


The naga living in the deep sea, huge sea dragons, crazy murlocs, and upgraded undersea orcs, went ashore without life.

The Pandas fought in chaos, and the ghosts furiously counterattacked.

The sea beasts, sea clan, Panda, and ghosts fight each other on their own small continent.

The Jin Ge on the sea rose into the sky, shouting killing, tearing body, mixed with chaotic running sound.

Under the drenching of blood, two small continents near the sea were stepped on, and the area was red.

"Quack quack!"


"Get together and protect Old Pan's children"

"Naga, kill it!"



The ghosts and the sea clan were killed fiercely, and the Pandas resisted in groups.

A Practitioner who has the skill of immortal martial arts, jumps up from the panda group from time to time, and rushes to kill the sea clan and sea beasts. A little bit of a messy Panda who fights on their own.

The ghosts were used to fighting indiscriminately, and the rebellious army swarmed, with the gurgling ghosts, the bone monsters, and the steel knife human head spiders rushing forward.

The blood fork, who quietly rushed up from the third floor of the magic cave beside the blood river, joined the chaos with the blood fork dripping with blood.

The blood was soaked, it dyed the sea red, and attracted more sea beasts.

The strange tide and the demons collided, with bursts of black air.

Looking down from the sky, the place where two small continents suddenly appeared is the endless sea south of the entire Sacred continent.





Just in the fairy island and the magic cave, each ushered in its first killing and robbery in this world.

Five fairy sheep rushed out of the Wuyangxian Mountain in the southeast of Xiandao and flew to the coast of Xiandao.

Each party of the fairy sheep eagerly echoed, connected together in the invisible void, gathered the Spirit Power in one place, condensing the Spirit Power to the extreme, and then with a boom, the Spirit Power was sublimated into a dazzling fairy power.

Xianli dropped a curtain and enveloped Pandaxian Island.

That is because the connection of The Three Realms was broken, and the fairy island barrier that collapsed was re-condensed by Wuyang Xianli at this time.

The brilliance of the sky suddenly appeared, instantly cutting the entrance and exit of Fairy Island and the open sea.

If a visible barrier was cut with a big knife, those sea beasts, naga, murlocs, or submarine orcs that could not dodge would be cut open by the barrier.

Guanghua's body was divided into two, into neatly cut pieces of meat.

There are five fairy sheep on Pandaxian Island, but no demons appear in the devil's cave to shelter the ghosts living in the bright face.

The only demon that appeared was the blood fork.

Among the three levels of the devil's cave, there are ghosts on the land on the first level, with the worst strength and the lowest level.

The second-floor cave was the residence of the original evil dragon, occupied by the lead demon, and now it is only a burial mound.

The three-layer blood river is where the demons live. There are blood river ghosts and evil dragons.

At this time, the second floor of the magic cave is connected to the Yellow Springs Road on Pandaxian Island.

Originally this kind of special underlying terrain did not exist, but because of the emergence of the two small continents this time, special passages appeared in the magic cave and the fairy island.

Part of the environment on the land surface sinks, and part of the environment below floats.

Unrelated places are connected, new and old terrains are mixed, making everything unfamiliar.

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