I Kill The Protagonist

Chapter 195 Fire Soul Decision Suddenly Appears (Two Chapters in One)

The wind blows, and the big snowflakes fall onto Romney's flames, and they melt before touching them.

The rustling voice sounded, and hundreds of polar dwarves stretched out their hands and yelled, and they charged up with a call sign.

The dwarves in the front row rolled over, fitting into a spherical shape and turning into large stones with grinding discs, and slammed into Romney.

The dwarves in the back row rubbed the mud and snow on the ground one by one, condensing them together and exerting talent magic, constructed into a hard snow mud stone, and then threw it at Romney.

The flames burned fiercely, and Romney faced the hundreds of dwarf falling rocks and slush balls that had hit him, with such a moment of hesitation.

In the past, his battles were fleeing through flashing, and then he carried out long-range magical strikes to produce lethality.

It is Romney's way of fighting to grasp the distance, strive for as much time as possible to cast spells, and release targeted magic attacks.

But now he became the Fire Soul clan, and he had only just gotten acquainted with some bodies, and he faced the terrible and vicious polar dwarves, so he didn't know how to face the danger.

He was hesitating, but reality would not wait for him. The polar dwarf that smashed madly, the front one had already been smashed.

In that half a second of hesitation, hundreds of shells exploded.




The continuous bombardment of the polar dwarves smashed the place where Romney was.

Romney, who was originally surrounded by flames, exploded under the ice under the bombing of that moment.

The flames were reduced layer by layer, and disappeared layer by layer, and then the wave broke without a trace.

Romney, who faced the smashing by the polar dwarves in his flesh, realized for the first time what pain was and what was continuous beating after he was reincarnated.

There is no such fragile body that can easily be smashed in the past, and the body of the Fire Soul Race is more than ten times harder than a human.

"Boom Rumble"

"Boom Rumble"

The ice collapsed under the bombardment of hundreds of cannonballs shaped by the polar dwarves themselves and the polar dwarves, and the snow fell out of thin air. The empty bottom was originally a huge abyss.

The place where everyone was fighting was actually not on a flat snowfield, but on an ice bridge.

As the bridge exploded, the polar dwarves and Romney fell into the abyss together, towards the unknown darkness.

Under the pitch-black ice abyss, the sudden influx of wind and snow made waves of sullen hollow noises.

The vast abyss was instantly filled with the wind and snow hovering over the polar region. Romney screamed in pain. It was the moment when the polar dwarves were falling, they kept climbing on Romney's body. Attacked him.


The polar dwarf bit every inch of Romney's exposed skin, and the steel-like teeth gnawed Romney's body.


The sound of skin and flesh biting is harsh, and the heart-piercing pain is always there.

Between life and death in a trance, Romney seemed to hear a broken sound in his heart.


That is the fragmentation of a certain seed and the growth of a certain adaptation.


A burst of fire gushed from the place where the sound was broken, and exploded all the polar dwarves around him.

A pair of dazzling gloves appeared where the flames suddenly appeared.

The glove was as red as fire, and the gold rim lingered.

The endless starlight bloomed in an instant, and the rays of light showed the secrets of heaven and earth.

"Fire Soul Jue"

This is the largest word presented by the starlight.

As soon as the three-character square appeared, he supported the panicked and traumatized Romney and repaired his broken body.

In a daze, Romney realized that he had entered another key node after reincarnation.Inheritance of Taoism.

Fire Soul Jue might have felt Romney's enlightenment, after his consciousness became slightly clear.

After unfolding the scrolls one by one, a sentence of cultivation method of the Fire Soul Jue appeared.

"All things in the world, based on mutual generation and restraint, and the operation of the secret method of the Universe, can form a cycle of natural mystery."

"The soul of fire determines the magic of heaven and earth, and uses the power of the star as a refining method to replenish itself and promote the soul of lamp."


"Father-born people can be attracted by their relatives, or they can enter the soul lamp from the Houtian, perform the Universe Star secret array, transform the power of the infinite star, and the spirituality born of the Qihuo Soul Race."

"Due to spirituality, they can have talents and secret skills, each is different, and each has the laws of the world. It can rise with the level of the soul of the lamp, and it can be strengthened successively like flames entering colors."


"To repair the power of Star, do not mix other energies in the body, avoid mutual neutralization or energy conflicts, resulting in abnormal explosions in the body."

"If you want to use the rest of the energy in the world, you can practice the Star Transformation Secret Method to turn the power of the Star into other energy for use."


"The energy of the universe is vast and infinite, and it is difficult for people to fully understand. The fire soul determines the power of the purest and true Star, and it is used to improve itself, use the body to enter the soul, use the soul to enter the fire, and use the fire as the lead to achieve In the scorching sun, you can also be like a Star."


"The levels of the flame light are based on colorlessness. After going through red, orange, yellow, white, cyan, blue, and purple, it then enters colorlessness."

"The color of the flame light is colorless against the infinite, and then there are the Huangxuanditian, Huanghongzhouyu, a total of ninth-level. It can also be subdivided by this level, and the energy of fireworks is divided into the third rank."

"The flame is divided into three layers: inner, middle, and outer. The deep color of the flame is often the first to turn in. The inner flame is the image that can be advanced at the current level. The outer flame is lighter, which is the same as the present. Three colors Mixed present, you can distinguish the level of the lamp soul of the descendants of the fire soul."


"The soul lamp is the place where the spirit and spirit of the Fire Soul race is stored. The soul lamp has a soul wall, which is used to protect the heart. The soul of the soul lamp is the embodiment of the soul, and it is also the essence of the fire soul race. Concrete."

"The extinction of the fire soul family lies in the extinction of the soul lamp. The birth of the fire soul family lies in the birth of the soul lamp."


A Dao Fajue expounding appeared, before Romney had fully understood it, he had already submerged in his soul lamp.

At his soul lamp, there is a ray of soul fire that is red on the outside, orange and yellow on the inside.

Above the soul fire at this time, it was enveloped by layers of densely condensed repeated inscriptions. But the inscription existed for a while, and then the inscription disappeared and melted into the soul fire.

Romney inexplicably got out of his hovering mid-air state and stood in the air.


"How am I flying?"


Romney, who was still in the air, came back to his senses and sensed that he was flying without loss, and the natural sense of suspension disappeared.

Out of control for a while, he fell into the abyss of the ice bottom again.


Feeling that he was about to be wiped out by the free landing of falling from a high altitude, Romney whirled and tried to fly again.

But the natural feeling just disappeared, but at this time, I didn't have a clue as to how to do it.

"Do not"


"I want to fly, the fire soul will definitely!"

"Fire Soul Jue!"

"Yes, the power of the star soul!"

"Utilize the power of the star soul!"

After rotating and falling for hundreds of meters, Romney came back to his senses and began to quickly try to remind himself of the fire soul determinations he had just seen.

But no matter how he finds it, those Fire Soul Jues are like hidden rabbits at this time, no longer appearing in front of him.

In a flash of inspiration, Romney remembered the effect of the power of the star soul.

He closed his eyes and listened to his inner voice.



That is the sound of the flame being blown by the wind of the soul.



That is the sound of the power of Star flowing through the meridians in the body, running towards the limbs.

At the moment of critical survival, when he is about to smash down the abyss and become those pieces of broken flesh, Romney flies!

He hovered over himself, sensing the power of the Star and the feeling of the Star on the plane, drifting freely, rushing up like a fish in water.


With a loud cry, it looked like a superman flying into the sky and transformed like a Saiyan.

The flames around Romney exploded again, and he was not blasted into the air because of the flames.

"Flying in the stars, without using the power of the Star."

"I don't know what happens when flying beyond the stars?"

To experience the different pleasure of flying with magic, the kind of comfort that does not have gravity but is assisted by the power of Star is something that Romney could not feel when he was a human.

He was already flying from the abyss, looking at the vast expanse of snow and the dark and hazy sky.

Romney gave birth to the thought of breaking through the barriers of the plane and rushing out of the world to take a look.

Longing for a sound to inspire implementation.

Just do as he thinks of it, Romney urges the power of the Star in his body to circulate the flames he has just learned to inspire, and then shoot straight out of the plane like a huge interstellar cannonball from mid-air.


Just let go of the near death just now, and the mysterious Fire Soul Jue was finished. Romney moved forward at full speed due to his emotions at this time.

It is pitch black outside the stars, and creatures multiply within the stars.

In the polar night sky, Romney’s rocket passed by, bringing up a line of fire from the ground to the sky.

The line of fire spreads up, like a ladder to the sky, all the way up.

All the way from the abyss at the bottom of the ice layer, burning towards the barriers of the god-given plane.

Soon, a huge thump sounded.

The dazzling line of fire stopped abruptly in front of the barrier and was pinched in midair.



His forehead was suddenly knocked by the plane barrier, and after a loud bang, Romney screamed and lost all his energy, falling to the ground quickly.


This feeling of losing control, Romney just experienced when he fell into the abyss.

At this time, the barrier of the impact plane could not be achieved, and I once again realized the involuntary and frightened sense of free fall.

Fortunately, this time out of control, it quickly recovered.

Romney was a kilometer away from the ground in mid-air, regaining his control of the power of the Star in his body, and hovering in mid-air again.

The fire blazed, Romney was shocked by the scene just now.

In this way, floating above the clouds, like a lighting lamp in the dark night of the polar region, reflecting a piece of snow, once again aroused the sound of ground rustling activity.

"No, I have to see where the barriers are."

"If I can't make breakthrough now, I will definitely make breakthrough in the future!"

Perhaps it is the newly acquired fun flying ability, and there is no need to use magic power to maintain the flight state as in the past. Romney is very eager to see where his own flight limit is.

So he didn't wait, and once again tentatively hit the plane barrier.


Again, Romney was knocked down by the hardness of the barriers.

But he was like a savage bull, and like a moth that was not afraid of flames, he kept pounding against the barriers."Boom!"



The polar dwarves rustling around, have not found the hostile target of own, they have witnessed a meteor reflection in mid-air with their own eyes.

This meteor always rushed from the ground to the sky, and suddenly fell back to the ground with a dumb fire, but before it fell, it ignited from mid-air and hit the sky again.

Repeated this way dozens of times, but it didn't fall.

After watching the scene of the meteor counterattack for half of the night, these polar dwarves looked at each other, and Qi Qi decided not to watch it again.

Wasting time on this meteor, the dwarves think it's better to go home and sleep.

Soon, the polar dwarves went home.

And Romney, who is considered to be a meteor in the sky, is still hitting the plane barrier constantly at this time.

Replaced by ordinary people, I am afraid that no one is so afraid of death as the impact plane barrier.

Even a sacred magician at the level of a magister, or a magic god himself, would not be fine to attack the barriers of the plane.

Whether it breaks through is not the key, but it is even more important to waste magic power.

But at this time Romney is not afraid of this kind of magical waste, because he has no magic at all, and does not need to consume any energy.

Therefore, when the short daylight in the polar regions arrived, Romney still happily hit the plane barrier.

The body is stronger than in the human period, and he has the talent to fly like a fish, and he can fly freely on the planets of the plane.

The flames protected Romney all the time, except for a little pain, this kind of impact did not lose him at that time.

Since there is no loss, don't you have a good time?

Romney, who was determined to try his limit, and who had a certain stubborn mood to release, went crazy and hit the plane barrier.

Fortunately, apart from the polar dwarves, there are very few other humanoid races in the polar regions. Those Polar Magical Beasts live all year round, and they will not come out for no reason.

It was the impact of Romney who was no one else, and it lasted for three days and three nights.


After hitting the plane barrier for the last time, Romney felt his head dizzy.

He didn't know if his energy was exhausted, or if he hit his head against the barrier for too long, he felt that his head was buzzing now.

"Huh, forget it, don't hit it!"

"We'll talk about it when we are stronger in the future!"

Emotions are released, and play is over.

Romney, who had a basic familiarity and knowledge of his own abilities, decided not to hit the plane barrier.

Randomly aiming a position, Romney flew over with a sound.

He fell on a polar iceberg, where there is a natural structure like an ice crystal bird's nest.

"Nature is really amazing!"

"Unexpectedly, such a big bird's nest can appear out of thin air."

"Tsk tsk, then I will live."

Looking around, no creatures were found.

Romney feels that nature's supernatural work is really amazing.

Without any wild crisis or awareness, Romney immediately occupied the bird's nest and decided to live here temporarily.

It may be the changes brought about by reincarnation, which also had a certain impact on Romney's original character and temperament. After becoming the Fire Soul Clan, Romney was very different from his previous personality.

In the past, he would definitely not go to live in some beautiful places casually.

And will be cautious, go to dig a cave by yourself, first understand the environment, and then judge what to do in the future.

But time has changed, reincarnated in another life, and Romney has come here. At this moment, he has the performance of leaving behind many things in his previous life.

It may be for release, or it may be for re-adaptation.

At this time, Romney lay directly on the ground and fell asleep.

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